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Becky, big (((((hugs))))).

Ali, I'm SO proud of you! May you go from strength to strength!

Becky: Hugs.

bundle of joy,
Of course I would recognize you!
There is never anyone coming to our doorstep except Instacart deliveries.

Sorry we could not wait and the chocolate caramels are gone.

get well very soon, becky!! :)

haha, sendhelp :).

don't worry, i'm verrrrrry patient (when there's chocolate). i'll just wait at your doorstep till the next supply.

looking forward to gobbling it all down,

bundle of joy :)

Home from the hospital this afternoon. Going to have to have another cardiac procedure. I need a zipper put in my chest. Waiting until weddings and June vacations are over. I have friends from WV arriving tomorrow to visit until Wednesday. Haven't seen them since last year. Busy weekend with the big bridal shower tomorrow night. At least keeping busy keeps my mind off negative things.

Becky: Hang in there. Hugs.

hugs to you becky!! :)
and to all going through a rough time!!

On my mind - hoping to hear soon that my water will be turned on again. It's been over a month, since April 22, without water and sewer. As far as I can see the city and the contractor worked together on Friday to finish repairing the pipes (2 breaks - one on my property and one municipal) and the excavation holes have been filled in. Part of it has been a gong show - the project manager obviously hasn't done this before which has prolonged the whole process. The city requires that the homeowner demonstrate that there is a break on city property before they will act. I gather this is not unusual. It's anyone's guess when I will be able to put the house up for sale. The backyard needs to be landscaped now - as part of the repair.

Still staying at dd's but spending time at home every day. It certainly isn't ideal but manageable. I am recovering from a bout of bronchitis - too much stress I guess.

It's been a very challenging 6 months since ex died. I think I am burned out somewhat and have done little in the house. recently. Time to get back on track and toss/ donate more stuff. R is in the early stages of replacing the carpet in the condo with hardwood. I couldn't face vacuuming again.

Dd goes for her 6th and last chemo this week. She did pretty well last time but is very tired which, we know, is par for the course. Her surgery is set for the end of June.

Dgd and her bf have plans to move south to the city. I think this is a good thing. Dgs is feeling the stress but hanging in there going to school. for the most part which isn't always easy for stressed teens.

The weather has been strange and trees are leafing and flowering a month late. I saw the first crabapple blooms yesterday. A welcome sight! The dandelions, of course, are doing fine! Looking forward to, hopefully, a less eventful few months and getting the house sold. Summer is a great season here.

Memorial Day 2022 🇺🇸

Hubs and I have our 41st wedding anniversary today.. stayed at the river for 3 days and just relaxed. Home today and its in the 90s! seemed much nicer there, but then again we were on the boat a bit. Boy is it different now then when DD was younger,, place was full of her friends and laughter and noise! I miss it but they do grow up and move on. Overall the entire river community we are in is getting older.. not so many kids running about, less boats. Seems like the kids and grandkids have other things to do, or are too into their electronics to want to chill outside and fish, play and the like. Hubs cousin did come down, and we always feed the one nieghbor when we are down, he is a hoot! At least for July 4th DD and some of her friends and their kids will be down.. it will be my 64th birthday! Her friends have been like my own children, so they don't let me down for that one!!

Happy Memorial Day to all my American friends! Happy Anniversary Pam!

happy anniversary, pamzimm!! :) 41st!!! amazing :).

Happy Anniversary Pamzi!

pamz: Happy 41st Wedding Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary and HB Pam Z. Things do change.

Finally I am back home with water and sewer!!!!Yay!!!

Several of the workers have remarked that it shouldn't have taken this long. I agree but there wasn't much I could do. Maybe I will follow up once all the work is done. I did talk to the city and the my insurance rep without much effect.

Apparently someone has switched my lawnmower for a defective one. Sil was looking at it and said its not mine. The back fence has been partially dismantled for a while now so it would be easy to do. I doubt I can put it as part of the claim but I will ask. New sod should be laid soon to repair the lawn.

Dd has her final chemo of this lot tomorrow. She did pretty well last time but is very tired. It was good having some extra time with all of them.

Hoping there will be no more extraordinary events around my house for a while. I don't need any more challenges for a while. Happy to be in my own bed tonight!!! 😊

Happy anniversary PamZ!!

Golden So glad you are back home and that DD is winding up the last of this lot. Hope she continues to do well.

Becky you are amazing. So much going on.

golden: Glad that you are back home.

Thx llama You can't imagine how happy I am!!!! 😁😁😁

Getting some catchup jobs done. Feels so good to be home.

Golden, I know that own bed feeling! Two nights a week in a hotel, and I am so happy to get back to my own bed! I can't imagine a month plus!

and it even isn't my bed. I am in the spare room pending getting my new mattress and dishwasher delivered. I can arrange that now and will not sleep in that bed until it gets moved south as I will set up the room for showing. However it is in my house!

The travelling must be getting tiring for you I am glad you got your deposit back. Is your house still for sale?

Welcome back to your old bed Golden. I agree. Nothing like one's own bed.

So I'm frustrated. I had my dr's appt. today. He did a very cursory exam. "Lift your arms, turn your neck this way and that way." Then sent me for x-rays.

I always feel brushed off by my doc. I feel that once a doctor has prescribed you with an anxiety or antidepressant drug they categorize you and treat you like you are a hypochondriac. I mean, don't people with anxiety and depression still get sick?

So I'll see what the x-rays come back with. I'm not hoping for something serious but I hope they show something just so I can get some relief.

" I mean, don't people with anxiety and depression still get sick?"

You are exactly right! People do!

What kind of blood tests did the doctor order?


He also didn't offer any kind of advice or anti inflammatory or muscle relaxant.

I know I need a new doctor but as I've said before there's a real doctor shortage here. I've been on the College of Physicians and Surgeon's website looking for doctors that may be taking on new patients. I've gone on waiting lists. No luck so far.

Have you ever tried a doctor of osteopathy, D.O.?
Or a physiotherapist doctor?

We discussed that. Waiting on the x-ray results and then will proceed from there.


Yes, house is still on the market, 3+ months now. Haven't had a showing in about a month. So interest rates are climbing, cost of living is absurd! And the cost of gas!

Thought about one of those cash buyer loans. What a racket! There is a "convenience fee" of 1.5%, then they will rent the new home to you. In my case that would be $150/night. The rent would then be added to the mortgage amount. The company that loans the money, actually buys the new home, then you buy from them when your home sells. I am waiting for this to explode, people are still taking these loans, and sales are cooling a bit. People will be really stuck in a financial mess it their home of origination doesn't sell!

Two nights a week I a hotel will be the status quo for awhile.

Gershun, I usually don't follow this thread but your recent contributions caught my eye.    W/o asking for detail on the injury/pain, are you still able to walk and get around?   You're so knowledgable that I hesitate to ask this, but what about heat? 

I have an herbal heating pad that isn't electric; it's heated in a microwave oven and releases aroma scented heat for sometimes 45 minutes or so.   I also used a muscle relaxer that I bought from my long time herbal supplier.   I've found though that Tiger Balm is close enough that I could use that as well.    I even used it at night, snuggling and wiggling around until I got the herbal pad positioned well.   

I began using muscle balm about 20+ years ago after testing it at a fall craft show, displayed by an herbal supplier from whom I eventually bought a lot of products.   Then I switched to Tiger Balm when the supplier seemed to have a glitch in her business.  

Both work equally well; I relied on the herbal supplier's product when I recently fell down the stairs and couldn't put weight on one leg at all for a few weeks.

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