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They are not honoring the victims they are reliving the trauma year after year.

I don’t think 9/11 thread should be removed either.

I also do not believe the 9/11 thread should be removed. Let us never forget.

It's possible Glad's thread wasn't removed on purpose, it seems like there were a few glitches in the past days with threads being removed over seemingly nothing. Might just be a bug in the AgingCare system rather than a judgement of inappropriate-ness.

Thank you Gladimhere for bringing up these necessary remembrances yearly, since I have been here as early as 2015. The world has been changing rapidly.
But we will never forget 9/11. And it does matter to those caregiving, and those being cared for. Imagine the rush to turn the channel for our elderly with Alzheimer's, so as not to relive the destruction and emotions of that day.

The memorial against terrorism, called "the tear drop memorial" was given to the U.S. by Russia. World leaders send condolences to the American people yearly, in remembrance of the 9/11/2001 attacks on America.

I appreciated that a friend from another country sent a remembrance/condolence on the anniversary 21 years after 9/11 to me.
I do dislike that the media replays the actual event of destruction over and over, when it needs to be archived.
I cannot imagine how awful it would be if yearly, it would be unavoidable to view the replay of the moment of death of my loved one. That is not how we, as adults, remember our loved ones who passed.

I also appreciate the sentiments by the British and other Commonwealth countries whose Queen has died at 96. Out of respect, I don't mention the speculations about her caregiving needs at that age of decline. I am glad, despite people's base curiosities, that respect for her privacy and dignity is attempting to be protected. The loss of the Queen has affected the whole world, including myself. My condolences to those who are mourning the loss of their Queen, including Canadians.

I consider myself to be a guest on the website managed by AgingCare staff.
As a guest, I also understand their interpretations of their own rules for our acceptable posting behaviors. Admins often receive criticisms from posters/members here. And, I have also been able to speak out.

You are one of the polite guests on here. I doubt the Admins censored you or your post, but somethings may have happened while you were sleeping that had nothing to do with you. We sometimes have to give up our right to free speech on someone else's website. There are some rude and uncouth people having their way on this forum, making it hard to read as they claim their free speech rights to say whatever they want, and to instigate fights among caregivers.

I feel protective of your sentimental posting, and yearly it has become a tradition. I acknowledge your sentiments, and feel sorry that your post was deleted. So, I mention my appreciation of you here.

Keep taking the higher road! So we won't forget.

Apologies to Countrymouse for going beyond the expected shorter postings.
There is a lot on my mind today.

Well said Send.

Went to court this week; I now have permanent custody of my older foster son and temporary long term custody of his younger brother. It looks like I will have permanent custody of the younger brother in about a year, provided his mother doesn't meet any of the judge's milestones and her parental rights are terminated. She didn't appear to contest CPS's actions at the hearing. I'm not banking on that because I know of too many cases where the parental rights are not terminated and the kids are kept in limbo because of it. I was able to get supervised visitation requirements with pre-visit drug testing. Maybe she won't take as much visitation with the extra requirements? I know I shouldn't feel that way but the visits upset the boys. In this case there is so much evidence of actual neglect there is a better case for termination. The older boy has put on 26 lbs in 3 months (and required a new wardrobe) while the younger was up 8 lbs in just 1 month. The social worker also gave a very positive report on the boys' improvement under my care.

I have talked with the school's basketball coach and he has agreed to take the older boy on the team even if he has poor skills and may have some endurance problems this year. There's a chance he gets injured because his bone density isn't ideal, but the doctor has cleared him and we both feel he needs the companionship of being on the team. I think his confidence was improved just knowing the court ruled he "can stay" here. The younger boy will also play basketball so I have a lot of chauffering to do this winter.

They keep their room and bath very neat and clean and seem to embrace doing some chores: keeping said room clean, making their beds on laundry day, loading their dishes into the washer, and emptying the trash cans. They are staying in my smallest bedroom but I have given up trying to move them into a larger room. I have a trundle bed and when the trundle is pulled out there is only 20" between the beds. The room is long and there is a dresser, short bookcase with a TV and gaming system, toy box, and a walk-in closet with a 6' bookcase and a 3' organizer for toys under the hanging clothes space. This room was originally setup as my "game" or "toy" room with the trundle bed for my grand-nephews' overnight guests and the older foster son previously spent nights here as a guest. He choose this room and I thought it was okay for one but would like to set them up in one of the larger rooms or each in a separate room (given the age difference). They don't want it; in fact when I check on them I often find both boys sleeping in a single twin bed. The social worker doesn't like the trundle but the younger likes the novelty of having his bed "disappear" when he wants and it technically meets the state's requirement of individual beds. I plan to leave them alone but make sure they know the other bedrooms are theirs for the asking. I think maybe when they feel more secure they might make the move but even if they don't they have enough space. I just feel they could have more.

I keep waiting for some real problem to develop but so far the boys have been great. Are they "being good" because they fear they "can't stay" if there is some misbehavior or are they naturally this well behaved and cooperative?

