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Becky: I do hope that one of the dialysis tech interviews will work out. Good luck.

That's it, gershun - you can't and God doesn't expect you too. That's why He gives direction to, for example, guard your heart. If guarding your heart means limited or no contact so be it.

It took me a long time to understand and accept that.

Well, thank-you again for sharing your wisdom Golden.

Baby steps as they say.

Drove in to work yesterday morning. In an airbnb three nights this week. Back home Friday. Should only need to do this twice more! Maybe once, depending on how it all comes together.

No dialysis tech. Interviews were fair. Didn’t pass background checks. Made appts for the rest of the week at dialysis center. Get to know more of the local wino population.

I picked up my new to me windows 11 computer this afternoon and I've been busy trying to figure everything out. One thing that is going to give me big headaches is the cloud library, there doesn't seem to be a desktop app option any more. I need to get my books downloaded to my PC and then transferred to my e-reader and I used to simply plug it in and click transfer, easy peasy. 😬

And I HATE the different emojis (does that look like a grimace to you?)

And then a questionable radon test! The Rockies not at all uncommon, but buyer in the 80's maybe do not understand?

Going to check out carpet samples tomorrow to replace maybe 15 year old carpet.

cw -No desktop!!!! Aaack!!!! I use my desktop. I haven't converted to Windows 11.

Radon, glad??? In the home you are considering buying? That's not good.

Radon is more common than not here. A radon mitigation system is installed in the home and then not considered an issue. And the gases had been building up for four years since I rarely use the basement and it is sealed off with a door. I have never even opened windows.down there.

When the inspector placed the test I asked how often they come back positive at unacceptable levels. He said 2/3 of the time. Radon in the home I am selling, will find out about the new home today.

And in july, the state adopted new requirements for the testing and maintenance of the systems. Who knows if the test or system were in compliance.

Oh it's still a desktop PC Golden, no way am I giving that up!
But it seems that more and more developers are focusing on the tablet and smart phone market, which IMO is making desktop navigation less intuitive. I tried for an hour to get some new desktop icons but there were so. many. steps. And in the end I just pinned the most used ones to the task bar instead. (Whatever happened to drag and drop?)

I think I've got the library working. I had to reauthorize adobe digital additions and I'll have to go back to downloading the books there before transferring to my e-reader... that's a bunch of extra steps that were eliminated with the cloud library app.

Did you know black bears like pumpkins? I didn't until this fall. If you have a fall pumpkin display outside your house, the bears are calling. Several videos of them munching away on pumpkins! Just another item in the "don't attract the bears" list.

My nephew's wife had 3 pumpkins on her porch... then they were gone. My ring video shows 2 yearling cubs walking across the property...

cw - I meant the app. I have used laptops exclusively for years and am morphing into hybrids. My dd uses a tablet only. I haven't got there yet and may never. I am very slowly using my iPhone more. I agree smart phones and tablets are the direction for the future. I am amazed that R is using his smart phone more!!!

glad - I know there are solutions - even air purifiers I believe.

technie -another good reason for me not to display a pumpkin. I had a bear garbage raider earlier this year.

TN, Yikes, bears calling.

We attract javelina if we put pumpkins out or the trash can.

We have a herd about 15 strong with babies roaming our neighborhood right now. One of the adult males challenged my truck, I guess I got to close to the babies.

How was your trip? Everyone have a blast?

Cwillie and Golden,, today I had to get into a zoom meeting for work,, holy heck it was a mess! I had to reload zoom,, no go! Finally got it on my Kindle of all things! I still could not talk, but at least they knew I attended!

pamz - I decline Zoom meetings but of course you can't for work. My financial advisor in another city likes to do them. I chose a regular phone call - not even facetime - too distracting!

