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Becky04489: I always appreciate your input on dialysis. As a nurse I often only saw patients who ran into trouble (true with MOST things; I dread blood thinners because of the problems I saw from them that had dire consequences); I often needed to remind myself that I was seeing those not doing well, while the ones who WERE doing well were home getting on with their lives.
Your mentions of your dialysis have given me needed perspective. I appreciate you.

Becky, you asked:

"How can you post under two different names? I thought most forums only allowed one poster from one IP address. And who has that much time on their hands?"

This issue pops up periodically. It's called "socking". One person creates multiple "socks", or "sock puppets", different identities, and posts with any number of them. Usually each sock puppet represents a different personality. Access to different computers so that IP addresses aren't identical is how they disguise their identities.

Decades ago I regularly visited a legal forum on which there were a number of sockers. I recall one guy bragged that he had 6 different IDs. He had access to multiple computers, at home, at work, and who knows where else?

Another one pretended to be a woman, initiating PMs with female posters, like me, so he could learn how women think.

There are some strange people in the world, and online.

The simple way to hide your identity online in order to create multiple accounts is to use a VPN.

I am NOT very knowledgeable about the internet. Don't know what a VPN is. GA that whole sock puppet thing is strange. I don't know why one would want to spend that much time on a forum.

Thank you Alva. Dialysis is my reality and I knew it was where I was going to end up eventually. I had plenty of time to prepare mentally and financially. I'm able to have my own equipment and a private tech with me. Plus I have a very supportive family. My only complaint is you can't snack during treatments and I don't like the way my distended army veins look.

Has anyone noticed the newsfeed is not working correctly? When I get to the bottom of the first page and click "See More" what I get is the top of the first page again. There is nothing different, it is stuck on the first page.

Becky, a vpn is simply an app you turn on to show another ip.

Sock puppets are simply those who come in with more than one up, ie two accounts. My iPhone and iPad have two ips, so I could just use that

Becky04889, a sock puppet is someone who posts under multiple identities, each different in some way.  Some men post as women, some post as men just with different personalities. 

I think at one point it was kind of a game.  I noticed on one forum that younger attorneys engaged in it more than experienced attorneys.   It might have been from boredom, as they typically get assignments that aren't as high profile, until they've established themselves.

They establish multiple accounts on different computers so the IP address doesn't lead to more than one of their fake identities.

I think also that some people have a sort of actor/actress interest and enjoy pretending to be others.

You mean to say with a simple app I can now be a dozen people?????? Wonderful news! Something to look forward to. Now I can make my overly long posts to EVERYTHING over and over and over again! (I still remember WorriedinCali telling me that I needn't feel obligated to answer EVERYTHING!
This has made my day! Now if only I were even SEMI-computer literate! I have to have the grandson over and make him dinner to get anywhere at all.

Yes CWillie, I was up at 2am posting. Insomnia don't ya know.🤨 I can go into a semi deep sleep for two hours and then suddenly I'm wide awake again.

As for peeing. I actually dream I have to pee. I quite often have dreams that I'm searching for a washroom. Lol. Fortunately I wake up and don't go in my pajamas.

Thx everyone for explaining the sock puppet thing. People would refer to them and I'd always go "oh, right" as if I knew what they were talking about. Really I had no clue.🤣

Up until this very minute, I was trying to figure out who it was that Peggy Sue was posting to, when she wrote: "Chillier".

That was the very first time I saw you posting on so early.
I slept in and did not wake up at 4:00, 3:00, or 2:00 a.m.
It was very hot, so once asleep, I could not wake up again.

Most of my dreams are never fulfilled, most of the time I am grateful because I dream that I was tripping and about to fall.

I've always had a very full dream life Send. My dream life is far more exciting than my waking life. I go on real adventures in my dreams.

Last night I was dreaming about Dr. Jeff, Rocky Mountain Veterinarian. He had a crush on me in my dream. Fortunately I woke up before anything happened. Or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it. LOL In case you are wondering he is one of those many vets who have reality shows. I watch a lot of them. Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick is my favorite. A good Irish Vet.

So I finally buckled down to work on my taxes 😳😰. This year I decided to try to auto fill my return and aside from the pain involved in logging onto the CRA website it sure seems easier... but can I really trust it?

