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cwillie, your post reminds me of a time I was working in Hartford CT around 1994 or so; while home for the weekend I remarked at Sunday dinner how much I appreciated eating biscuits with gravy again. My nephew asked why I didn't just get some biscuits from Hardee's; he had a difficult time visualizing a place that didn't have a Hardee's...

Even international chain restaurants can be different from place to place Techie, I was so jealous when I found out KFC in the US has mashed potatoes, biscuits, corn and more!

Hmm, I have a coupon for there and I'm feeling hungry....

Okay cwillie, now you have to tell us what KFC Canada offers! :-)

Chicken, fries, coleslaw and macaroni or potato salad. Gravy. Every now and then they roll out additional items (usually for a limited time), right now we can order a side of corn or 4 biscuits. That's it.
Oh, I think they have some kind of poutine on the menu, almost every restaurant tries to capitalize on that fad 🤢

Thank you for that. Poutine sounds like it would keep you very warm in the winter with all the fat.

I love to pan fry cheese curds, season and serve as an appetizer with fresh tomatoes and a lovely cracker. We can only get frozen ones here and they are really expensive, like 15.00 for 8 ozs, special treat price.

KFC in the Carribean has rice and beans.

Ali - that's amazing, but not unexpected, You have performed so well consistently throughout your studies. Congratulations!!!! Enjoy some well earned rest. My uni experience right after high school was chequered too. The commitment to learnng came a bit later.

🙂 🌸 ali, congratulations!!!

🙂 🌸 and i’m sending lots of summer hugs & courage to everyone.

🌸 today i had a nice day.
….i’m helping out my LOs. these days it’s not easy for them to see their friends. so when i visit, i try to organize nice parties for my LOs, so they can socialize and see their friends. we had a great party, and everyone was in a great mood. i’m organizing another party tomorrow, with dear friends of my parents.

apart from that, i’m trying to eliminate/solve many of my LOs’ problems, so i can focus on my work. to do my work well, i need a clear, peaceful, calm mind - not filled with my LOs’ problems.

step by step.

courage to all of us!

Hey Windyridge! Good to hear you are alive and kicking.

Sorry about all your losses in your family.

Glad you are doing okay.

Windyridge, same here. I always enjoyed your sense of humor, and now have incorporated that humor in our own daily lives as we are seeing age related issues happening to ourselves :)

Windyridge: Hello! Good to see you posting.💛

Hi Windy - sounds like you are doing well! 😊

Finally finished canning tomatoes and corn. We've worked almost everyday for 2 weeks. Ended up with 114 qts of canned tomatoes and 97 qt. containers of frozen corn. Only thing left to do is dig potatoes and gather pumpkins. Could not have done anything without the help of my granddughters. They left earlier for their house in Kennebunkport for week.

hugs! for those who feel like prisoners as caregivers (whether your LO lives at home or in a facility), i wish you to find a way to freedom and a full life.


BOJ, I always smile at the electronic hugs - I love them! One back for you 🤗

In real life I am not so huggy.
(I find it strange that huggers think their right to give a hug overrides my right to avoid one).

So problems with my kitty again. He has an upper respiratory infection and the antibiotics we are giving him is causing tummy upset. He had blood in his poo yesterday so off to the vet we went again today to get something to help. The vet doesn't seem to think it's an emergency which leads me into my next thought.

I suddenly had this light bulb moment. I thought "I get it now. If you don't care then nothing matters right?" Just think how much easier life could be if we all just didn't care. All our sibs who don't help or seem to care. That's it! Learn to not care and just sail through life selfishly and everything will fall right into place. Pandemics, mom's and dad's getting sick and dying, our pets problems............****, just don't be bothered. Let it all go to rot! The secret to happiness.

Sigh.............only problem is.............I do care.........a lot.

So much for that idea. :0

G, I can actually identify with that. Very very long story. Sad, isn't it?

Yes it is Glad. Yes, it is................

I'd be a listening ear anytime you'd like to share your long story.

(((((((gershun))))))) I tried that - in my20s. It didn't work for me. I couldn't not care and be myself. It seems to me that is how my sis functions, or should I say "dysfunctions"? So sorry to hear about your kitty. Hope he is recovering.

glad - you are not alone. (((((((hugs)))))) to you too.

Thank-you as always Golden.

You are right. We can't go against our natural nature. I've never tried
but I'd probably fail. And who wants to be uncaring anyhow.
In the big picture it's not going to serve you well to do so I suspect.

