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In my experience adding chocolate is the easy part, stopping yourself from eating the whole bar is much harder!

My normally empty mailbox had a letter in it today! What's this???

Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General
Sheriff's Office - Jury Administration

Do I want to open it?


But of course I have, and it's just an eligibility form (whew!)
But .... 😬

So, I sent an anonymous e-mail to the Parks board yesterday and got a response back today. I didn't use my name or anything. Just asked them what their policy was re: moving benches without notifying family.

Apparently a film crew had been there and had temporarily moved some benches. They put some back in the wrong place. I was assured everything should be back to what it was on my next visit.

So all's well in that regard. I spent the last few days fuming for nothing. Ah well....

I usually don't have problems staying on fluid restriction and keeping my CKD and diabetic diets straight. But today has been bad. I've had trouble figuring out what I wanted to eat and drink. Simply a difficult day to make it all balance out. At least my blood sugar was good and I didn't have to adjust my insulin injections.

All of the poor souls lost in the floods. All of the families dealing with losing everything to water or fire.

May The Lord give them all strength, wisdom and courage!

We watch out for the bears, usually in the evening. This week temps were in the low to.mid 90s several days and a mama bear and her two cubs were discovered in the above ground pool about 5:00. Left them alone and watched them from the windows... about 6:00 they got out using the stairs and went on their way... didn't even puncture the lining. I wonder why they liked the pool over the nearby creek and pond?

Yesterday evening a poster said that she had been warned about me having multiple accounts. She did not reveal who gave her this warning and I don't care. I would like to state unequivocally I do NOT have multiple accounts. I have changed my username in the past, but I have made no effort to conceal that fact. I do not try to conceal my identity or residence location. I have my profile completed unlike many on the forum.

Tech, We used to have a bear at the lake that came daily to rub his back against my stepsons log house. Had a whole forest of trees to choose from but liked the log house best.

Plenty of Tahoe bears prefer pools and particularly hot tubs vs swimming in the lake! People up there have bear fireworks to hopefully dissuade them but what are u gonna do besides bear proof garbage? Those things have noses better than a dog and sometimes break in. Sad ending for bear when it meets a 45 inside the dwelling

Becky - There have always been people here who seem to believe there is some kind of secret cabal of trolls and/or posters who collude with the admins to do ??? and they have made it their business to call out those they believe are members - uh, yeah 🙄
Personally I don't really care why anyone is posting here as long as they are polite and not causing a flame war.

I agree Willie.

CW, I'm not a big online person so a lot of this stuff catches me unaware. I'm not a suspicious person, just take things as they come. I don't understand Facebook arguments either.

We're not alone in bear sightings. This week we have a photo of a grown bear resting? on a concrete divider on the local interstate and a camera showing a bear prowling around a city house during the night. We have had bears around here and have had to chase them off with firecrackers and gunfire. I think the pool encounter was because my nephew took the dogs to work with him so they could warn his crew about snakes.

I have a rifle mounted over my front door with the magazine in a digital lockbox behind the door. CPS really didn't like it but it meets their requirements of having firearms locked away. CPS asked why I "need" it there... because I value the kids more than the bears... and that includes any foster kids that stay here too. A mama bear coming after a cub can be very protective. We have only shot to scare but there may come a day when more is called for.

Our area has been settled with cleared farm land for about 200 years but the bears from the surrounding woods are coming in closer. Rangers aren't relocating the bears much anymore just come to kill them after they attack someone or get stuck in a car. Yes, lock your car doors in your driveway because the bears can open many vehicle doors.

Some campers thought they could just put their food in a tree (hung from rope over branch) instead of using the airtight containers the forest service recommended.. and woke to find a visitor just outside their tent. With two people getting killed when a tree fell over their tents it is not a great year for tent camping in NE TN.

This is my favorite bear story this year! Make sure the you watch the video link.


I.don't think that southern living link will work.

I bet this one will


The conservation officers killed a black bear that was roaming around the park where my mom's memorial bench is. I was very surprised to hear about it cause this park is very close to our rapid transit and is a busy area. The park itself is like a little oasis and I don't blame the bear for seeking shelter there. Why the conservation officer felt he needed to kill it is beyond me. The video I saw that a park visitor took of the bear showed that it looked more scared and confused than aggressive. Sad.

Grapefruit size hail in Canada overnight?

Not here in Vancouver I hope.


Oh my WOW, Glad! That is some crazy hail! Those poor drivers are lucky to be ok. It reminded me of one of my first cars. I bought a 'hail-damage special' from an older lady who was selling her car. The insurance company had totaled it due to the hail damage everywhere, but it was mechanically fine. Great car! 🚗

I was following the aftermath of that hailstorm on twitter, there were lots of crazy videos and pictures!

(the comments mocking these people for being scared and dismissing this as "hail, no big deal" - WTF is wrong with people)

Found another one.

If those people were caught in it they would think differently!

Grapefruit sized hail would be scary to encounter.

I've finished dialysis for today. Now I have 4 doctor appointments including getting a new cast on my leg. I'm hoping for a much smaller cast or possibility of none at all.

Finished with all of appointments. Worn out and ready to crash. still have a cast. Lighter weight and not bulky. Go back in six weeks and most likely will be done with cast then.

Had a bit of a scare as I was called back for a second mammography on one breast plus ultrasound. Thankful that everything was clear. I, too, am worn out and headed to sofa. Sorry Becky - hope that you also can get some rest.

Llama & Becky,
Rest up. Very best of healing & reviving energy to you

I also got the 'recall' mammo letter earlier this year - on the good girl, not the bad one with 'priors'. Was all clear. I try to keep focused on the bright side but there is always that little doubt "all clear.. for now.. evil laugh".

My wicked sense of humour Grandmother would deal with *tests* by blowing the worries out of proportion for a laugh. "Well they chopped off this bit & nailed that bit on. But least my head is still connected to my body".

Beatty: Thank you. That certainly is scary, isn't it to get the call back? Glad you, too, were clear. Going forward I may switch to my DD's radiologist because they read the mammogram right after it's taken, thereby no reason to worry about receiving a call back.

Sorry recall mammo people. I empathize. I was one who lost my breasts but still got a silver lining in not having any more mammo.

Lost mine as well, just a year ago. No more bras or boob sweat on hot summer days and there are plenty of them these days.

And I just got a reminder that I am overdue for my mammogram, this conversation makes me think the fates are giving me another nudge to make that appointment🤔

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