I used a "sock puppet" to gather info on my nephew's ex-wife during the divorce. She posted pics of herself doing things during visitations the court ordered parenting plan restricted her from (like a night out drinking and drugging, or documenting she was bouncing from boyfriend to boyfriend homes on her every other weekend visits, or the guess where the boys are now taunts she posted to my nephew). A part of me actually enjoyed getting a copy of the paperwork she filled out when she transferred the older boy from one school to another and stated she had sole permanent custody and did not mention his father at all - not even as an emergency contact; that seemed to seal the deal on proving parental alienation to the judge and resulted in permanent custody to my nephew. I feel some sorrow for her losing custody of her tender years children but I still believe it was in the best interest of her children; an opinion that was recently reinforced when her brother was murdered by one of his druggie friends - the second generation to have a drug death. I have empathy for her, but not enough to risk her sons getting caught up in the party "life". At 17 and 13 they both are expressing a "not ever me" attitude I recognize from my father's view of his alcoholic parent. If they can stay away from drugs and live a life where they can hold a good job, buy a house, marry the woman they choose and raise a family of their own, I will consider my own life well spent. Sorry for the long post but sometimes the "sock puppets" are useful.

Gershun, oh my gosh, I also have those dreams where I am searching for a bathroom. I am usually in a large office complex, walking up and down the dim lighted hallways. I will find a restroom but inside the stalls are either out of order or in a mess.

The office building isn't in a city I am familiar with, but I find myself walking the same back alleys trying to find my way back to my hotel. Usually I can't find my car, either.

Hope dreams don't represent our future !!

I haven't had any dreams that I can remember for a long, long time. I used to occasionally get dreams about finding new rooms in old familiar places, sometimes they were old and dusty and sometimes they were big, shiny and new - those are supposed to be about opening your life up to new possibilities (probably why I don't have those anymore)🤔

Can't remember when it started, but I wake up every single night to go pee now. It really gets in the way of a good night's sleep! Annoying! At least I don't have dreams about searching for a bathroom... :-)

My love life in dreams is totally random but entertaining. Sometimes the object of my affection is a made-up character, sometimes it's a friend who I'm definitely not attracted to. Dreams are funny that way. I agree with other posters who've said in the past that ambien causes weird stress dreams, and so unfortunately that's common for me now since I take it most nights. Stress dreams for me are always some interpersonal conflict, which I've read is a common theme for women's nightmares -- family conflict, negative emotions. I don't have nightmares or stress dreams about getting attacked, I dream about not getting along with people. Weird brain stuff.

I don't think any of it means anything but I'd be curious what a psychologist who uses dream analysis techniques would say. Maybe, "Get off the ambien, then we'll talk." lol

FF In my dreams where I'm searching for a bathroom I usually end up in an old dilapidated bathroom. It's usually for men and women and I'm trying to hold my pee in while trying to find privacy. LOL

Yes, I hope it's not a preview of my future. Ye Gads!

Gershun: So do you think that you're dreaming in the two hours that you're fast asleep? How interesting.

I do most of my dreaming just before I wake up Llama.

My stepson is a CPA. He did my taxes this year. They were more than I could handle.

Llama, the lake is Pushaw Pond, north of Bangor, Maine. It's very quiet on the cove where I live. The other side is more populated and has a public beach.

Dd in hospital again with low potassium, dehydration and very low BP (39/49) on standing up. It is ok when she is sitting. She blacked out a couple of times at home and is now on iv. They are working with her doctor to monitor dd after each chemo session to catch the potassium and dehydration earlier. It's the D (diarrhea) that does, it of course, but she is taking everything they have given her to stop it and it's not enough. Prayers please. She is feeling OK now but fed up with having to take her pole buddy with her everywhere. She knows she needs to stay there until her potassium and BP are stable.

Gershun: That's amazing. I only dream if I sleep well and I guess I had sleeplessness sympathy for you last night. Just about 3 hrs isn't enough.

Becky: Ok - thanks. It sounds idyllic.

Golden: Oh, no! So sorry that your DD is back in the hospital. That IS a low blood pressure. Prayers sent for her and for you.💛

Oh golden, I am so sorry to hear your daughter is struggling with treatment side effects so.

I will keep you all in my prayers.

Just a thought, I always fed overripe bananas to the little ones to stop diarrhea, I wonder if it could benefit her. High in potassium too.

Golden, I'll start praying for your DD as soon as I finish posting this.

Dear Lord, please bless and keep Golden's daughter in your loving care and restore her to good health. In Jesus Heavenly Name. Amen!

Golden, hope dd gets to feeling better soon.

well the insomnia talk jinxed me. I don;t sleep well at any time these days, but last night I only got about 2 hours. I actually called out of work because I knew no way was I safe to drive an hour into the city, work 12 hours, then drive home. Nor would my patients be safe. I think I will sleep tonight!

Long, long day. Dialysis, trip to nephrologist and endocrinologist. spent most of the day up and in my wheelchair. Very tiring, plus my ankle and leg are painful this evening. I'm headed to bed.

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