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Put on a blood thinner to prevent blood clots. Got port surgery early this afternoon without any problems. Hope I get back on my usual dialysis routine Thursday.

I'm thinking about something "mildly infuriating" (I'm spending way too much time on reddit lol). My street has been under construction for several weeks and usually they start early (7ish) and quit around dark, but tonight it's halloween and they are still out there with heavy equipment after 7:00 pm. I had already decided there was no point in doing anything this year but the young couple across the street are all decked out in lights and inflatables.... I feel kind of sorry for them, there's no way they will get a soul.

DD now sick with bad sinus infection and allergy. Stuff is going around. Prayers needed for her and DH.

Llama, sending good thoughts to your DD and DH to get well soon.

Get Well wishes and prayers for everyone!

If you are missing your Mom, have a small glass of wine for your grief, by toasting her life when it was good.

Thank you. No wine for me. It's a migraine trigger.

PB: Thank you.

Peace, of a sort for a few hours... kids are back in school and I'm alone in the house till 3:00p... to get ready for basketball games (food required before, during, and after of course). Older grand-nephew and foster son play; their little brothers follow them. It's strange not to have to call around finding out who LEOs will be, but I taking a packet in my bag just in case something comes up.

Younger foster son told me this morning it's okay if I give him a hug when he goes to school. I'm an affection person (43 yo nephew often still gives me a hug) but told him when he came to live with me that he didn't have to "suffer" any hugs he didn't feel comfortable with. My grand-nephews have endured my hugs all their lives and are somewhat accustomed to me. My younger grand-nephew comes down to my house and dumps his box of toys on my queen sized bed, plays with them while we watch a movie or show, often eventually decides to snuggle. The younger foster son joins him on the bed, sitting across from him and playing with the toys but seemingly amazed when grand-nephew starts a "tiggle fight" with me that we both enjoy. Physiologist says to continue my affectionate relationship with grand-nephews, not to pressure foster son into similar demonstrations but offer them when he wants. Foster son is apparently afraid of close contact with adults. I was a very independent kid at 9 but I remember sitting beside my daddy on the couch every night and having his arm around me as we watched tv. So many things we take for granted these boys need to learn about; respect and body autonomy just being one. I cannot remember an argument about a shut door in my childhood home; you just knocked and waited for permission. These boys were not allowed to shut a door...

Was always a very early waker, 4 or 5. Now I have no problem sleep in until 6 or 630! Feels pretty good!

llama - prayers for dd and dh. Sinus infections are the pits. I speak from a lifetime of experience.

techie - hugs are great and so glad the younger fs wants them. Privacy is important too.

glad - me too for year and years . It must feel good to be able to sleep in later. Now for me it is often more like 3 which is too early so I go back to sleep for another couple of hours if I can, and catch a nap in the daytime.

The recommendation for CS/FM is stay in bed late in the morning which is 9:30 for me and nap in the afternoon. My most productive time of day now in last afternoon and evening. Used to be mornings.

It snowed yesterday - just a light snow - but hasn't stayed. More is forecast for today and the weekend and daytime temperatures are heading to below freezing. I guess winter is here. ❄❄❄😕

I sometimes wonder if the admins really read posts before they edit them. Case in point - "washed a pad by accident" did not ask for "suggestions", they posted a solution.

And why do they keep moving things posted as discussions over to questions? Especially when they are clearly not questions, such as FF's most recent thread musing about getting older!!!

golden: Thank you. Sorry that you, too, suffer from sinus infections.

Aging Care forum is very quiet lately. Not too many posts.

Can we just STOP calling enteric viruses the stomach flu? I can't believe I had to have a conversation with my sister trying to explain to her that The Flu (influenza) is respiratory and not a stomach ailment.... 🤯

cw - the way I understand it 'flu" is respiratory flu due to infection by respiratory system viruses and "stomach flu" is infection of the gut by gastrointestinal viruses. I don't have a problem with that.

On the other hand bacteria, parasites etc can cause gastroenteritis which is is commonly called stomach flu, which maybe stretching it.

The flu in our part of the world usually includes headache, cough, and intestinal distress. A stomach virus only causes intestinal distress and we call respiratory symptoms a cold.

In my area, we call e v e r y t h i n g Covid.

From pneumonia to an auto accident on the I-5.

(just a joke, "as if" even the doctors can tell the difference and make a diagnosis).

