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Today, mom's 94th.😔😔

Becky: Feel better.

glad: Hugs.

glad - (((((hugs)))) Sorry you are sad.

Becky, sorry things did not go well today.

Glad, I'm also sorry you are sad.

I'm also suffering with the blues. I know I suffer from depression but I just don't want to go on another SRI. Initially they work with me but inevitably the side effects start and that's another uphill road to climb. I've tried all the so called natural antidepressants but maybe I'm just too sensitive to things cause they all give me problems as well.

So, I'll just plod on. I can't wait till January when all the holidays are over. An early bah humbug from me. Yeah I know we haven't even had Halloween yet but my sister is already sending out the "Come to our Place" e-mails so that's why I'm thinking about it.


I'm sitting in a child physiologist's office while my foster sons visit with him. The younger's mother tried to take him last night at an away ballgame. On the physiologist's recommendation, she only has an hour of weekly supervised in the CPS office. She tried to take him while he stood in the concession line with his older brother. The brother took him by the hand and stepped over to the sheriff's deputy as I headed up the hill to reach them. Sent the boys to the men's restroom as the mother argued she should be able to take her son. After she was escorted out, the deputy got the boys and I just hugged them and told them I was sorry they had that experience. We left and he held on to his brother all the way home.

Icredibility difficult. I know the court has ordered I keep them separated for my foster son's benefit. I try to make those visits as pleasant as possible, taking school papers and fast food and homemade cookies for them to share. He loves his mother and he's afraid of living with her again. This morning he thanked me for keeping him. This is harder than any of the caregiving challenges I faced with my parents. I feel more pressure to "get it right" at the same time I don't know what is "right". I try to explain his mom has some problems and not express any hostility toward her. To leave him okay and not needing to "choose" between us. He's only 9 years old! Pray for us.

(((((techie))))) tough situation. I'm glad it wasn't worse. Poor little tykes. Prayers.

You are doing everything right!

I'm sure trying. They're out of school today so now we're at the trampoline park for a couple of hours, then maybe we'll go by their favorite public park.

You may have already done this:
Add an emergency phone number to a piece of paper, inside the shoe inserts.
Vary your routines and parks that you visit.
Don't get paranoid, but always be aware of your surroundings and if you are being followed.
Let the boys know that you or law enforcement will always come to find them, if ever they are forced to go with non-custodial mom.

I have known two sets of foster moms. You can get help teaching the boys safety, and how to notify safe people if they have been taken.

One interesting 'story', maybe not true, but a good idea: A child taken wrote in crayon on the menu! Amazingly resourceful, imo.

It is hard just to think about! The boys are being traumatized by their own mother!

SendHelp, the mother knows where I live; she was a neighbor. I have a good home security system. Both kids have memorized my name, address and phone. I knew the ballgames were a "weak" link but the boys enjoy participating so much I don't feel I can deny them such a normal part of childhood. I do contact the law enforcement working the event and provide them copies of my court orders and a photo of their step/mother prior to the event. Older son has been told to never leave the younger alone and retreat to law enforcement, which he did last night. I kept my eye on them and was moving before she had a chance to coral them. CPS is getting a restraining order to try to add another step to keep her away from us; don't see that working anymore than the judge's order changing custody. We have talked about ways to get back if they are ever taken someplace they don't want to be but I avoided addressing the mother as having taken the younger boy. Physiologist thinks I'm doing okay.

The mother is apparently enraged the state is paying me to care for "her boys"; they should just give that money to her.

TN, you are doing great.

Right for kids is love, stability and more love, oh and food. They really are pretty simple and easy to get it right with.

Prayers for all of you, including mom. Hopefully, she will stop being so selfish and do what she needs to to get stable.

Your plan has worked.
You are doing everything right.

The one thing I didn't foresee was my 14 yo, 6' and 226lb grand-nephew seeing me running up the hill and taking off himself. He placed himself between the mother and the boys and used his basketball guarding skills to keep her at bay and continued to stand guard even after the deputy intervened. He tells me its better if she were to attack him because he's a minor and he's bigger and he's used to getting assaulted (because he plays football). He definitely runs a lot faster up a hill.

TN, tell your awesome grand-nephew, WELL DONE!

He was so right and so totally amazing.

You are doing a great job, that's why he put himself into potential danger to protect you.

techie -Agreed you are doing everything right and I am sure some of that is not easy. Good for grandnephew!!! Sounds like the foster's mum is interested in money which goes along with addiction. Sad.

TNtechie: Prayers sent.

His defense was a role reversal I wasn't expecting. He immediately told me he never hit her, just let her hit him. We've had many little discussions over the years about because he is so big and strong he needs to always control his temper and not hit smaller and weaker opponents with his full strength UNLESS they truly offer him injury. If anyone is trying to really hurt you or maybe even kill you then you hit them as hard as you can until they are not capable of offering any more fight.

I've told him God gives men strength to be the protectors of children and women and never their abusers.

Without realizing it, I seem to have gained a personal bear. "Nobody is going to hurt my family while I'm around!"

She was crazy enough to hit the deputy and when the deputy asked my nephew if he wanted to press assault charges over his son he strongly indicated he did. She hasn't made bail yet. I'm selfishly wishing she doesn't for a few days.

TN, that is such a great lesson that you taught your GN. He is going to be an awesome husband and father one day. The gentle giant with a hidden super power.

I agree, I hope she nuts out in jail from withdrawals and can get into treatment or gets time. I know the odds of forced treatment are slim but, it gives you all a respite from her nonsense.

Again, WELL DONE to ALL of you. You guys are doing great for these young guys and they are learning valuable lessons that they will carry all their lives.

Back in the hospital. Port failure during dialysis. Not sure what they will do. Put in new port somewhere maybe. Dialysis coordinator will be in to see me later.

Becky, you are always so positive and so brave in what you deal with daily, and I am so sorry to hear this. Another hurdle. My thoughts will be with you. I so seldom come into discussions to poke about, but so glad I did today so I can send all my thoughts for your recovery. I so admire you and your attitude and input. You have literally changed the way I feel about dialysis.

How do I get a question deleted?


I'm sorry to hear you're in the hospital. I love your commentary and all the posts you make on your most awesome cooking.
Feel better soon and please let us know how you're doing. Hang in there.

getting two new ports on Monday. I need zippers.

Port surgery called off for tomorrow. They are going to use my other arm or my backup subclavian port. My doctor stepson is going to hook me up when I get home tomorrow am. I hate for Chris to have to take the time. But he thinks the tech who came last week jammed the needle in to deep. I try to go along with my sons. I don’t want to be bossy when they are trying to help me. My dialysis doc is trying to clear my other other arm. So maybe I won’t have to have another surgery.

Becky: Hugs sent.💛

DH went to Patient First today. Nothing was dx'd even with a blood draw. Has to make appointment with PCP.

It's my mother's 103rd heavenly birthday today. She so loved her Halloween birthday. I miss my mommy. There is no other person like one's mother.

Llama, Happy B'day to your dear Mother. I'm sorry you miss her.

I miss my beloved mom too. :(

Gershun: Thank you! I know that you must miss your mom. Hugs.

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