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My PT increases to two hours tomorrow. I'm a little apprehensive with two hours of PT on top of three+ hours of dialysis. But I would like to make more progress. I guess it goes back to my husband's NFL mantra "no pain, no gain". He had had numerous ortho surgeries and firm believer in the more PT, the better.

Hello all,
Just checking in. Doing ok, but miss my mother a lot. Joined the YMCA a while back and took up skiing again. Trying to keep myself busy. Go out almost every day. Went to the beach yesterday with family. It is different now that my mom has passed. I know that life will never be the same, but moving on as best I can. I will be going back to work in September. We all took the time off until September but looking forward to working. We eat out every single day since my mom died. I guess it is emotional eating for all of us but that needs to stop. We have to find other things to do besides eating. I still don't feel like cooking since mom passed, but I am hoping by the fall I will start up again because I enjoy it very much. I reconnected with some old friends from high school and my previous job. I decided to write a book and I am checking out some publishing companies now. I will see where it all leads and if God willing it will happen. I am following what the CDC recommends, but my attitude has changed and I live my life without any fear of getting Covid. I hardly ever wear a mask unless it is required of me. Before my mom passed we were taking extreme precautions and even wearing two masks and we still got Covid and my mom died of the disease. Started back to church after two years. I am happy I have wonderful memories of my dear mom and I will hold her in my heart forever. Take care and have a great summer. Hugs to all of you.

Two nights a week in a hotel since the airbnb fiasco, disgusting, fiasco! It isn't easy, I don't know how people travel all the time for their jobs. But, at least with my situation, I am home five nights a week. That is comforting and relaxing and a relief.

Increased PT hours are tiring. Maybe I can do or maybe not.

Now middle daughter has Covid. GD is going to get shuttled between ex, preschool and us as long as she and her dad test negative. Her preschool teacher taught her a wonderful thing--snort like a dragon when there's you! MAKES more snot!

DH last uncle is dying of pancreatic cancer.

Becky: Take it easy.💛

EB: Good to hear from you.💛

Barb: Prayers for middle daughter and uncle.

5 year old, in addition to snorting like a dragon to make more snot said to the technician "please don't stick it so far up my nose".

So he snapped the swab in half. She said "thank you, that's better".

Barb, that one could go on the jokes thread. Hope DD is feeling better soon.

Had an ah ha moment. For over a year I was wondering why I was experiencing a bit of oiliness on either side of my hair, above the ear, starting the day after I would wash my hair. I tried changing shampoos and conditioners, with no luck. Then I stopped using the conditioner, still no luck.

The more I thought about it, it dawned on me it could be my pillows. Not the pillows themselves but the pillow cases. So on the last wash I didn't use a dryer sheet in the washer. BINGO. Apparently there must be some type of oil on those dryer sheets. I always use the unscented ones. And use whatever major brand is on sale.

Last night, while in bed watching TV, I used the top sheet to clean my glasses to see what happens, as I use to get smears on the lenses. No smears at all.

Just food for thought.

I've never understood the reason so many people use dryer sheets and fabric softeners.... I've tried them to see if they help to reduce static - nope, it's not that. Fragrance? But then why have unscented ones? Softness? All that pummelling in the dryer is what softens, it's not the dryer sheets. And I don't feel any difference when I use a fabric softener for line dried clothes, it's the weather that is the main factor there 🤔

Studies have shown that fabric softeners and increase in asthma and other lung conditions are linked.

They should come with a black box warning, IMO.

BB, your 5 year old sounds very clever and comical.

I bet she made that techs day:-)

In regard to the dryer sheets, we found out our cat was allergic to them. She was licking all her fur off her stomach. I tried switching foods and other things she might be allergic to. When I stopped using the dryer sheets, the licking completely stopped and all her fur grew back. There are chemicals in those sheets.

Instead of fabric softener, I use the wool balls made for the dryer. They work great.

When I changed shampoo to non-sulfates to protect my hair, I had the same oiliness in my hair. I used to use the clear, "clean" formulas, plus washing my hair 3 times with a different shampoo. I can't even use "light" hair conditioners anymore.

