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I keep thinking, "What a leader she was." I don't know how to put it in more words than to say that. She kept composed through so many ups and downs. She was an exemplary professional figure who consistently represented the best in humans, even though I'm sure she had her personal struggles. I wish the US and the world would have more leaders like that.

sp19690, Well I care and so do others on here, so again...........have some respect.

A double rainbow appeared over Buckingham Palace just as her passing was being announced.
What an awesome sign for a beautiful lady that I doubt any of us will ever forget~

I mean this with all due respect, but I wonder about anyone at 96 remaining so staunchly and obliquely in the public eye.

Sandra Day O Connor quit the Supreme Court in 2006 to care for her husband. He was placed soon after, and O’Connor opined that it was her biggest mistake.

Around 2014, she herself was diagnosed with Alz. She went on to deliver multiple speeches, college graduations, etc. while privately admitting that sometimes she had no memory of the event. In 2018, she finally announced her dx and went to a facility afterward.

She might well have been sitting on SCOTUS until 2018, just as Ronald Reagan was actually president for a year after his reported alz diagnosis leaked out.

Golden, how did you come to be at the coronation? You were 10 or so?

The Head of The Church of England has passed.

Barb - I am 85 now. I was 15 at the time of her coronation and attending boarding school in the UK with a home base in Kent at my aunt (father's sister) and uncle's. We lived in a small town in Canada and my parents decided that my sis and I would benefit from the experience. Mother was born in Norway and my father in England so they still had strong ties overseas. Also, in her wisdom, I believe my BPD mother knew that she was not a good parent for teenagers. In fact she was not a good parent at all, but this decision was a very good one for me. My aunt and uncle had a normal marriage and home, although strange to me in it's very "Britishness" I appreciated the stability of their lives and the wonderful opportunities I had to experience a different culture and country. I remember that first transatlantic flight when I was 14, which had much turmoil and people using the bags provided. Fortunately i was not so affected.

Peggy Sue - not everyone gets dementia as they age, though, certainly many do. The aunt that I lived with was 97 when she died and had al her marbles.

Isn't the Head of the Church of England the Governor, who is the Queen?

Not at all sure. I don't think the majority of us can really grasp the depth of the loss of the Queen to the people of the United Kingdom. We do not have an office in our government that even ranks a close second to what Elizabeth meant to her people. Our presidents, regardless of party, are constantly embroiled in devisivism, and conflict. That goes for every politician that ever served. None have ever even come close to the longevity, stature or class of this Queen.

My deepest sympathies to the people of the United Kingdom, and especially those citizens that are members here.💟💟

So what y'all are saying is you're going to purchase commemorative plate and or tea set when they are available?

glad - Yes, Charles III is now the head of the Church of England. Elizabeth II was.

From the web -" The Supreme Governor of the Church of England is the titular head of the Church of England, a position which is vested in the British monarch."

You are absolutely right there is no office in the USA that compares to the monarchy. I agree that most in the US don't grasp the impact of the loss of a beloved monarch.

She was head of the Commonwealth as well, and, as such, our (Canada's) queen. too.

Geez all this love for a monarchy that should have been dismantled decades ago. Why did the USA even bother splitting from England in the first place? Maybe we should enact a monarchy here to. Are we forgetting what this beloved queen did to princess Diana and the pedo scandal with her son? Her public mask was a far cry from what she was like behind closed doors.

SP19690, have you ever studied history from the Middle Ages through the current time? If you spend some time reading about feudalism you might understand more about the English position on monarchs.

You queried:

"Why did the USA even bother splitting from England in the first place?"

Haven't you had ANY classes in American history? Why should the US NOT have broken away from the English yoke????

I was being sarcastic garden artist.

Called a realtor in my hometown at 9:00 am and put a house up for sale. She said "I think it will be a quick sale." It's 11:30 and I've had two offers. Accepted the higher which was above asking price. Done, with closing in 2 weeks. Going home to Maine tomorrow with that out of the way and no more travel for me unless I go for a medical consult.

Becky: That's great! Congratulations on the sale!💛

I had no idea the housing market in Iowa was so hot! It sure is cooling in most other places. Isn't that where you left when you could not care for Mom any longer?

Glad. You're right the housing market has cooled off in many places. This was a house in WV my home state. I bought the house after my husband died; very foolish purchase. Lucky to get out of it. There is new factory expansion close by and many young people moving for jobs and looking for a small starter home and my house was small and close to schools. My cousin in Aurora CO just downsized and sold house and it took a about four months.

I had moved from Maine to Ohio to take care of my mother. I moved back to Maine when I couldn't cope with her and the rest of the dysfunctional bunch. she followed me to Maine and was there until she died in 2016. She was so much easier after she came to Maine away from my brother and his family.

Really scratching my head on this one. Earlier today I started a thread of remembrance on this 21st anniversary on the attack on the United States where nearly 3,000 lives were lost. It appears that admin deleted it? Too political?! What the heck!

