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Gershun, how is your cat doing?

I said some deep prayers for him last night and today he seems perkier. God is Great!

I was going to run him to the vet but I may hold off on that for now and just monitor him closely. He is 14.5 years old and I have to remember that he is going to slow down. A vet poking and probing him may just stress him unnecessarily and we did just have his blood work done recently.

Thx for asking Barb! I'll keep you posted. Please keep praying for him everyone.

Strange car color I saw today. The only thing I can think to call it is abelone. And from the looks of it actually may the dark. Now that car said "LOOK AT ME"!

Physical therapy and dialysis make for a very tiring day.

Becky: Get some rest.💛

good luck becky, courage!! :) :)

Today is the 2nd birthday of my dad's since he died. It is amazing how our minds work or don't work, we had something happen that I knew he would enjoy hearing and I thought I should call him. Maybe because it's his birthday?

Anyway, I know I will see him again someday.

My seven year old grand-nephew will not be promoted to second grade: apparently the dyslexia bug has stuck again (:>(. His mother started a meltdown over "nobody had better say nasty things" about it to him. Thirteen year old responds "you mean like you and your older son did to me? Its not that he's stupid or too lazy to learn to read?" He has accepted dyslexia meant it took him longer to learn to read and his all As except for one B gradecard documents he's not stupid, BUT he's not forgotten his stepmother's or step-brother's comments on his earlier struggles. I'm proud he now has the confidence to stand up for himself even if it causes some uncomfortable moments for his parents as I'm sad his younger half-brother will face this challenge. I don't think the younger boy has dyslexia as bad as his older brother does based on how he's learning to read youtube and other pages on the fire TV interfaces and the books and magazines we read together.

Three grandsons getting married in June in Atlanta. I'm not going to be able to go. Dialysis, wheelchair travel - it's all too much. They were all raised in Maine and besides family have friends here. Friends are having a group bridal shower next weekend. I'll get to go to that.

hugs to everyone!! :) :) courage!!

i said this before; then ended up coming back every day :).
but this time, really...

i'll be gone a while; i'll return.

hugs!!! :) :) :) :)

My 13 yo grand-nephew cleaned up on Awards Day! Perfect 100 year long scores in math and science! Language Arts and an school pride award for repeatedly helping out without being asked! Pretty good for a dyslexic boy!

We went out for lunch to celebrate. Tomorrow is a spring scrimmage to raise money for the middle school and high school football programs; probably the only time the brothers will share a field (entering 8th & 12th grades). Then 6 weeks off before practice starts again!

Tntechie, well done grand nephew!

No words 😢💔😖

Back in the hospital. I have to have one of my dialysis accesses fixed. Not a big deal, just a nuisance. Hope they don't find anything else wrong.

No words, more tears. 😢
Texas 😦😟😭

Becky: Hope that you're able to go home from the hospital soon.

I'm feeling extra sentimental right now.

I finished my latest school term tonight. I'm beat. Just wanted to share with my friends here because I'm proud of myself and I know you will be proud of me, too. lol It's a lot of work but I'm pushing through. Next up: final term and graduation.

At times it still doesn't seem real. I felt so broken just a few years ago and was coping with all the health and mental unwellness issues that came on during my caregiving situation. I was unsure of what kind of future I could have after caregiving ended. It's turning out pretty decent so far. I'm thankful. My energy levels keep slowly improving and my anxiety disorder keeps lessening, and I think that's in large part due to the good information I've received from this forum about supplements and self-care. And the support found here has made a big difference in my life.

Hugs all around. I love you guys. Thank you. 🤗

Send, CW: I heard about it from a roommate and had no energy to spare at that moment to process yet another mass school shooting. My heart breaks for victims and families. What can even be said...

Congratulations on a job well done!
You did this while having some enormous challenges.
Your future is looking brighter now!
We love you too!

We are all going to have to step up to protect the children, even other people's children.

Agree with you Send. Just when one feels the stress of dealing with what seems as though a life way past its prime a horrific even occurs and so many parents are without the ability to nurture the future of their child. I know there is a God but it becomes so very hard to find the ability to grasp that reach for solace. May all those suffering with the loss of their precious children find the strength to continue on to help whomever in their lives around them.

Congrats, Ali you're right we are all proud of you!

Broken hearted for the world, all the hearts that are broken over the Texas shooting yesterday, especially the families of those lives taken.😥

Ali: Congratulations! Proud of you!

In agreement with you, my faith is shaken at the violence in the world.
And I cry out to my God for understanding because I know that
I cannot grasp it.
He is faithful.

Logging out tonight.
Wednesdays is a popular time for destructive trolls, and I don't want to even deal with trying to decide which ones. There are already many wasting peoples' valuable time.

Everyone else, have a good night, and stay strong!

(Caregivers...your time is valuable-all the time!) 🧸️🧸️🧸️🧸️

We have chocolate in the house, come on over!
Brownies, Salted Caramels, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Chocolate covered Almonds.
And other non-chocoholic foods:
Berry Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream
Bear Claws

All comfort foods.

Going to go hug my dH.

dear send :) and everyone,

sooo, i was gone from internet, and that break lasted 47.3 hours, haha - here i am again. but seriously, i'll disappear now for a while.

it's just that i saw this (what you wrote, Sendhelp):

"We have chocolate in the house, come on over!
Brownies, Salted Caramels, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Chocolate covered Almonds.
And other non-chocoholic foods:
Berry Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream
Bear Claws"

what??????????? I'M COMING OVER RIGHT NOW TO YOUR HOME!!!! :) :) :) :)

i want to gobble all of that.
since you've never met me, it might be hard to recognize me at your doorstep. but i literally look like a bundle of joy. you can't miss me.


bundle of joy :)

congratulations ali! :) :) :)

hope you're ok, becky!! get home soon!! :)

(((((((ali)))))) You're awesome! 💃🎈🎉

I'm still in the hospital. Had a couple of tests that didn't turn out quite right. Maybe tomorrow.

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