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Oh, I really like the idea of blaming everything on covid .

I didn't get my house vacuumed today, d@mn covid.

I ate half a plate of fudge, d@mn covid.

This could be revolutionary. :-)

My grandson swears Covid ruined his basketball scholarship chances. He lost his sophomore and Junior seasons because they didn't play basketball in his school district because of Covid. He's playing this year as a senior, but he says college scouts aren't coming to his district because everybody missed two years. His solution is to go to a junior college to play and hope that he gets picked by a big 4 year school. So Covid can be blamed for a lot. He has the advantage of high SAT's and excellent grades.

Have you heard that moth infestations are a long-haul Covid manifestation?

Wait, did I spell that right? ✅

Report home has long haul??? Da*n covid!!

My dH blames me for providing a temptation too great.
Da*n covid.

Becky: My mother passed away in late January of 2014 and resided in Mass. 3 miles from the New Hampshire state line. The grave was opened with no issue and actually hadn't been disturbed since 1967 when my father died. Maine has to be considerably colder.

Sorry Becky, did not mean to gloss over your sad graveside visit today with my silliness. I know those days can be hard.

My mom was cremated and we had a bench dedicated to her at her favorite park. That's where I go to pay my respects.

Remember Cher, singing:

If I could turn back time
(If I could turn back time)
If I could turn back time
(If I could turn back time)
If I could turn back time, ohh baby........

Gershun We all need some silliness. Most days I need a bigger dose than most people.

The time has changed backwards, one hour.
Dang Covid!

The morning was only 65 degrees F.
Dang Covid!

Got the time right.
Forgot the date!
Darn Covid!

Have a better night tonight, Caregivers everywhere!

I'm back in the hospital. I have to have a fem-pop bypass surgery later today. Shouldn't be here too long. Headed to dialysis then surgery. More fun than anyone deserves.

In reference to the post complaining about AL tip requests…

FIL had his Nice Restaurant Birthday yesterday. We were a party of six, so surcharge of not just 18 percent but 3 percent more for, uh, inflation. The food was inferior to that which so’s facility serves in their “cruise ship” mentality in their Club Dining Room, which residents pay for individually.

That was about $70 in compelled gratuities for one meal outside. As opposed to the 3 bucks a day that his facility is asking, not directing, residents to donate. Up to them, entirely voluntary.

Becky, is that a result of the injury when you fell? Or is it why you didn't heal as planned?

Prayers this goes well and the revolving hospital door is shutdown for you.

Becky, wishing you a smooth procedure and with best possible results. Blessings to you!

ITRR. Not injury related. Peripheral artery disease. I've had the procedure done twice before without any problems.

Becky, I am thinking of you today and wish you the very best. I will look here when you are up to letting us know how you are doing. I am so sorry that you have to go through all this. Keep your courage up. Many care for you.

Becky ((((hugs))).

I wondered if some of this was a result of getting bonked on the head by the 2x4 a few years ago when the just opened clinic was closing.

Becky: Hugs sent.

Just updating good news. My uncle went to the dentist some weeks ago. The dentist was negligent: nerve damage. Probably injected/touched a nerve.

Extremely luckily weeks later, all is OK. Healed.

I wish us luck with all our challenges here on the forum.

Get out and vote if you haven't! I will be so.glad when all the political nonsense stops! The ads are in pervasive! Sick of it!

I want to echo Glad. VOTE VOTE VOTE. HowEVER you vote, just DO IT. We are carrying the torch. Vote. I remember how my brother wanted to live for just one more vote (he didn't make it), and how, when he went into his ALF his first thought was getting his change of address for his ballot.

About to take my mom out to vote. <3

Had my car in to put on my snow tires and for fall service, now they tell me I need new brake lines and cylinders😖.
Ah well, it's an '09 corolla and except for new tires it has only needed routine repairs until now, I guess my luck was bound to start to run out ...

cwillie, it is still almost always cheaper than buying a new car. Cars are usually terrible "investments". Our family has a strategy of keeping "beaters" because between my husband, eldest son and YouTube they could McGyver any car back to being "drivable". Our last 1998 Lexus (bought used, sold last year with 325K miles) was named Lazarus. I like beaters because I don't want to fuss over looks or cleanliness or door dings -- I just want it to be safe, reliable and have heat/ac. I don't need fancy technology. I used to have a red van that we called the "Clampett-mobile", much to my sons' dismay when they had to borrow it. ;-)

I bought my car brand new because we were in the last recession, nobody was buying cars and Toyota was offering 0% financing.... it was a pretty sweet deal! And it's sure been nice to just turn the key and go without any worries.

Wondering if Becky made it home and is doing okay.

You there lady? You okay?

ITRR: I, too, hope that Becky made it home. Becky, get some rest please.

A bit worried about Becky. Haven’t seen any post from her for 2 days. She always posts in the “What’s for dinner?” thread everyday. Hope she’s ok.

Becky pm'ed me that she was closing her account due to abusive pms from a couple of loose cannons on the site.

Apparently at least one long-time poster told newer folks that Becky had multiple accounts and was responsible for some pretty vile posts.

Another reminder, I think, as to why when we read an outlandish post not to respond or feed the trolls.

Hoping Becky comes back.

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