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Send: You're very welcome.

Wonderful news, Golden! It's so good that DD is clear, and she is an inspiration! I agree and believe that strength training is so important to aging gracefully and staying independent. Jack LaLanne's coaching comes to mind here. I'm wishing DD and you much new and continued strength. 💜

Thank you for sharing about your dad's birthday, Send. I hadn't thought to remember LOs who passed on their earthly birthdays. That is very sweet. You prompted me to think about my grandmother, who would have been 114 this past March. Their bodies might have failed them, but they continue to touch our lives. 💙


Random ADD brain stuff: I couldn't remember my grandmother's given/maiden name recently, and it was bugging me. It's funny how patriarchal history erases that stuff. She was named Mary Annunciato Nicosia, and you can't find anything online from searching that name; you would have to use her married name.

Funny story: I remember an Italian-American man giving me the "side-eye" for saying her middle name was Annunciato. Maybe the record-keeper got it wrong by assigning her the masculine rendition when it should have been Annunciata. I'm not sure what happened, but that was her name on her birth cert, and I remember she told me she was named for the Virgin Mary because her dad promised god that he would name her such if she survived her problematic birth. Just funny life stuff. Touching, heartwarming, and weird to me all at the same time. ((((Hugs)))))

Thank you Ali. I do remember my Dad's birthday, not so much the date he died. You will always remember that special grandmother of yours whom you cared for.
However, since I do not know anyone's heart or if they went to heaven or not,
I do not practice the "happy heavenly birthdays". Others do, and it is a sweet imaginary gesture by people wanting to see their loved one again. But the truth is, we just do not know. So, I am willing to wait to find out.

The Gambler song by Kenny Rogers
On a warm summer's evening
On a train bound for nowhere
I met up with the gambler
We were both too tired to sleep
So we took turns a-starin'
Out the window at the darkness
The boredom overtook us
And he began to speak
He said, "Son, I've made a life
Out of readin' people's faces
Knowin' what the cards were
By the way they held their eyes
So if you don't mind my sayin'
I can see you're out of aces
For a taste of your whiskey
I'll give you some advice"
So I handed him my bottle
And he drank down my last swallow
Then he bummed a cigarette
And asked me for a light
And the night got deathly quiet
And his face lost all expression
Said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy
You gotta learn to play it right
You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run
You never count your money
When you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin'
When the dealin's done
Every gambler knows
That the secret to survivin'
Is knowin' what to throw away
And knowin' what to keep
'Cause every hand's a winner
And every hand's a loser
And the best that you can hope for
Is to die in your sleep"
And when he'd finished speakin'
He turned back toward the window
Crushed out his cigarette
Faded off to sleep
And somewhere in the darkness
The gambler he broke even
But in his final words
I found an ace that I could keep
You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run
You never count your money
When you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin'
When the dealin's done.

Granted, they are only 20 something's, I want the all-star game. "What sport is that?"

Send: Oops - did add "Heavenly" to my birthday wish for your dad. Sorry.

No problem Llama, I don't expect people to change themselves for what I believe and practice.
You all are okay with me!
I love where your heart is at, thinking my dear old Dad is in heaven.
If he is, I think he would have learned by now not to gamble. Lol.

Send: You're very welcome.💕

caregiving isn't easy, of course. courage to us all!!! :) :) :)

this is more of a comment to myself, but i'll write it here anyway...
i'm so glad my parents are alive. i love and adore them very much.

and i'm so glad i can call anytime and ask for advice.

i've been a bit stuck with my law work (i'm a lawyer in my normal life, when i'm not bundle of joy) (i bite people in court; sharp teeth). i'm working on a new law project, and i've been a bit stuck.

i asked my father just now, what he did in the past, when he had days with less inspiration. he said, "work on something else. it'll continue working inside you. if you can't find inspiration, suddenly inspiration will find -- you."

so that's what i'll do :).

my father is amazing. alllllways smiling (no matter what). genuine smile. even when he's totally sick. amazing. (he's totally fine right now, by the way).

he's the only human being in the world, whom i know, who was/is happy every single day of his life waking up at 4 am, and can't wait to work!!! (normally we all have days when, at least 1 day or so, we don't feel like it) (not my father). he always had a notepad with him, and a pen, to write ideas, in case suddenly (which happened often) he had more ideas. he always told me to walk around with a notepad/pen, too.

i love you, mom & dad.

bundle of joy :)

Brought a commercial ice maker second hand from a closed restaurant for use in my lake house. It should make enough ice to fill the coolers used on the boats and at the dock when everyone is here.

