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Just read in the news, Bruce Willis, 67 y.o., got diagnosed with aphasia, a form of dementia. OMG! He’s too young.

Anne Hache, 53 y.o., died. She was taken off life support and had her organs donated.

Sad news!

Yes, that was quite sad about Anne Heche. I believe I had heard that about Bruce Willis.😥

Aphasia is not always a symptom of dementia, but if Willis is suffering from both, so sorry.

Heche I can’t feel sorry for. She set a house on fire, injuring the resident, while plowing her vehicle into it under the influence of reportedly not just alcohol, but fentanyl and cocaine. Had she lived, the county was getting ready to prosecute her under multiple felony charges.

My 102 year old cousin passed away three days ago. She lived alone prior to her fall 18 months ago. About one week ago, her son called to say that she was transitioning and I got a chance to speak with her. She was a "force of nature" - quoted by her son. I shall miss talking and communicating with her.

Llama, I am sorry for your loss. Your cousin lived to be 102, and was able to live alone at 100. Wow! Yes she was a "force of nature.'

Someone on another thread said s/he was feeling "judged" here. I found this and thought it was a useful exercise.

What to do when you are feeling judged?

Feeling judged by people you meet
Manage underlying social anxiety. ...
Practice being okay with being judged. ...

Consider how often you judge others. ...

Notice the negative assumptions that you're making. ...

Ask yourself if you know for a fact someone is judging you. ...

Come up with compassionate answers to your inner critic.

I sometimes check out the people who report those feelings and usually can not see anything amiss. Some people make a habit of rejecting any advice or narrative that deviates from what they want to hear, and sometimes people seem to go out of their way to find hidden meaning and nuance in everything they read. The most dramatic among them tend to be angry and seem to delight in divisive arguments and name calling, essentially doing everything in their power to provoke the kinds of reactions they are ranting about. 🤷‍♀️

Since I was directed here because you are talking about me. Yes, I feel judged by that Leilani person. She is rude and I do not need her making me feel worse about myself. She should look in her own backyard.

PB: Thank you so much! My cousin was an amazing person.💕

Lealonni seems like a very nice person and post really helpful things here. MIL Hell this isnt about her but about you wanting to scapegoat someone because your own life is out of control. Get it together and get help for the terrible situation you are in. I get it that it's easier to hate someone you dont know then focus on yourself and the **** you are dealing with but that's not going to achieve anything positive in your life.

llama - condolences on the loss of your cousin. She certainly was "a force". I know you will miss her.

Llama, so sorry about your cousin.

Llama, I'm so sorry about your cousin.

Barb, I had read your comment. Hopefully no one treated her badly and calling me a troll is offensive.

I'm glad you read my comment.

I mentioned the liver transplant because Lea has been through ALOT of caregiving between her parents and her husband.

MIL, YOU are treating her badly. You insulted her. What on earth do you mean about "what's in HER backyard"? Who is telling you "stuff" about posters here?

She wasn't judging you. She was giving you advice. Good advice.

We are trying to help you. If you don't want to hear how other people view the situation that YOU'VE presented to us, then this isn't a good place for you.

This must be a clique then. I am sorry for stating how I feel.

Do you run this site to determine, who has a place here?

You messaged me the same thing you posted here to "help."

Do you care for anyone? Or just determine who has a place on this site?

All because I disagree with one person.

Correction you are laser focused on one person whose post was helpful. You got triggered by her reference to the serenity prayer and your anger over husband's addict sister was transferred to said posters reply to you.

Fine, she is AWESOME. A great intellect. Judge all you want.

MIL, you didn't "disagree" with Lealoniie. You said she was judging you. You told her to look in her own back yard. You insulted her.

Disagreeing is saying "I don't concur with that; here are more facts thar clarify the situation". You are name calling. Using threats and sarcasm.

No, I am not a moderator or an administrator.

If anyone really cares what is on my mind, here it is.

My bosses wife is from the Ukraine, I help her a few hours a day. I read her news and it sickens me.

On the 24th, Russia is planning a mass execution of the Maripol defenders on a stage built on the ruins of a theatre they killed kids. This will never be on US TV.

I guess my life is not as bad as it could be.

Dude. Seriously you have bigger problems in your own life than to focus on the Ukraine. Again focus on your own dire situation.

Llama, I'm sorry for the loss of your cousin. A long life.

Lea said she would not be inputting on milhells stuff again. That’s the end, that’s the natural resolution of the situation, not ppl coming in on one or the other side. Leas not gonna reply, she says, so that should be the end with no white knight defenders.

The Ukraine situation is terrible, Russia said before it wouldn’t start executing ppl, and here they are doing it. Even if you have other concerns it’s normal to be concerned about these things.

That said, milhell, you probably can’t make this place where mil is any better.

Got home late this afternoon. I have two new ports (one to use starting next week and one for backup. I hope they last for awhile. Be happy to get back to doing my hemodialysis at home. I hate doing it at the dialysis center. It's noisy and too many smelly people. Plus they try to talk me into doing peritoneal dialysis which to me would be a last resort.

I'm so glad your'e back at your own home Becky~

Becky: Thank you very much. I am glad to hear that you're home. Nothing like your own bed.💗

golden, Gershun and Barb: Thank you all so much.🧡

Apparently, IhateSnape's thread(s?) got removed. S/he sounds like a troll provoking emotions and comments

I regret even responding to IhateSnape's post. Usually I know better.

mistake posted, I erased.

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