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Excellent game!

Thank you Margaret, Geaton and everyone. You have all given me great advice.

It's next to impossible to get any kind of pain killer here that isn't over the counter. I live in Vancouver where there is a real bad drug abuse problem. Unfortunately what that means for people like me who don't want to use drugs recreationally? We're basically out of luck. They monitor it really hard. I practically had to get on my hands and knees and beg my Doc for ativan. He gives me eight a month that I can only get refilled after thirty days. If I asked him for codeine he'd probably have a heart attack so I won't even try. But thx for the suggestions.

I had some dry needling today with the physio guy. I'd never had it done before. He inserted two into my trapezius area. I'm not sure if it helped or not. I did feel really sleepy afterwards though. Other than that just the usual exercises and light massage.

Just plodding along.............but thx again you guys.

I’m sorry to keep on, but please try the turmeric. I’ve got lazy because the codeine is so easy and the turmeric tastes so crook (for me at least). It is sold on line in a very expensive combination, with a lot of dubious extras that will stop you from dying of anything. But you can make your own. Like I said, 70% turmeric, 20% black pepper and 10% ginger. It doesn’t have to be all that accurate, I just use that number of teaspoonfuls to make a jar of powder, shake, and then take out a spoonful to mix up with joghurt and swallow. Find a health food shop that sells larger packets of the ingredients, not the tiny overpriced bags in the supermarket. What have you got to lose? You can always use it up in curries!

I really get angry about the clamp down on codeine. The drug companies and doctors did the wrong thing, and people in pain now pay the price. My doctor agrees, and gets me the right approval for 180 tablets at a time. You could try another doctor, perhaps?

Gershun, I had dry needling done in my foot for chronic plantar faciitis. Did several rounds of it, and my PF did go away, but not immediately. Can't really say if that's what helped or not. I hope it helps you. Otherwise, TENS therapy may be an option? Not the OTC kind, the real kind. I'm trying to find the beginning of your arthritis comments to see where your pain it in your neck? Just wondering because I have another option to suggest but it's not indicated for the neck. Where I live (MN) we have a large Orthopaedic network which has a Pain Clinic. They take you through every option under the sun to get pain managed (only what you're willing to do). Do you have such an option near where you live?

speedy recovery llamalover, i hope you're ok!! :) :)

gershun, i hope you feel better soon!! :) :)

llama - hope you are feeling better

gershun - (((((hugs))))

Bless God. The chemo has done a great job for my dd. Ultrasound showed no lymph node involvement any more and the surgeon said the breast mass, which is smaller, may be scar tissue only. It's a huge relief. Dd feel she is recovering from the chemo daily. Surgery is set for June 29th. Many thanks for your prayers and thoughts in the past and ahead.

Golden, Praise The Lord!

I am rejoicing for your DD and family.

Believing it is scar tissue only!

Good news Golden. Praise the Lord indeed!

Wonderful news, Golden! What a relief for you and your family! Good job, DD, for getting through all the treatments -- it can't be easy. Praying for smooth sailing through the surgery. Awesome!

How are you, Llama? I hope you're mostly recovered.

Gershun, I've been reading along and sympathizing. I have a lot of daily/weekly neck pain and the joints in my neck feel like they are dry rubbing against each other -- no cushion. I've gotten by with an electric rotating-heads neck massager that I really like. I hope you find some good tools for your pain-relief arsenal.

Golden, what wonderful news! Best wishes to you all for a successful and uneventful surgery.

Best wishes from me too, golden, for your surgery!!!
:) :) :)

That wasn't worded well. Golden, best wishes to your daughter and all family on her upcoming surgery.

Tickets for tonight's game in Denver start at about $1,500.00. The Tampa Bay games? $150.00 according to story just now. Yesterday I heard about someone that paid 10K each for two tickets! Nope!

Avs could win it all tonight! Police getting ready for all kinds of illegal activity! I hope not! Crowd control needed.

It is hard thinking about ice skating in the summer!

Thank you, all! To be quite clear, dd's surgery for her cancer is coming up June 29th. 😊

i'll re-word too, good luck to your dd, golden!!
:) :) :)

BOJ, golden and Ali: Thanks, but very much unwell.

ohhh llamalover! poor you. i hope very soon you completely recover!! there must be a cure!!

please drink lots of water. no matter what type of UTI it is, it’s very useful to drink a lot of water.

Llama if you're being treated and now actually feeling *worse*, as opposed to just not better yet, get medical advice. Don't wait it out. Hugs and hot water bottles to you x

big, big hugs to you sweet llamalover. you're always such a kind person. i'm just adding to my comment down below.

i'm sure you're in contact with good doctors. i don't know your situation at all (just that you mentioned UTI) - as you know, UTI can become sepsis (very dangerous, needs medical attention right away, every hour counts). i hope your doctors have ruled out sepsis (treatable, but must be treated right away).

huge hugs to you!! get well soon!!! drink lots of water. eat lots of healthy food. even if you're not thirsty/hungry. in fact, especially if you're not thirsty/hungry.

