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Sig-other and I also got our senior flu shot. Glad that shot is out of the way. It's suppose to be a challenging flu season due to so many people not wearing their masks anymore.

I still mask up going into stores. I just wish there was some way to stop my eyeglasses from getting so fogged up. If I want to look at something in the store, I have to hold my breath !! I tried those anti-fog eyeglass sprays, all I can say don't waste your money.

You might try a mask with a little metal thingie across the nose. When I bend it to lay closer against my nose, my glasses don't fog as much. Sometimes I use a "healthcare" mask (like they give out at the doctor's office) because it has the metal bendie then layer my thicker cloth mask over it.

Tonight is one of the best nights of the year for me: the temp drops and we have a light freeze. Bye bye golden rod! Pollen counts should drop from current high to at least mild by the weekend.

TN, do you ever use the goldenrod as a tincture?

You could harvest it and sell it to herbal companies, it is valuable and not always readily available.

Great natural antibiotic, unless you are allergic.

I'm so allergic I just try to avoid golden rod, which has always been problematic because the pasture fields surrounding my home and the roadside always have it growing. It's beautiful (especially when framed by darker tree trunks and grasses) but I cannot enjoy it.

Waiting for my order to arrive, Avon Skin-so-soft Lotion with Argan oil
so that I can safely go outside.
Mosquitoes are aggressive, plentiful, bite thru clothing, ankle biters, and I get painful, swollen bites.

I am either super-sensitive or allergic. Cannot use the usual chemicals for mosquito repellant.

Send, eat more potassium rich foods or take a supplement, mosquitoes hate potassium rich blood. Speaking from personal experience.

Despite the hype I never thought the skin-so-soft worked very well (if at all) and I disliked the overpoweringly strong scent... IMO the repellents with lemon eucalyptus are much more effective (and smell nicer).

Thank you! I will definitely look into it!
I do eat a high potassium diet, but maybe it is not being absorbed.

I know! I dislike Avon, but actually have seen that ants won't cross that powder or oil line. So not cosmetics, but for pest control, lol. My adopted philosophy when fighting pests is to be more of a nuisance than the pest.

I went door-to-door when I was younger. One customer was like the narcissists who keep you there for more than an hour before they will give you their order, talking crazy things. Definitely not worth it. So excruciatingly painful for me. I would never enter someone's house that was that crazy these days.
Seems unfair that Avon sells online and to stores undercutting their sales representatives. Kind of like the Fuller Brush Company did.

Send: My DD is hyper allergic to mosquitoes. Welts all over her legs and arms. Waterfront property doesn't help.

Looking up online, there is specially treated clothing to prevent mosquito bites.
Hopefully, your DD uses repellant several times a day.

Do the bites make her sick?

I have never been able to use Avon products. Severe allergy since high school and trying Heaven Sent.

I have heard many excellent reports on a lotion called Body Butter Baobab by NuSkin as a mosquito repellent. Pricey, but a little goes a long way!

LL, I have found Emu oil to help with this reaction, it calms the allergic reaction and takes the itch out, for me. Worth a shot to try.

I can get anaphylactic shock from getting bit, so I have been blessed to find ways to mitigate the biting and how to relieve them if I get them.

My heart goes out to your daughter, that is pure torture.

Today is my parents' 70th wedding anniversary and I'm letting go of a pair of seving bowls. My great-great-aunts (yes, my grandfather's aunts) gave my mother a pair of large "fancy" serving bowls for a wedding present. There has been a lot of chicken gravy, soup beans, green beans and corn served in those bowls over the years. My oldest nephew expressed interest in the bowls when we were emptying mom and dad's house. His wife is not interested in the "old" bowls but I'm putting faith in my nephew and his sons and passing procession on down the line.

Send: Thank you; my DD does use mosquito repellent. I haven't heard of the clothing. She does not get physically sick and just has the welts that I'd mentioned.

ITRR: Thank you on the Emu oil recommendation. My brother has similar reaction to mosquito bites. Fortunately, I do not.

That Skin So Soft Avon product is a huge migraine trigger. Luckily, I haven't smelled it in decades.

Thank you all for the mosquito bite info and recommendations!
And the cures.
Much appreciated on this ghastly evening, failing to receive my Instacart order, failing to get dH to the store, just a fail.

I can take it. Just stopping everything, resting, seeking entertainment on T.V. We will have a yam to split for dinner, already had a quesadilla, and dH won't even notice as he is super glued to internet things and his cell phone tonight. It was already super hard for him to eat all day as he is sooo distracted.

Deep breaths, and peacefulness!

You all have a good night, wherever you are! 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💖

glad: Thank you on that recommendation.

Ready for my company. Started out with my friend from Florida and has grown to 7 more of our friends from WV. I've had two guest cottages cleaned and beds made. Grandsons filled the wood boxes. I've done a little baking myself. Having dinner delivered. It's supposed to be in the low 30's overnight. It will be a busy 5 or so days.

Becky have a wonderful visit!! Our trip to see my Aunt went great. Pa is so beautiful right now, the leaves are ahead of ours and it was so pretty. Great to spend time with Aunt and some cousins. Her new condo is lovely and she brought enough things from her big house to make it still feel like her home.

I think I am completely through with public sector work, too much nonsense with governing bodies, especially when they are strong majority women! Politics enough to drive me nuts! Adjusting to slowing way down! Just the unknown..... 😏😏😳😳

Just call me "fall guy"

glad - I'm sorry. Workplace politics are the worst!!!

The Avon lotion has arrived. I don't like it, but maybe the mosquitos won't like it either.

There are hummingbirds feeding on the blooming cape honeysuckle near my front door. Found out that hummingbirds eat mosquitos and other insects.
That is a good thing!

Sad today. Visited with my first cousin yesterday. She just turned 50 and has two lovely daughters in middle school. She also has a husband 2 years into a early onset alzheimer diagnosis. He has been staying at home alone while his wife works and the kids are at school. I tried to get my cousin (the RN) to understand he doesn't need so much time alone. The weight drop is because he doesn't eat or apparently drink when alone. I worry about the pool, could the girls come home from school and find him in the pool? There's an ADC program with the local senior center but she is resistant to looking into it. He also qualifies for a program at the local VA. She reminds me of my mother immediately following my dad's vascular dementia diagnosis; it's not so bad yet.

I'm considering offering to bring lunch by their house on the days she works. Would I really be helping or just enabling a potentially dangerous situation to continue? I can't stay until the girls get home because I need to be home when my foster sons get home. She is already under so much pressure trying to keep things going. Her parents chauffeur her girls (their grandchildren) around to their functions but health concerns limit how much help they can offer. Most of the cousins and her brother are in the their late 40s or 50s and have busy lives with the their own families. So many things similar in early onset to what we deal handle with older parents... and so many things are different.

TN, I am sorry that your heart is heavy for your cousin and for her trials.

I think it would be helpful to keep track of his overall well-being with lunch delivered. Perhaps she would be able to see that something needs to be implemented to keep him safe and healthy.

I can't imagine how deep the water feels for her right now.

Hug your loved ones tonight. A neighbor woman (63) lost her husband, suddenly, today. He was 59. Don't know the cause, but reminds us all.

techie - sad to see the decline and a difficult time for family to make the adjustments,

glad - you never know. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us.

It was one of those days. Dialysis did not go well. I’ve felt terrible all day. Going to have soup and go to bed. It’s unusual for treatment to make me feel bad. Usually a little tired and a short nap fixes me up.

Feel better Becky.

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