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I, too, hope that Becky comes back.💛

DD's husband, our SIL is organizing a surprise 50th birthday party for her December 50th.

Is there 50 days in december? 😉😉

While we are looking, where is Ali?

glad: DD's 50th birthday is December 4, 2022 😀
Yes, Ali, come back.

Tough times for many people on the forum. I’m sending us all rays of hope, strength, peace, wisdom.

Things will get better!

Thinking about seniors who retire on cruise ships.

When I went to nephew#1's wedding at a Jamaican resort there was a couple who lived there for at least part of the year - aside from sunny beaches there's maid service, a staff doctor, all you can eat buffets and an endless supply of new people to meet, and it's probably no more expensive than living in an AL community.

Retirement abroad can be affordable.
There exist communities of retirees from the U.S., who are called ex-pats, or ex-patriots.

I have friends who retired to Costa Rico.

Do they like visitors Bridget?😉

I know of one couple who has gone to visit them. Said it was beautiful and everything was reasonably priced.

Send: it's expatriate, not ex-patriot!. Or maybe you were making a joke. I'm pendantic.

My guilty pleasure is watching that property (junk) show House Hunters International - just for Costa Rica, Mexico & similar!

I have decided to start dressing like I live there anyway as soon as the sun comes out this year (if it ever does..). Picked up a bright yellow & aqua resort dress in the local thrift shop 🌴🌞 😆

Barb, Thank you! I usually look those things up when I have doubts. But all I could find quickly was ex-pat, an abbreviation.
I think that I and my dH are pedantic.

Definition and correct spelling:
Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

I am usually trying to make a joke about something. But not the spelling of the word pendantic. 😜

This could be important information.
I took my very low mileage Toyota 2005 into the dealership.
They found $3,000 worth of repairs needed.

Since then, disheartened, I have not even gone to the beach, mostly driving nearby up to 10 miles. Could not afford that much.

I have not found a mechanic who confirms that the brakes need bleeding.
Other mechanics ask a few questions, and say there is no need to do that, or another repair, The car passed smog.

So, maybe get a second opinion not from a dealer.

Keep that car on the road! Toyotas are good for 200,000 miles plus!

Well, it is not very patriotic to go live in another country other than your own.

Costa Rica is supposed to be quite beautiful.

Hello Send,

I wish us all a great weekend!

I’m quoting you:
“Well, it is not very patriotic to go live in another country other than your own.”

It’s one Earth.
It just happens to be cut up in the random borders we have.

Hundreds of years from now, the borders will look different yet again.

And all that time, since the start, it was and is, one Earth.

One Earth with splendid landscapes, here and there, in various “countries”.

When you live in a small town there aren't a lot of different options for car services Send, but I think my local dealer has always been trustworthy. Of course they no longer treat me like royalty for buying a car from them now that so many years have gone by, and the staff keep getting younger and younger (and the guy that went to school with my bro has retired).
I used to love driving, I thought when I retired I'd hop in the car and travel. But then I developed a driving phobia that causes crippling fear in heavy traffic...

You can find reliable mechanics by going to the Car Guys website and putting in your zip code. Have found two wonderful local mechanics through them.

I cannot believe I'm actually posting this but I have become anti-techie. Lately everytime I try to check out a menu online or confirm a place is still open I am confronted by a screen wanting my email and/or phone before I can read a menu! No thanks, I do not need any more junk email or phone calls! If you want to put such a barrier to viewing your general information, then I am going to just pass on your business. Can't they at least wait till I order something?

AGREE! Many places lose my business.

I don't know where I have added my email address in the past month or so, but I have been bombarded with scams and junk! The only thing I can figure out is shopping for Medicare supplement!

I met that yesterday. It was the company who looks after my investments, I have a new advisor and i wanted to check her out. I couldn't get into the site without giving them my email address, which they already have, but i wasn't going to give again. I really object to that!!! Are they so hard up for business???


Yes, Costa Rica is a very beautiful country if you don't mind living in the third-world and getting panhandled incessantly because everyone knows you're a foreigner and they think you must have money. I took a vacation there once. The begging really ruined the trip because we couldn't take a step off the resort we were staying at. Nothing like living in village where the hospital shares the same building with a the church. Perfectly fine if your don's need surgery on a Sunday or basic care.


I couldn't agree more. I will not do any online business that insists on a cellphone number and email before even allowing the product to be seen. Restaurants too. If I can't read the menu online without the "screen" over it demanding an email and phone number, I move on.

I've been in branding and marketing for 4 decades (b to b, not retail). Giving out your email today is really not different than giving a business your home address when you ordered something (credit card, delivery) "back in the day". They put or sold that info to companies that sold mailing lists. Hence, junk mail.

I have a free gmail account that is dedicated for purchases. Then, once the retailer starts sending me junk email, I go in and request to be taken off their list (it's an option at the very bottom of their emails, often in tiny print and in pale grey). By law they must unsubscribe you. Any emails that I want to keep (like order/delivery info) I just forward to myself at my protected email address.

I do occasionally get spam texts and calls, but I use RoboKiller to block those and my iPhone is very quiet.

Do you use an encrypted browser? If not, then whenever you go online you are also being watched and followed and your information gathered.

Yes, technology has scary downsides but it can be mostly very useful to us as we get older. Block chain technology would de-centralize informatiion so that you would "own" it and it would be much harder for businesses to get your info (essentially, advertisers would have to pay each you and me personally for the same info they're getting for free now). This is what crypto is based on (this is a very simplified explanation). Block chain also has downsides, just like most things in life.

Adapt to the best of technology that makes our aging lives better and keeps us more connected to family, our healthcare, each other.

Regarding retirement living in places like Cost Rica...

What happens when you need next-level healthcare? What's the cost of a medical transport back to the US? If you weren't transportable, could your family afford to go to you? And how fast could it happen if they don't have passports? What about PoA laws orr guardianship in other countries? What laws would govern the ex-pat?

Sendhelp, about 10 years ago the Jeep dealership said I needed a couple thousand worth of repairs on my Jeep. I said I would think about it.

I found a really good place to take my vehicle that had old time mechanics, and ten years later none of those so called "repairs" ever needed to be fixed.

Geaton777, I always wondered about health care and legal documents outside of the United States, too.

I know that Medicare is only good for treatment in the United States and its territories [Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands].

My friends who retired to CR come back twice a year for dental care and doctor visits. They go to a local facility for emergent care. They have a supplemental policy that pays for care there. They still have their home in the US if it should ever become necessary or they would want to move back. They went into the move eyes wide open and have never considered it an irreversible permanent move.

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