The problem as I see it is that calling them both the flu conflates the two and causes people to dismiss the severity of influenza. I constantly hear people say they've had the flu, that the flu is going around, that it's no big deal.... and they are talking about the "stomach flu", they don't seem to have any awareness that they are separate illnesses.

And influenza rarely causes intestinal symptoms in adults.

I was raised in the NE by an RN. We never called anything intestinal the flu. Then I moved to MN in my adult years and they referrred to intestinal problems and diarrhea as "stomach flu", and it drove me crazy because it is incorrect.

"People commonly call viral gastroenteritis “stomach flu,” but the term is not medically correct. Viral gastroenteritis is an infection of the intestines, not the stomach, and it is not caused by influenza (flu) viruses  The flu vaccine does not protect against viral gastroenteritis."


It is a good thing that Cwillie started a discussion about the flu.
The flu is serious, in 1969 I had the Hong Cong flu.
The timing is right. November/December.
Apologies for the silliness.
Here is some more: (silliness).

Then, another kind of flu is the Blue Flu.
A blue flu is a type of strike action undertaken by police officers in which a large number simultaneously use sick leave, without being sick.

If I were to become serious, I would have to explain that 3 nights ago my Dh did have an episode (gasping/unable to awaken), but included the fact that once he was awake he pretended to still be asleep, and the spasm in his stomach was not a seizure, he was holding back laughing. I asked him this morning, figuring it out 3 days later.

I have been gaslighted.

It may be too late to save my sanity.

Yes, the forum appears quiet to me on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of every month, when people are traditionally paying bills, Polarbear.

Tweety had some spinach last night.
He is peeing and pooping like he might have the bird flu.
But this is maybe something gastrointestinal, and not serious,
not really the flu.

Maybe it does not really matter what we call anything anymore. I live with a husband who now corrects e v e r y t h i n g I say, playing the semantics game to distract from the real issue at hand. He will interrupt 2-3 words into my talking with a correction. Oh, and I can no longer safely say the word "fun" without him going into a "rant" on the base meaning of fun.

Truth, life is no longer fun and I am desperately seeking to find something that is truth. Hoping this mood will pass by soon. It is our 22nd anniversary this month.


Oh Send 😖

I allow my pedantic DH one sentence correction per story - he being a grammar lover (& we both agree probably Asperger's). But any more & I shut down & stop the story.

This of course frustrates me more than him 😡.
Grammar corrections while someone is speaking is my Pet Hate #1

My Pet Hate #2 is people calling every tiny sniffle The Flu.

So here I am being grammarly intolerant! 😂. Oops!

I have had influenza & was VERY ILL. No tests for strains were available then. But now when someone has a tiny sniffle, watery eyes, or typical cold symptoms I CAN ask. , The 'flu'? Have you been diagnosed with influenza then? What strain? Oh you haven't actually got influenza? I see. Good. Coz that is a very serious illness.

I have had this exchange with the same co-worker SO many times... With a family member too.

I need to work on IGNORING their bad use of the word.. for MY sanity 😁

DD's physician's assistant finally called in her antibiotic after two days! So frustrating. DH finally got an upcoming appointment with his doctor. Late last night I had to give him two tummy drops for nausea.

Granddaughters took me to the beauty salon today. I had my hair trimmed, facial, manicure and pedicure. After beauty shop, we had a late lunch at a local place. I'm worn out, early to bed. Dialysis at 5:30am.

Thanks Beatty for commiserating.
Since I know dH will interrupt, maybe I should just stop talking all together and avoid the fight.

thanks for everyone’s supportive words!! i really appreciate it!! i’ll return later to the forum.

things continue to be super tough. but improving.

i wish us all luck!!

bundle of joy

Let's just blame everything on Covid. If you bang your knee just say "Da*n covid!

Someone cuts you off in traffic. Shout "F you covid!"

I found a zit on my face the other day......I'm sure it's covid.

Gain a couple of pounds........must be covid!

Just an idea.

Gershun, love it!

Got allergy eye weep today, da*n covid!

I had my stepson take me to the cemetery today. I wanted to go before the snow cover. Really sad this evening. Hard to go there and see how many have passed - family, friends and co-workers. I ran into a couple of people who were there for the same reason - trying to beat the snow. The ground is getting totally frozen. Friend that owns the funeral home said they'll probably quit digging graves before Thanksgiving - start putting bodies in storage. I hate that. I'm so glad that none of our family died in the winter. I've told my son and stepsons to have me cremated if it's winter. Sad.

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