Maybe the dryer sheets are a factor, if you use them. But we use dryer balls, wool dryer balls-lol-they may have minor oils too?

The hairbrushes are all cleaned more often.

A mystery, if others have also experienced the increased oiliness in hair just behind the ears, let us know. Could this be just a getting older change? The only other difference in my hair is failure to use hair color. This oiliness is new.

I agree that dryer sheets, hair conditioners, fabric softeners are toxic. I think I remember someone posting who had Lyme disease having sensitivities to these things.

Just last night, I was looking up MCS-Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, what a coincidence!

What could it be?

We can always count on you to tie up loose ends and graciously acknowledge everyone's post who has been overlooked that day. 💖

Thank you!

I'm allergic to dryer sheets and have to use unscented detergent. I get really itchy otherwise.

As for my hair. It's been horrendous lately. My bangs have a mind of their own now. I've developed a cowlick. Highlites don't take in my hair as well either. I guess it's age. Possibly covid? Who knows.

Send: Thank you, but I am not really great - insomnia kicks my butt some nights, making for a catch up day when I do sleep.

Llama, insomnia kicks my butt too. I feel ya!

I remember back when my Mom use to use a scented detergent [before non-scented was available] and then use a liquid softener of a different scent. Well, the clothes had a weird smell because of the mixer of both scents.

Oh how I miss Ivory Snow flakes for washing clothes. Everything smelled so fresh.

On the road at 6.15 this morning, home in need of quick food and undemanding tv.

"Film: Them That Follow. Olivia Colman stars as an embittered, God-fearing Bible beater in this soapy but compelling portrait of a closeted community of Pentecostal snake handlers deep in the Appalachian mountains. (15, 2019)."

She stars as a *what* in a community of *what*, where???

Too tired to find out.

Gershun: I feel for you with insomnia. Thank you.

this is just to wish everyone good luck with all you have to do!! :) i hope you can relax. i wish you an awesome saturday!! :) (i'll disappear again from internet for a while).

over here where i live, seriously, we had snow 2 days ago. crazy. (it's not normal). as some of you know, i tried my best (altruistically of course, on behalf of our whole planet) to bring murphy (from murphy's law), to court. i think it's time he gets sued for the weird weather. anywayyyy, he had an excuse every day, why he failed to turn up in court (he was on a cruise, plane got delayed, etc., etc.). (i'm a lawyer in real life). he seems like a friendly chap, i have to say.

anywayyyy, luckily, today, I AM able to relax. my LOs are healthy, all is ok. calm. lucky.

i'm outside right now, beautiful sunshine, sitting in my terrace, drinking tea & doing sudoku (while i plan my next court case). watch out, murphy!...if i see a single raindrop...

Countrymouse, Appalachia refers to a region of the US. Mountains of eastern Kentucky, southern West Virginia, eastern Tennessee. Mountain region. Fundamentalist church, very few congregations that practice snake handling. They bring poisonous snakes into the churches (usually copperheads) and handle them during worship. They believe that if they don't die from the snake bites it shows how faithful they are. They base this on a scripture that says to take up serpents and worship the Lord. Some snake handlers also drink small quantities of kerosene. I'm originally from West Virginia and I've seen some specials on PBS about these people.

Every once in a while we have a news article on a snake handler in the hospital for a bite or even once in a great while a death. A few years ago we had a custody battle over a shared custodial father taking his children to the services that went to our supreme court over religious freedom vs child saftey. Since there weren't any recent incidents of the people watching the snake handling getting bit, I think the children were restrained from being with 25 ft (?) of the act if memory serves. Most of us don't think God calls on us to prove our Faith quite that much.

This is my son..... 💖
Happy Mother's Day to everyone who is a mother, grandmother, aunt, niece, foster mom....
God Bless your heart!

God Bless your heart and Happy Mother's Day Send~

DD came and colored my hair including card and gift much earlier today.

Thank you Luckylu!
Happy Mother's Day to every kind of mother, young and old.

Dog and Cat Mothers too!

Pregnant Mothers too!

Mothers who are 365 days a year!

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