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Send: You are beautiful and your son is handsome.

Happy Mother's Day Llamalover!
Must feel nice to have your hair colored. So nice of your DD!
Thank you for your kind compliment. That photo was so many years ago.

Strange night in this hotel last night. Person above was pacing/marching, loudly, nearly all night long. At one point a growl, just weird. I thought about calling front desk. I didn't, but someone must have. Checked the weather and.smoke levels outside and two police cars out there. It is also fairly quiet upstairs. In spite of all the noise, I was exhausted last night, I slept fairly well.I

Smoke in the air is awful from the New Mexico fires.

Made a grocery run to restock on veggies and after school snacks (bananas, clementine tangerines, small fugi apples, and popcorn). The small fugi apples (which the 7 yo prefers because they are easier for him to hold) were 90 cents cheaper per pound than the large apples! Also got a few blueberries and strawberries just to spoil the kids. Fresh local tomatoes and SC peaches! Just love this time of year with the early produce and the local greenhouses selling plants!

Dd is going for her 5th chemo tomorrow. She is experiencing anxiety about all the cancer being destroyed. Prayer for success in all ways would be appreciated and for peace for her. It has been good for me to be at dd's. She says talking with me has helped her.

There is equipment in the back yard - finally. I am very thankful. My house will be back to normal soon. Yay!!!! 🚿 🚽 💦🛀 🧺

Prayers sent for all of you.

Tell DD she is going to be cancer free and have her life back before she knows it.

Golden, all good things for your daughter! She is in my thoughts.

golden: Prayers sent for your daughter.

Fires. It has been so dry and, yes, the winds continue to blow just drying things out even more. Four fires today in one city appear to be contained. It is going to be a busy summer for fire fighters.

Got out of the hospital this afternoon after two nights. My blood sugar dropped too low and it was difficult to get regulated, but all better now. My endocrinologist started me on a new prefilled insulin. So far , so good and easy to inject. I've never had this kind of problem before. I guess another one of the joys of aging - system changes. He also recommend a new cannabis gummy for my diabetic neuropathy. My stepson is going to pick up for me tomorrow. We don't have a close by CBD store or pharmacy. They're not supposed by to interfere with dialysis. Always something.

Becky: Sorry that you were in the hospital and glad that you're feeling better now.

Happening now:
Blood Moon
Total Lunar Eclipse
Live streaming Lunar Eclipse

Photos online.

Did you watch the eclipse Send?
It was rainy here but I wouldn't have been sky gazing in any case, I did that in my teens and IMO it was about as exciting as watching paint dry.

Yes Cwillie,
My dH and I did go outside, got in the car to drive just down the street to a viewing place and saw the blood red moon low in the sky. Once we saw the night sky and the blood red moon, we came home. We did not stop to watch it or even 'make-out' like teenagers.

Not sure, but watching paint dry might even be exciting to me right now.

Sometimes, I will go outside when it rains. If we had snow like you have, I would be out in it, possibly sliding down a hill sitting on a trash can lid just for the experience.

Crazy lady continues doing crazy things. What I think but can never say.

First, prom night she arrives at the prom because it's "her weekend" (visitation) and she forbids her 17 yo from attending prom. Sheriff's deputy reads thr custody order and points out 1) it requires the children to be able to attend their events regardless of who has visitation 2) her ex has custody and grants permission and 3) it is not the sherriff's dept responsibility to "make" 17 year olds go home with a non-custodial parent.

Second, her 13 yo is in my living room with a couple of friends watching an Avengers movie marathon so he's "safe". After the high school altercation, she shows some sense and doesn't show up here.

On mother's day, the boys take cards and gifts to her house - and she tells them she still mad at them and they continue to abuse her and to get out: she doesn't want to see them.

This past week she goes on a beach trip with lots of Facebook posts about how much fun she is having - while not answering any of the boys' calls. While her 13 yo spends more time at my house, even sleeping over in "his" bedroom several nights.

I enjoy taking him shopping for summer sports needs, clothes and shoes; having him here for meals or shooting baskets with friends. I HATE he feels he needs me or his dad around to "protect" him from.his mom. His dad's position is the boys can still visit their mom whenever they want to but he is not going to make them see mom. If she doesn't like it then she can take him back to court where he can document her multiple infractions with the custody order (including prom night's police report).

I'm worried this nonsense is going to go on through the summer. 13 yo wants to attend basketball and football practices and work with his grandfather (her father) in his country store but he's already worried mom will show up. The poison of one person's mental issues rains on many people... I encoraged the boys to see their mother on mother's day and take her a card. I told them she would probably still be angry. I never saw her refusing to open the cards and telling them she didn't want to see them. I don't think I can encourage them to initialize contact again. I have no idea how to cool things down.

