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Meant to say physiatrist/M.D.

Physiatrists and physical therapists treat patients with the same types of conditions. However, physiatrists are physicians who have completed medical school plus four years of residency training.
A common misconception of physiatrists is that they are the ones who are actually performing the therapies. In general, physical therapists are trained in the clinical features of common musculoskeletal pathology, musculoskeletal examination, developing a treatment plan and exercise regimen, and physical modalities (including heat, cold, TENS). Physiatrists, on the other hand, make and manage medical diagnoses and prescribe the therapies that physical therapists will subsequently perform. Despite these differences, both therapists and physiatrists collaborate and communicate to ensure patients are receiving appropriate treatment.

I was seen by a physiatrist who treated me for periformis muscle pain.

My assistant has been in her position for five years. Her last day will be wednesday. Found one that we thought would work out well at least she emailed the next morning to say it just would not work out for her. She had asked my assistant if she would be able to take the laptop home and do work there. NOPE! You would think she would have asked sooner...

So looking again....

Today I emailed another candidate to request a zoom interview. She emailed back to ask if remote or hybrid was offered. I told her no, then no response, I guess she is not interested in the position, after all.😬😬

And here I am working remote, two days a week, but I don't live locally. Makes me feel kind of guilty.

This has become the state of the country. Seems every day there are stories about people not returning to work. Wasn't the blast one experiencing this trouble Elon Musk, or was it Bezos. And now they have dismissed all those employees.

Garden, thx for the "you are so knowledgable comment" I really am not. When it comes to myself and what works and doesn't work for me maybe I am. Know thyself and all that.

I am getting around. Mobility is not the issue for me. It's just this constant achiness all over especially in my upper body. My neck sometimes feels hard as a rock and I can barely look over my shoulder. If I want to look at something I need to turn my whole body to look. I've been using Voltaren gel occasionally and popping tylenol and Robax. I've got a rice bag that you can heat in the microwave or freeze depending on what you need. I use that too.

I advertised for a healthcare aide; I explained I was in a wheelchair. I called one of the applicants and her first question was could she work from home.

I went to my stepson's house this afternoon. His very small Jack Russell had puppies. His neighbor's beagle is the daddy. She had three puppies. I keep trying to imagine what they will look like when they are bigger.

Anyone watching "Come Dance With Me"? This is the first time I have watched one of these reality competition shows. It is child dancing with parent. I have got to say I am really enjoying it!

Very good friend with Covid has been in hospital for a couple of days with bile duct blockage. Procedure to try to clear it today was not successful. Trying again tomorrow. Has anyone heard of this happening?

Becky04489, I have a Jack Russell Shorty (see my avatar pic). That's Twinkie, aka the Jack Russell Terrorist. A JR/beagle mix would be pretty darned cute, imho ;-)

Glad, I've never heard of that specifically but then Covid symptoms seem to be so varied depending on who has it and any underlying conditions they may have already had. I hope your friend makes a full recovery.

I believe he is an antivaxer. Never asked, knew better.

Glad, I've only heard of bile duct blockage related to gallbladder issues and forms of pancreatic and liver cancers. Years ago one of my mother's friends did not seek treatment for her gallbladder issues until a bile duct blockage had resulted in a septic infection which eventually killed her. Although serious, my understanding is there are many treatment options that usually come to a successful result. Hope doctors find one for your friend soon.

I googled and it came up so it is a thing. That's the scary part of covid19, it can cause so many weird and long term effects and there is no way to predict who is going to be one of the unlucky ones.

Glad, a family friend (age 45) was recently sent to the ER for a rapidly advancing case of sepsis from an infected scrape on her knuckle. She is triple vaxxed yet came down with covid in the hospital (so we're not sure if she went in with the beginnings of covid or if she actually contracted it while in the hospital). The speed at which she declined was breathtaking and they had to transport her to a bigger city hospital. At first she seemed to rally but then it went downhill and we were literally on a death watch. They had trouble getting the fluid out of her lungs and had to put her in an induced coma, then on a ventilator. This all began this past Thursday. It was touch and go all weekend but then finally on Monday she turned the corner and she's out of danger, out of the coma and ventilator free. Did you read where I wrote she is triple vaxxed? My unvaccinated hubs finally got covid last month. At 65, he had a very mild case. Go figure. Please stop with the vax-shaming. It isn't a dependable solution.