Sickening that children are treated as property and their feelings are not given precedence over their mothers. That woman should be sterilized so she cant have anymore children in my opinion.

Nothing worse for the younger one than living in limbo for a year worrying that he will be given back to his mother. What is wrong with that judge? He should have given you permanent custody of the younger one too.

I think you are right eventually when they feel more secure they will change to the larger room or have separate bedrooms.

Congratulations mama! You have a big boy.

I am so sorry to hear that the youngest is being left in limbo.

That is the hardest thing in the Foster system to accept. When we went through the classes I was utterly appalled at what rights a birth parent has after the child is removed from the home. Especially after finding out how hard it is to get a child removed from the parents.

I pray that she either gets her act together or gets lost. It is heartbreaking that kids have to be subjected to this kind of crap.

They are both very blessed to have you. You are obviously a safe haven and they appreciate you, their actions prove their gratitude.

Thank you for sharing your journey with these boys. It is inspirational to hear how they are thriving under your loving care.

Well done!

My cardio doc came earlier. I’ve got to have a pacemaker and a minor valve procedure. They’re going to get it on the schedule. I have to have two units of red blood cells. I’m truly tired of health problems, but not ready to throw in the towel. Even with all the problems I have I
usually feel pretty good. This time not the same. Feel bad and very tired. DIL brought me my favorite snack - Cuties mandarin oranges and I couldn’t eat them. Complaining over! It does no good.

Prayers for an easy operation and a quick recovery Becky.

Cuties mandarin oranges are a family favorite here too! Pack them in lunches; when my grand-nephew was in kindergarten I used to peel two and send them in a ziplock bag.

Praying you feel better soon!

I've attended hearings as a psychologist determining SS disability, at a mental institution doing determination of danger to the community, etc. All people trying to convince their point. People who are trying to defraud have one thing in common - they provide too many details and their stories are too elaborate and somewhat unbelievable. The same thing is true in writing. Too many details.

I don't know if that is true with internet "trolls" but sometimes it seems so. And when questioned they always have an answer (and quickly).

Just my thoughts.

Got a low ball offer. I countered at higher than my asking price!😁😁😂😂

A woman I work with has been out of the office for a couple of weeks. Her mom just passed, now trying to figure out what to do with dad. He has dementia. If course, he does not want to leave their house. No kids live nearby and want to get him out of there, post haste.

Mom had been providing his care. No doubt, kids have no idea. I have provided her information on facilities, actually care homes. And I have offered an ear...

It was a sad, reflective day for me.

glad - I did that with an offer on the cottage once -scared the potential buyer away. Very kind of you to help and support your co-worker. She is in a difficult situation and I am sure appreciates you. Kind of a look back for you, I guess.

The offer was 130k lower than asking price! Yea, ticked me off, but time will tell. The offer covered what I paid, cost of landscape and window coverings.

Glad, the offer stinks, but I lol'd at your response. You're a legend. lol Good of you to sympathize with your coworker and share some lived perspective.


A local behavioral services agency has offered me a tech position. It's part-time (what I asked for), but I can get started in the field. I'm trying to balance between pushing towards achievement while keeping my current basic security and not over-extending myself. So far, so good.

Hooray, Ali! 😁

glad -that was a bit low!

ali - totally awesome!!!! Way to go!!!

The real estate market is dead in the water in my state of MN. I just got back home from FL after 2 months there to find that the same homes are STILL for sale, with more coming onto the market but not enough buyers. Cost of borrowing has gone up. Everyone who was even remotely going to buy a house already has. More inventory available brings down overall home values. It's a buyer's market now for the first time in several years. Glad, hoping you have the flexibility of waiting for better selling conditions...

on my mind…

“Will you stop thinking about what everyone else wants? What do you want?”

Geaton, Real estate in MN is slower than before but I've sold a very small house and a 6-unit apartment building in St. Cloud. There is a larger inventory than previously. I'm in the process of liquidating all of the real estate that my deceased husband and I owned. Property in several states and the market isn't hot in any of them.

Ali: Congratulations!

Way to go Ali!

Greetings to all! (I’ll only update again in the future).

I’m praying for my uncle. He’s fine. But he went to the dentist recently (tooth extraction), and he now has nerve damage. The dentist was negligent. My poor uncle. His face is not totally straight now. I’m praying a lot.

I brought him immediately to several specialists (and also to the original dentist). Luckily, they all say there’s a big chance it’s temporary, and will totally heal within some days.

Oh please God, let it be so.

i pray for you too, poodle.

It's Raining, It's Pouring!

I got an offer on my house! A reasonable offer, but will still counter. No it won't be more than what I am asking.

And low baller raised their offer by 20K, still not enough. Will see what they will do now.

That's great, glad. Hope it works out for you!

Heavy rain from TS Ian started here at 4 P.M. today.

Rain started in northeast TN about 10:00p; suppose to rain for 3 days...

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