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90s! :)
wherever you are, i'm walking over. sundays i like to hike, so i'll start moving towards your direction with my snow boots (and slippers in backpack).


Still below freezing at night here and snow slowly melting. We have had snow in every month of the year. I don't think I personally have seen it in July but I have seen hail in the summer. Don't think I could handle that heat. People will be going out in shorts here soon.

oops double post

I've already seen people wearing shorts and T's here🙄

boj, southern Arizona

It is hot here in the summer but, we do typically have low humidity, so it is more bearable than 90° with humidity. Monsoon does change that though, if we get one, maybe 2 months of higher humidity but, lower temps.

We had hale Thursday and 2 freezing nights this winter. That's why we live here though. Winters are our growing season and outdoor activities time. Summer is spent indoors after 10am and in the pool. It could be worse:-)

cwillie, brrrrr!

isthisrealyreal, southern arizona! :)

nice. i just need to climb a few mountains, swim through the jungle, wrestle some elephants, take a train, run, and i'll reach you :).

piece of cake.
(caregiving is much harder, right?)

see you very soon! you'll recognize me. i'm the one with the thousands of quotes.

on my mind...

this message is more for myself, but i want to write it here...
i'm sending lots of hugs/courage/strength to us all!!

some days are very hard (we worry about our LOs). some days are easier. the problems i find most stressful are the unexpected ones (example: last year suddenly i had to find new caregivers. i spent mannny days with my LOs, interviewing new caregivers) (we were very lucky and got extremely kind caregivers).

i'm lucky. i live in a beautiful place; can go hiking often, to de-stress.

my LOs are sweet. unfortunately, 1 LO is sometimes difficult/mean (especially during stressful times). when things are less stressful, my difficult LO returns to being sweet. both my LOs inspired, and continue to inspire me my whole life. :) :) i admire and cherish them.

i'd like to say something positive, something to give us courage.

i guess it's this:
i'm a strong believer in solutions. there is always a way.

i wish us to protect our own lives. we must not let our own life drown.

perhaps i can try an exercise:
if i were 99 right now, what would i say to myself today?

dear bundle of joy :),

you'll figure this out. keep your joy :). and when things get tough, go for a hike. listen to the wisdom of nature. there are answers there, too!!

sending more hugs to everyone!! :)

my new slogan:


i'm doing all i can (as we all are), to set things up for my LOs, so it's even safer. i really prefer prevention, than emergency/stress.

Today has been tiring. Dialysis, PT or an hour, too much company and to top it all off an attack on Aging Care from Karma 22 who very obviously knows nothing about me.

PHEW! Guess what! I received this message:
"At this time I have issued an additional refund of $1459.54, for a total refund of $3,046.54.

This is a full refund of the cleaning fee, all guest fees, 100% of the nights you did not stay, and 50% of the nights you did stay at the listing."

Feeling accomplished! that process of reporting an unsatisfactory stay at an AirBnB was absolutely, ridiculously difficult to achieve.

Tonight I am very happy to say, that I am in a very comfy hotel, beautiful bed, beautiful shower, very comfy, even a chaise. Watching basketball, drinking a beer and overall feeling very satisfied following an excellent dinner, a couple of beers and a job that is going well. A great showing on my house last week, and another showing tomorrow, a virtual showing, someone moving from the east coast.

Becky: Big hugs going out to you tonight. 💜

Glad: That's great!

Becky.. hang in there. Glad,, I am GLAD it worked out!

glad - Yay! That's awesome.

Just saw a wonderful ad on tv for airbnb ROFL! I am sure I just happened upon a really bad one, if something weird is going to happen, you can count on it happening 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Glad I saw an ad today for airbnb's too. I thought of you. ☺

Whoops! If something strange is going to happen, you can count on it happening to me! Throughout my life I have had fairly good results with complaint resolution. About 30 years ago there was a segment on, maybe, Regis and Kathy Lee about a woman that was so successful with complaints she started a business of it called "Rent a Kvetch" I remember thinking I could do that! Maybe Ricky Lake?

Yiddish, kvetch means “to press,” or “to squeeze,” whereas in English, it has come to mean “to complain.”

Yivo Institute for Jewish Research.

LOL, look what I found! From 1983, so probably 40 years ago! Time flies when kvetching!,1416525

Hello? Where is everyone? What's going on people? I can't find any of the usual suspects on here. Don't disappear people!

HI gershun - just busy getting stuff ready for someone to pick up and take to the dump. Oh why didn't I do this sooner???

How are you doing?

Hi Golden, just feeling lonely on here. LOL.

I know most people are busy but it seems like all my old friends on here (you included) are M I A these days. Or am I imagining it? Maybe I need to be busier. Then I wouldn't notice.

I'm fine Golden. Thx for asking. :)

Hope your move is going smoothly by the way.

Thx Gershun The move is going. Lots of work here at the house still. Condo keys get picked up tomorrow.

It is quiet here tonight.

Gershun: I know BOJ said that she would be off the internet for a bit.

Llama thx for the info. I know earlier this week people were saying they weren't getting messages and having trouble logging on too.

Gershun: You're very welcome. As Joy is routine poster on many threads, I thought that I would let you know.

Gershun, Isn't it unusual to go 20 hrs. with no one posting on this thread?
It is a very active thread.
Maybe you were a bit early tonight. The usual 'suspects' come on later.

I re-watched a movie last night: "You've Got Mail". It has many very funny lines to recall.

"It's not personal".
"What does that mean it's not personal?"
"If anything, it should start out as personal".

"I wish I had a river that I could skate away on?" A Joni Mitchell quote.

All these people moving!
May it go well for you.

Moving gives you the opportunity to get rid of stuff, downsize, and organize.

Wishing that I could move. To somewhere over the rainbow maybe.

Send: 🌈🌈🌈🌈 Here ya go!

I feel like I've lost my relevance on the forum, maybe I'm just too far removed from the stresses of caregiving now but hardly anybody comes here for the kind of advice I can help with anymore.

I get it CW. The newbies seem to be fewer hands on caregivers and many more with loved ones in facilites. What have others noticed? A post yesterday made me realize that the audience has changed. Labeling 65 as eldely?! Those are people my kids ages. Hard to.know what to think.

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