I also accepted custody this week of my foster's son younger half brother, age 8. Thought it was a possibility that CPS would get involved since his mother surrendered her step-son and his condition (health wise) was so compromised. Foster son was concerned about his younger brother and we were trying to arrange some visitation. Told FS might not be able to keep younger brother because APS would try to get his mother to follow a plan for reunification but we would try as much as possible. I cannot adequately express the feelings when watching these two boys hug each other, then the older show the younger to "their" bedroom, then take him to the kitchen, fix their dinner from the fridge and show him the snack drawer. Then the younger took a shower and dressed in some of my grand-nephew's outgrown clothes, while his brother told him tomorrow we would buy him some new clothes he would really like. The younger boy doesn't have nearly as bad nutritional problems; after seeing how protective his older brother is I'm wondering if maybe he gave food to the younger brother. Just looking forward to getting both ready for the school year in about a month. So far I haven't had to really "care" for the younger boy; might be a challenge to make sure the older boy has a life of his own instead of being a sole(?) caregiver. It looks like the greatest gift I may give older brother is to take care of younger brother.

On the "arthritis" front, and other diagnoses, I am thinking about gall bladder issues as being the cause for the tightness and pain in neck & shoulder.
(Dr. Eric Berg, D.C.)

Researching, because I am having whole body pain flare-ups lasting days,
and forgetting how to treat fibromyalgia. If it is fibromyalgia-my doctor never tells me anything, just says "It's the fibromyalgia".

Moving on to care for dH, whose back is out since Thursday.

The boys "discovered" the manual pump in the well house as well as the buckets and the pipe for water samples/depth testing. Such fun for them learning how things "used" to be done - and may be done again if the electricity for the pump stays out long enough! They particularly liked switching the outflow to the pipes and turning on the kitchen faucet to pump the water straight to the kitchen sink, or a warm shower (in line lp water heater). I cannot see the shower being actually used that way in a power outage unless the boys were here to provide the muscle. I planned on pumping some water to the sink and filling the toilets without having to carry the water in buckets.

Dh has healed from his back being out.
Lots of focused effort, it was worth it to see him better now.

Really missing my mom and my older brother who passed. I've been thinking about them a lot. Wishing I could join them lately.

I need someone to give me a swift kick in the behind I guess. I remember a line in a movie. I think it was Cher who said "SNAP OUT OF IT"!

Gershun, I can’t remember whether you have posted about your religious beliefs, but it’s worth remembering that there is no proof that you will be ‘joining’ ANYONE after death.

Yes, Cher, SNAP OUT OF IT! Moonstruck, I think.

Gershun, SNAP OUT OF IT! Consider your rear end kicked.👞👞👟👟👡👡👢👢🐣🐣🔥🔥

Gershun: Seems so trite to say 'feel better,' but truly hope you do.

Tripe is a horrible looking food.

I hope Gershun feels better soon too.

Surely that swift kick will do the trick!

Are you feeling better, Llama?

Send: I said that it seems trite to say.
I am getting there and resting.

Lol Llama- I knew that.
I was just joking with you.

I am over tired, and overwhelmed.

I was reading the forum way back in 2012, and was amazed how nice to each other posters were back then, how friendly towards each other people were.

Were you here back then? I was not.

Send: Oh, okay. Hope you can get some rest. Sorry that you're overwhelmed. I have been on the forum for nine years.

Nine years, and you are still polite and kind!

Send: Thank you.

It is your Super Power, Llama.

Discussion and jokes about Super Powers are on the General Topics thread.

Gershun - here's a virtual kick in the behind to get you out of your funk. You need to do some cardio exercise STAT, fast walking, jogging, etc., something to get your heart beating fast. During exercise, your body releases various hormones and some of these act as mood lifters. I guarantee that after a 15 minute cardio workout, you will feel much better.

Well my behind is sore today so all your virtual kicks in the fanny must have connected.

Thanks for that.

Angry today though cause I went to visit my mom and brother's memorial bench and the park had moved it. That bench has been in the same spot since 2003 when my brother died. For them to move it without even asking. I'm very pissed
off. It's going back there even if I have to move it myself.

Gershun - I'm sorry they moved your bench! That's one of the reasons I don't really like the idea of memorial benches, trees, paving stones or whatever, there is no guarantee they are permanent. When my great aunt died she left us her little piano that had been in he lounge of her apartment building for many decades but we had no place for it so graciously left it for the use of those living there. When management redecorated they just pitched it 🤷

I too am sorry about your bench Gershun, and understand why you are upset.

Gordie's memorial bench is bolted in place, beside the trail, opposite the house. It won't be moved other than some major reconstruction there. I will miss it when I move, but have had many years to enjoy it. I knew I would be leaving it behind one day.

It's nearly 20 years since my Gordie was alive and well. Many memories!!!

Thx Willie and Golden.

I'm not done with the Parks board yet. Some people had contacted them a while back and said they wanted our spot. We said no, definitely not! So for them to go behind our backs and do it anyway doesn't sit right with me. Still working on it. Will keep you posted.

A new study out of the UK shows cocoa is good for people with high blood pressure. That's easy to add my favorite dark chocolate bar to my afternoon routine!

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