In spite of the drama, life does go on. The depression (?) that settled in approaching mother's day has lifted. The court has appointed me my exSIL's permanent guardian with her agreement; she's also agreed to stay in AL. Its very convenient for most of her relatives and friends to visit and she has several.visitors a week (more than when she was in her apartment) so at least someone is happy.

Stop encouraging the kids to visit their mother. She is damaging them psychologically and you should tell them it is ok for them not to see her.

Because it is ok for them not to.

Just because she gave birth to them does not give her the right to be abusive to them. Would you encourage an abused woman to see her abuser? No. So why do that to kids?

A child should not have to live in fear that their crazy unstable mother is going to show up at his sporting games and create a scene. Not cool at all. She should be locked up in a mental institution.

Sp, I won't make that mistake again. My nephew is seeing an attorney about going to reduced supervised visitation. The older boy will be 18 in January (and beyond visitation) but the younger will only be 14 in Aug.

I concentrating on giving him everything he needs to really pursue his high school sports. Arranging some batting instruction and hitting a few ground balls to improve his fielding. He really enjoys being with the teams and being one of the better players so we're going to try to max that out and keep him busy.

Golden, how's DD doing? Is the 5th treatment the final one, or are there more, depending on assessment results? 💕

Hey everyone! Spring is finally here where I live. 🌺 Took forever. The news reported there was a single sunny day in 43 days. The weather went from the 40s to the 90s in a week.

TN, all I can think is that I'm SO glad you're stepping up for these kids. It's invaluable. They need someone stable and supportive. Too bad for them it's not their birth mom.

ali - this is the 5th of 6 chemos. Then surgery - tentative date July 29th. After that she gets 6 weeks of daily radiation. There may well be additional chemo of a different kind after surgery. It depends on her progress. She is nauseated this time but otherwise doing reasonably well. As we understand it this chemo is the hardest part of the treatment. She is looking forward to it being over.

So nice to see spring. We don't have your temps (thankfully) but nice warm sunny weather. The dandelions are flourishing!

I am getting over a nasty throat infection of some kind. I stayed in bed all of Sunday and left Rocky in the basement at home all day. This morning she was OK when I went over. The new dig has not started yet. The guy says he has to get signatures - approvals, I suppose, and that wouldn't happen on the weekend. Hopefully it will be done this week.

Glad your prof gave you an extension. Look after yourself. You carry a heavy load with work and studies.

golden: Prayers for you and DD.

dear golden, i'm sending prayers!

Golden, always have you and yours in my prayers.

As for me, still feeling unwell. I've got muscle pain in my upper body. So bad the other day I couldn't move my head even. Plus feeling hot. No temperature, just a warm feeling all over. I did a Rapid Covid test kit and the result was negative. I've read and heard from others that they've done a test kit at home, still felt lousy, so went to a center where the test came back positive. I've been feeling like this for two weeks now so doubt I'll waste my time doing that. I've got a phone appt. with my doc on Friday.

Other than all that everything is hunky dory! LOL

Gershun: Prayers sent. Hope you feel better.

Thank-you Llama!

Gershun: You're welcome.

Cute kitty avatar!

Thx Send! My silly billy cat Henrick. Worried a bit about him. Please say prayers for him everybody! He doesn't seem himself lately.:(

I am trying to find out whether it is really true that one of the three brand new "frailty" wards our local general hospital has just had built is really underground, with no natural daylight, or whether my client's depression is so severe that this is the impression she formed during several weeks' stay there and is now her sincerely held belief.

I can't tell from the various media photographs of the grand opening, or the ward map, or any articles I've read about it. I may have to go there on some pretext and have a look.

I just wish I could put it past them.

Reading up on the BBC "frailty wards", it appears the system is as broken as in the U.S.
I would not put it past them to put the frail elderly in the basement. So sad.

But you keep on, carry on. It is people like you who care, one patient/client at a time that can really make a difference.

What matters now is that your client is out of there and under your care.

Still, one wonders....sick an investigative reporter to shine a light on the problem. Often brings public opinion to the rescue. imo.

Frailty wards.........sounds ominous.

When my mom was in the rehab facility I remember sitting with a man and his mom who he was visiting. He and I were discussing our mom's situations. He said "when you leave tonight, check out the third floor, you don't want your mom to end up there" When I went down in the elevator I took a peek. So sad! A version of hell!

As for what Send said about contacting media. It works. Even just a warning sometimes snaps people into shape. My mom had one of those alert buttons that contacts someone if you fall. When we returned it they kept charging us monthly. I made calls and they kept on charging us so I threatened to contact our local news station. Voila! I got a call right away and it got straightened out immediately. The squeaky wheel does get the grease sometimes.

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