They will transport to bigger city hospital if procedure to clear the bile today doesn't work.😢

gershun. Eventually you will get a new doctor. I know it is frustrating. The only ones accepting new patients here are, of course, the worse rated doctors.

Sorry about your friend, glad. I hope the problem gets dealt with locally. Also hope you get a new assistant soon. Can't believe you had snow this late. Here we are having the best Alberta weather - sunny and warm.

I bought a little electric mower and the young lad who had been doing jobs for me will come and mow tomorrow. I will store this one in the garage for safety. They are resodding the back lawn - most of it anyway. It may look a bit weird with an edging of the old lawn but should blend in soon and look good.

Some interesting covid news "A new study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that those with food allergies are 50 percent less likely to become infected with SARS-CoV-2."

Glad my allergies are good for something!!!

Strange about the food allergies, Golden. The only food Items for me are walnuts and scallops. The procedure was successful today! His blood pressure was high when his wife contacted me, could be the pain he said he had in the back.

Avs just beat the oilers. It was a great game!

NO! NO! Glad, I was voting for Edmonton. LOL

I think Edmonton's goose is cooked unfortunately.
Da*n you Av's!

Just kidding Glad. It's just a game. Stupid hockey @#)*^%$! Computer swearing don't ya know.


glad, wishing your friend well!! :) :) :) :)

Was anybody else terrified of daleks when they were little?

I have just seen three going down The Mall in the Platinum Jubilee procession.

I am a little embarrassed for my six year old self now.

We couldn't watch Dr Who when I was little CM. Wikipedia tells me that CBC cancelled it after the first season and it wasn't until 1976 that my brother became obsessed with the wonderfully campy series when TVO (TV Ontario) began airing old reruns. To be fair to your 6 year old self, all special effects were pretty awful back then and I think viewers were much more inclined to embellish them in their imagination!

Camp I could cope with, it's the fact that this is obviously an upside down trash can with a plumber's mushroom and a kitchen whisk stuck to it that I blush for.

Mind you, the voices really were quite sinister. And I suppose I was watching from behind the sofa.

I never watched Dr Who,, but I was in love with Dark Shadows! My after school babysitter had a teenager, who had all her friends over after school every day to watch it. I was surely too young,, but wanted to be with the "big kids" so I watched it too.

Anyone notice how more and more cars seem to be backing into parking spaces no matter where you are?

I am in a brewery watching avs and oilers

I back in because I drive a truck and the small parking lots mean that a large vehicle parked behind me could effectively block me in, if I had to back out.

Also, you have better maneuvering while going backwards in a long vehicle.

So the Av's are going to the finals eh Glad!

Good game.............I guess. Sigh

Sorry, G, no I'm not. They have been so close a number of times in the last 20 years it was an exciting game!

So, question.

I have lectured my kids always that an ill person needs an advocate by their side.

My mom, in her 80s said "If there's a lying down person, there needs to be a standing up person. If you're sick, someone needs to be there to ask questions".

So today, I was feeling short of breath and for the last week, over exerted. My pulse ox was 90, my pulse was 96, my BP was in the 150s.

CAlled my doc's nurse line, she asked me to relax for an hour.

After an hour, BP was higher, pulse ox was 96 and pulse was 88. I called her back and we agreed I needed to be seen.

BUT I felt fine, was perfectly able to advocate for myself. I knew I just needed an egg and a bunch of blood tests to know I wasn't having an MI or DVT.

My husband, never great in ERs, now has mild cognitive impairment. On a good day, he's doesn't ask the right questions. (Omg, the lady in the next bay asked her husband to find her wallet in her bag--no, not that flap, NO, the other one).

Then my ex, who got wind of this started asking questions. Oy, just let me manage this myself!

I guess this is a vent, not a question. All the blood tests came back fine, will see my cardiologist next week.

I think the backing in has to do with the state of the world and the need/ability to get out fast. First responders do this all the time. 😟😟

Barb, it never hurts to have a good advocate or extra pair of eyes and ears. Last week I took my mom into Urgent Care for a small infected wound. She had put neospirine on it but forgot she is allergic to it (aand bacitracin), so it was itching, but also increasing red and warm. The Dx was cellulitis. Reviewed her meds allergies, including Bacitracin, like 50x during the appointment. An aid came back in to clean the wound and what was she about to put on it? Bacitracin, which I caught in time. Sheesh. Hope you feel better soon!

Glad, I back in more now because I can... now that I have a back-up camera. Most important invention in the 21st century!

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