Real, we've still on our trip. This is the last full day and we head home tomorrow morning or early afternoon. Yes, the boys have had a lot of fun. Days spent in the hotel water park (mostly on the slides and in the wave pool), then a early supper and heading to the nascar park for a couple hours of go carts (larger carts for the bigger boys and smaller, slower carts for the younger boys), then back to the hotel for snacks and a movie. The advantage of bringing my 17 yo football player is he can lift the younger boys off the couch and carry them to their beds when they fall asleep during the movie. Last night instead of a restaurant meal they wanted pizza to save time. Nascar park closes at 8 this time of year; when I had the grand-nephews here before it was summer and they were open till midnight. They all want another trip next summer so I guess we'll be back; probably every year for a while.

Will never give up my desk top computer. For one, I can read the monitor so easily. Heavens, I bought my second-hand monitor for $50 about 15 years ago, still works like new. If I try to enlarge the font on my cellphone I would be reading one letter at a time. Don't forget, as we age, so do our eyes. I hope those who build future technology remember that.

I have what is a senior keyboard with easy to read letters, it's called "Keys U See", have had it for 10 years now. Yellow keys with black lettering. I tried to use a laptop, but the flat keyboard made my hands ache.

Have to use a mouse, because I have age related mild tremors, with a laptop that arrow was all over the place.

Sig-other use to use a laptop, but eventually he plugged in a new monitor, a senior keyboard, and a mouse. He was also running into age related issues and how is happy as a clam with his new setup.

Domino effect. Lost my contract, so did buyer, their home is now accepting backups and had been pending. Who knows, their buyer may have lost a contract too.😔😔

techie -glad it is going so well for you and your brood

ff - I use a mouse with my laptops, and hard mouse pads, have a backlit keyboard and set the magnification to suit me which may vary from day to day with CFS blurriness. To each his/her own!

glad - I am so sorry you lost your contract. I know you are looking forward to getting settled in a new home closer to work.

Made it home tonight after a day spent mostly at the nascar park. Turned the wheel over to my 17 yo once we cleared the heavy traffic and let him finish the drive home. Ordered 5 large pizzas and picked them up; now I have the 5 kids from the trip and 4 more from the compound (step-brother, 2 cousins, and nephew's foster son's little boy who just turned 3) in the house watching 3 different movies. I'm exhausted! Older kids are going to see to the younger kids and clean up the food later. I think 4 or 5 will be spending the night here. Foster sons are in heaven. They have never had a vacation focused on stuff they wanted to do. Tomorrow will be devoted to laundry and then back to school (and basketball practice) on Monday.

First time I've been really happy for more than moments since I filed for my father's guardianship and started down the parental caregiving road. Isn't it strange that the old aunt gets such a kick out of running around with the kids?

My daughter and I are going to visit my aunt this tues. First time I have seen her in about a year and I am so excited.We are driving up in the morning and then back later. A cousin has made us lunch reservations and we hope to see another cousin too. Hubs will stay home and mind the puppers and such. We will split the driving. I baked her an Irish Cream cake, her birthday was 2 days ago, and she always loved this cake!

PamZ Have a fun and safe visit.

My best friend from jr and senior high school is coming to visit this week. She lives in Florida. Lost her house on Sanibel Island in the hurricane. She's not moving back there. I'm looking forward to her visit.

PamZ: Have a great trip to see your aunt and cousins!

Becky: Have a great visit with your friend! So sad that she lost her house due to Ian.

I received my first Shringrix vaccine and the Bivalent today. Not any wait at all since I made sure to reschedule on a Sunday from the first attempt. Used my non dominant arm. Little sore, but not bad.

llama -Hope your arm doesn't get any sorer. I'm getting the senior's flu shot tomorrow and I can book for the bivalent in two weeks. It's not the latest bivalent but I suppose gives a little protection.

Pamzi, safe travels and fun times.

Becky, enjoy your visit with your BFF.

Golden and llama, prayers for easy shots and recovery, if needed.

golden: Thank you so much. Good luck on your flu shot and scheduling your Bivalent.

ITRR: Thank you very much.

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