This is something completely different, and probably irrelevant to others, but it’s ‘on my mind’. It’s about the seven segment display, the time that our new bedside clock projects onto the ceiling. It’s DH’s new tech toy. I see it upside-down when I come back from the midnight toilet excursion, and I first got fascinated by the upside-down numbers. 1, 8 and 0 are the same, 2 and 5 swap, and so do 6 and 9. 8 is the only one that uses all 7 segments (and I’ll leave you to work out how many the other numbers use). I moved on to seeing how our segments vary in shape - the horizontals are thicker than the verticals, and the horizontals make the numbers taller. Now I have favorite numbers. 5.55 is a nice one. 3 is not good, though 3.33 turns into an EEE scream. 7 is made better because our numbers are all slightly sloped. 4 is the difficult one – I can remember puzzling about it years ago, but when did our brains change to recognise it as a 4?

For a $30 replacement clock, it changes every minute and provides hours of night-time interest. I wonder if it would amuse our elders too? Yours, Margaret

You can't say **** on here?

I just noticed stars were put in place of the word hell in my earlier post.

Just in case anyone just reading it thinks I said something else. No, I didn't say that word. The word was hell. (insert eyeroll here)

Gershun, I think what you're supposed to aim for is detachment leading to serene acceptance, in a kind of Zen way.

I must admit I suck at it. I care about all sorts of things that really are a waste of time and temper, as well as things that aren't, such as wanting those around us (four and two footed) to be happy and healthy.

I totally suck at it Countrymouse. In fact I care more for my four legged friends than people sometimes.

But, life goes on right. And on and on and on and on............And on.

So, I just hang onto the ride for dear life and try to count my blessings cause so many have it so much worse than I do.

Testing 1, 2, 3.
Oh how times have changed. Maybe it is just you who can't.

10 hours ago
You can't say **** on here?
I just noticed stars were put in place of the word hell in my earlier post.
Just in case anyone just reading it thinks I said something else. No, I didn't say that word. The word was hell. (insert eyeroll here)

Aug 2020
I hate being a caregiver. It's like I'm stuck in the seventh level of hell and can't get out.

Asked July 2018
Does the end have to feel like hell on earth?

Asked August 2020
Mom’s health-I’m numb from the hell we are going through. What do I do?

A Paradise Built in Hell
David Hilfiker
In "A Paradise Built in Hell," Rebecca Solnit writes about that special sense of community, of altruism, of love, even of joy that can arise out of disaster.

Well Send..........thx for digging all those old posts up.

Hell of a thing to do for a friend.

Yeah but....
If you notice, only one of 3 words in your post was starred.
Maybe you are special (you are) and the admins have a sense of humor. lol?

Profanity filters are most efficient when one word is automatically redacted for an abbreviation with the suffix “word.”

The c word. The f word. The s word. The h word if you want. At least these are clear as opposed to wondering which one the poster meant by starring it all out.

Or they automate based on current editorial policy. They don’t even do that.

dear peggysue :),

in response to what you wrote below, here’s a little joke:

My wife insists that I use the phrase “make love” instead of the f word.
I said, “What the make love are you talking about?”

My son and grandkids left early this morning. driving to Boston for their flight to Chicago. They won't be back for a few months, I have a new dialysis tech starting tomorrow morning. Trial only. I don't think she will work out, but I'll give it a shot. Hopefully she will work until the new class of techs graduate in a few weeks. My ortho doctor will be taking my cast off my leg next week. My leg has healed, but still will not be able to stand and walk. No expectations of that changing. Too much damage. I have friends coming this morning to quilt. They'll stay until late afternoon. The quilt is for a raffle for scholarships at a fundraiser. I'll be glad for it be finished and quilting frame taken down.

Becky, my house always feels empty after the "kids" visit, but now days I like being alone for a while to recover from all the activity.

Don't give up on being able to stand and walk again until you have tried some PT. Mom was able to move around the house with her walker after displacing her artificial knee replacement for a couple of years. It was awkward and slow, but painless and she preferred the walker to her wheelchair. My SIL used an office chair to get around in the house after her stroke; she could push it with her good leg and it turned in all directions much easier than a wheelchair.

I admire your ability to accept and cope with your health limitations and continue to LIVE your life! I hope you won't be offended if I say you reminded me of one of my great-aunts, who was the life of the party, even during her 98th birthday party. Grand ladies like you and Aunt M inspire me to what I hope to achieve in my own life.

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