Knowing how desperate the CPS is to find emergency foster homes for children removed for neglect (usually some drug use involved) I applied for a spot as an emergency care giver. I have only been approved for a few days when I was contacted about a permanent placement. Four years ago an 11 year old neighborhood boy knocked on my door and said he was locked out of his house and could he please stay with me until his parents got home. He was a playmate of the older grand-nephews and had been in my home many times so of course I took him in, fed him, set him up watching a movie & kept trying to contact his parents; no luck so I finally sent my nephew down to leave a note on their door. They came for him about 1:00a on a school night. I told the boy he was always welcome at my home; he came several times. Then a couple of years ago they moved away (evicted after a meth bust involving an older step sibling). I occasionally saw him at school functions but really lost track of him. Now CPS tells me his father recently died and the step-mother doesn't want him. His mother died in a car wreck a decade ago and none of the family wants this 15 year old boy. He told the social worker I was the only person who didn't mind having him around.

The boys had been okay with me taking in temporary kids, but I discussed taking this boy permanently with them and they agreed I should do it. Its kind of a different perspective for them with so many relatives fighting over who shoukd have them.

I took him to Walmart and bought him some summer clothes: shorts and t shirts, socks, underwear, tennis shoes, flip-flops and swim trunks. I've put him to work doing yardwork and gardening in the morning and leaving the afternoons for play. So far so good. Please pray for us; I view this as an 8 year commitment: 4 years of high school and 4 years of local college. I know this young man is wounded in ways I cannot imagine and I just hope I can provide the stability that allows him to heal.

Tn techie you and your kids have big hearts. I hope the young man you took in will flourish and grow under your love and care. It says a lot that your simple and small acts of kindness and compassion for him when he was 11 had a great impact on him.

God bless you and your new son TNtechie.

The love you have shown him left a lasting impression. You guys will do just fine.

I see this as a life long commitment. You now have a son and he has a mom that will love, guide and protect him. You have given him hope.

I will keep you all in my prayers.

Llama, you’re in my thoughts. Get well.

TN, your act of kindness will touch more lives than you will ever know.

My dear Ali, Garden and Bundle,

thank you for your kind words, that really means a lot to me.
I could talk with the nurses who could give her some painkillers, but they cannot do more: I hope they can ask some other doctor.
I was able to make my mom eat and drink something for lunch. But in the afternoon she was again suffering a lot. I had another covid test this evening and I am negative so I will be allowed to visit her tomorrow.
I am so scared, scared she will die when I am not there and yet scared that she will die when I am there…
I feel so useless as I cannot do anything to help her.
I know death is part of life, I know she is 90 but she is my mom and I love her… I am so grateful this tiny, intelligent, strong woman is my mom.

how are you Llama? Please take care!

Real, I've never had a son, just spoiled the children and grandchildren of my brothers. So I'm real nervous about taking on this responsibility at my age. And I hurt at some of tge signs of his previous care. He's 15 and never played on any sports team. He's under weight and height charts for his age; his bone density is bad, he's anemic, he doesn't have much stamina.

I'm feeding him all the good food I can and assuring him anything in the fridge or cabinets is there him to eat!

I packed my rolling cooler with water,soda, cheese, ham slices, and grapes and dropped him and my 13 year old grand-nephew at a local pool so they could enjoy the diving boards; grand-nephew calls me after a couple of hours and tells me he's too tired to even enjoy sitting around with the other kids. I picked them up, make a stop at DQ, and came home. He went straight to bed and slept for over 4 hours.

He says he wants to play football and I have to tell him maybe next year when his bone density is higher. I worry about him shooting baskets with the neighborhood boys.

I was worried about him when he lived nearby and looking back I guess I fed him often. He certainly remembers dishes he wants me to cook now.

I have never personally encountered a child who was so neglected and I cannot really get my mind around how anyone could do this to a precious child. He wants to please SO MUCH and I have to be careful what I ask/expect of him. He first comment when I saw him again was he had improved his grades, something I emphasized when he visited my house.

He can't believe I gave him an allowance and took him to spend it all on candy and pokemon cards! Or that I provide admission and food and drinks at the pool or drive in movie, stuff he gets at the concession stand comes from his allowance.

I just want him to grow accustomed to a normal life! I do not want to mess up!

TN, you are changing this child's entire life, and nothing short of that. I can't say how much I admire you for stepping in. Tender loving care during this formative time can heal many wounds, and you're providing that. Amazing! 💓

*There's much more to the details, as you've laid them out. But love and kindness are the foundation, and then good nutrition, maybe supplements, medical care, and time will help the rest. Poor boy. I'm so glad he's with you. You're an angel to do this.

Oh you precious lady TN, you have all the right makings to be a mom to this precious son.

You have obviously, already, made him feel important and that is the greatest thing any mom can do. Let her children know they are worth the world.

My heart breaks for this young mans early upbringing, so awful to have to live through. So many physical challenges because no adult cared about his well-being. Grrr!

Once his anemia gets sorted out, he will have better stamina. That is the worst, you just feel tired all the time. I have iron deficency on occasion and I know when I wake up in the morning I need to take a blood builder that day.

You got this! You are doing everything right. And you both will be so blessed by this relationship.

Personally, I love boys. I find them easier to deal with and so much fun. They are more game then most girls and that works for me.

You are now the wind beneath his wings and he will soar under your love and care.

I look forward to hearing how he is growing and expanding and finding who he is and what his dreams are. Because you can't dream when you are just trying to survive. Good times ahead!

Great big warm hug! The world needs more people like you!

Geaton, are the lidocaine patches also the pain patches?

I have used Salon Pas for a couple of decades and I love the slow, gentle, deep heat they provide but, I have never seen the lidocaine patches, so I am curious.

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