I guess some want to forget. It is part of our history and important to remember.

That’s what I call “wokeness.” It erases history that it doesn’t like among other things.

What the heck, Admin?!

To be fair it really does go against the policy of keeping the forum related to elder care topics, and it seems as though people are still free to make comments in an existing thread (especially one of the conversational discussions) about pretty much anything.
But then the blatantly prayerful Christian threads are against policy too and they are never touched....

cwillie, people (many) have a spiritual side. To deny people the opportunity to express it at times of suffering (seeking comfort, giving comfort) is unrealistic and harsh. As I wrote (here? or a different thread...) that for many people operating in life as if God is not at their very core (or related at all) is in itself a spiritual belief. Secularism/atheism is not neutral. It is a belief system also. Therefore, should be tolerated the same as all other spiritual beliefs. The forum admin can see this much is true. If anyone created a post extolling the virtues of buddha, allah, krishna, etc, I would not comment on it. Would you? One man's ceiling is another man's floor.

Geaton - I'm not against people offering their prayers, but allowing entire threads dedicated to one religious belief is taking things a step too far IMHO. And I suspect it would not be tolerated if people were starting threads mentioning their reliance on Allah, YHWH, The Buddah or Hindu Gods of Healing.

How is a 9/11 memorial post treated differently than Happy 4th, Happy Halloween, Happy Memorial Day of any other holiday?

There is a thread for the Queen who just passed away. That has nothing to do with caregiving. BTW, I have no problem with it.

9/11 thread will mean people remembering terrorists attacking our country, and those terrorists were of certain religion. Woke crowd doesn't want to people to know or remember that. But if anything bad done by Christians, the woke crowd would be sure to repeat that till end of time.

I may be wrong but I didn't see a new thread dedicated to the queen, just comments on the On My Mind thread.

BTW, I agree that Glad's thread shouldn't have been removed.

What did the thread say, exactly...that Gladimhere has started?

Results for: 9/11 attack on America search:

September 11, 2001 lest they be forgotten. - › Caregiver Forum › Working Caregiver › Discussions

Sep 12, 2015 ... I'm proud to be an American On 9/11,it was a day to test who loved America and who didn't.I was in Manhattan on that day.

No One Ever Asks How the Caregiver is Doing - › Caregiver Forum › Mental Health › Discussions
I was going to dine alone when an American asked me to join he and his friend ... He had been sick on the day of the 9/11 attack and therefore had escaped ...

Grossed out and need to vent—I just caught Mom using my ... › Caregiver Forum › Mental Health › Discussions
Meanwhile, little people everywhere feeling the emotion of the 9/11 attacks, listened to what he said and invested what they had in the markets.

No One Ever Asks How the Caregiver is Doing - › Caregiver Forum › Mental Health › Discussions
I worked at American Airlines, retired last year to help mom who has ALZ. I remember being at work on 9/11 and being in shock of what was happening...our ...

No One Ever Asks How the Caregiver is Doing - › Caregiver Forum › Mental Health › Discussions
I worked at American Airlines, retired last year to help mom who has ALZ. I remember being at work on 9/11 and being in shock of what was happening...our planes ...

Has anyone had rude 911 dispatcher answer the call? What is the ... › Caregiver Forum › Home Safety › Questions
Mar 18, 2019 ... Ironically, someone had a heart attack while in the courthouse--the same building that our 911 Call Center is located in--but the ...

When your elderly, demented mother, who has 24/7 care at home ... › Caregiver Forum › Family Caregiver › Questions
Jan 29, 2019 ... Remind her that you could've been killed on 9/11 but you weren't and for that she should be grateful that you're still here helping her.

Of course tragedies have to do with elderly and caregiving! Can you imagine someone bedbound and not being able to evacuate? Or, someone going through that time and left with anxiety and fear? And so many other things to remember. I am honored to be able to remember the heroes of that time.

I'm going to say something which will probably be criticized but let me preface it by saying this is only my opinion. Nobody has to agree with it but I have a right to it.

I was thinking when I was watching the shows yesterday that air every Sept. 11th showing footage of the planes flying into the bldgs., the towers coming down, people running and screaming that it's not healthy to relive that every year. I can't speak for the families of the victims but I know if I had lost a loved one in 911 I would object to it. It's like if you lost a family member in a car accident or some other horrific way and every anniversary it was being shown on various channels on t.v.

I think it's great to honor the victims and the police, firefighters, etc. who so bravely did their duty on that day but this constant bombardment of the actual footage with voice overs analyzing every sad moment is just too much in my opinion. If they are worried that if they don't do that people might forget. Well, I don't believe there is any chance that is going to happen.

Again, this is just my opinion.

Oh, and when I say I watched the I didn't. I saw that they were on and changed the channel.

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