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I have wondered about Dorker,, since I missed the recent post I guess I'll never know.

That's okay Real, I can be a smarta** too. Didn't think you really meant it. At least I had hoped not.

I sent AC an email message saying that I think closing Dorker's thread was an error.

Dorker, don’t stop writing, here or elsewhere!

I had a feeling it was going to be preemptively shut down, after the recent rhymes-with-moles unpleasantness.

just a reminder to all us kind people here:

you’re doing more than enough, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

don’t let others influence your emotions.

be like a tree, let the dead leaves drop.

do more of what you love.

Hmm, PrettyWitty seems to have gotten pulled. I wonder if she was a troll.

I've never had anyone get upset before when I've looked at their previous posts. Do you guys thinks that's something one shouldn't do?

Heck no Barb, reading their profile or previous posts is often the only way to get a clear picture of someone's situation.

I think your main mistake was not simply approving what she wanted to do in the first place. We all think so much more highly of the intelligence, wisdom and good intentions of people who agree with us, I suppose.

Barb, Nothing wrong with looking at profiles and past answers. I think she only wanted to hear answers she agreed with.

well I just figured out how to update my profile! So now no one will think my folks are still with me! It did take a bit to figure out

We should look at a person's profile to better help that person. If their profile is set at private, entering their screen name into the search icon is a good idea so we can view their previous posts.
I just would not tell them, especially a new poster. And I would stop posting to someone who appears to be a bit wonky from the get-go.

Still, we are all challenged more now to protect ourselves from insincere posters and those who just want to get mad at us.

This is a public social media platform, correct?

People often mistake kindness for weakness, and choose you to get mad at for some reason.
Maybe they think you are a safe person to criticize because you show no malice when you post real, thought out answers.
Or maybe because you are often the first to post an answer or a query of the new poster, giving them the benefit of the doubt.

I am glad that you are still here, helping others.

Barb PW was either a troll or had a plan to keep the estate for themself. And some hide previous answers and questions by changing user names, changing accounts or closing them and saying they are leaving.

Why do posters have to take on new usernames? I think it is very deceptive and dishonest especially when so many tragedies and unfortunate events seem to befall them, so many, it is completely unbelievable. I, for one, am completely appalled and sickened by it! And it has been going on for years.

I changed my username because when I first found the forum I was desperately seeking help and used a username that reflected that desperation. Later I wanted something that was more reflective of my rational personality and changed to TNtechie. I think we all have at least one username change coming, although I do agree repeated changes to attempt deception should be avoided.

There's a difference between just changing your user name and creating multiple and/or consecutive accounts. Generally forum users who have changed their name for legitimate reasons have acknowledged their new persona and the reasons behind it - a lost account, privacy concerns or whatever. Logging in pretending to be someone new with a different set of issues totally unrelated to their previous posts is just game playing, but I'm willing to put aside my suspicions and tolerate it as long as they stay respectful and any advice given is a positive contribution.

One thing I have noticed about multi-name users, the style they use to write is usually the same, thus an easy catch for some. If they try to change their style of writing, eventually the true person will show up when there is a kerfuffle on-line.

hugs to all :).
slowly climbing my way back up from problems here. this means, i'll continue to be gone from the internet. wishing us all a great thanksgiving soon! :)

Because I have been routinely targeted by some posters, I need to know when someone has changed their screen name (user names), so that I can continue to avoid them.

Beyond that, I now try to tolerate them instead of exposing their lies. Even though that person still comes after me with harsh criticisms, tolerance is not my strong suit.

This is not a happy topic, but I understand how frustrated we all feel at the betrayal and deceit.

Letting it go.

You're exactly right FF. I can't change my writing style or my interests. But I did change my user name from Becky04469 after the recent troll attack. I received multiple mean messages accusing me of being multiple posters including Jeffrey Prince, Lil Melba, UsedUpDIL and Bandy 7. After this thread last night about multiple users I was accused by PM of being PrettyWitty. I am none of those people. I also am not a pot stirrer and troublemaker because I'm a psychologist and like to watch the fusses. All the accusations that were made by PM had been told by a longtime trusted member that I was doing these things.

And I had notified several forum members of my name change. My old profile is still up and my old comments can be seen. They are not deleted when you close your account. Closing your account makes it impossible to post, receive messages, etc.

I am a 66 year old female living in Maine and sometimes for extended periods in WV. I have a variety of serious health problems. I am on dialysis, peripheral artery disease, other cardiac issues, multiple falls resulting in being in a wheelchair and a long time type 1 insulin-dependent diabetic. I am a widow.
I have a shortened life expectancy. On the upside. I have a large caring family who help me greatly.


You know, you're exactly right. Personally, I don't like using multiple names, but people do for other reasons besides trolling and looking for trouble. You clearly state valid reasons for a screename change.
Me, I started out as BurntCaregiver and that's the only handle I'll ever use on this forum.
For the most part you can pretty much tell by the writing style who's who and if they're serious or just out for a bit of trolling.
I will always call these people out. This forum is a good group and a valuable resource for people that are actual caregivers. It's not for bored, lonely, mentally ill, or just no good jack-o**s who have nothing better to do with their time other than try to get a rise out of people or tear down the people on this site who truly can offer support because they're going through the same things or have a wealth of experience in it (been there, done that).
PrettyWitty was here before under a different name. I remember what it was though. I recognize the writing style. That style is contemporary troll.

Bridget, what I find most troubling is that it was a long time trusted member, not a troll, that made the accusations.

Not all of us get along all the time and we don’t have to reply to those we don’t like. But taking time to send PMs to accuse and attack is very troubling.

Polar, Three of the people who made the accusations said specifically that a long time trusted poster told them that a that I had multiple accounts and that I liked to stir up trouble because I was a psychologist and liked to watch what happened.

As to admins eliminating a thread. I don't think that they would do such a thing merely because one or two of us report it. I think there has to be a good deal more. I know that I have asked to have a thread stopped for comment because it was divisive and people were attacking one another and was told that this is seldom done because a lot of leeway is allowed for posters. I have seen posts stopped to comment, but very seldom.
As to our getting PM messages? I was told recently that someone on our Forum received emails claiming that I claimed this or said that or some such, and trying to cause division between us, and this person assured me that she has no beef with me. I so appreciated that.
I will not discuss other people with anyone who PMs me. EVER. If anyone asked anything of me I would tell them to go to the source they are asking information about. If someone told me someone said this or that about me A) I couldn't care less and don't need to know that and B) I wouldn't trust someone who spred gossip to me.
So just saying. If someone writes you and claims "Alva said this or that about you" or "Alva told me blah and blah, "I would ask that you come to me personally so I can reassure you that I almost certainly said nothing whatsoever about you. I think we should ALL fact check when we hear what sounds like gossip and nonsense.
As to names, I honestly don't care. Good advice is good advice and I don't care about the name used to give it. I feel the same about BAD advice--no matter what the name is, it is bad advice.
I DO appreciate if a user comes back just knowing they didn't disappear altogether as that always makes me sad and there are many that I still miss. The Captain and Ahmijoy come to mind. Haven't seen WindyRidge in a month of Sundays. Many more. Not to say I don't like a lot of our new members, because I DO.

Enjoys reading the discord threads, but not PM's that are not kind? Still do not buy it.

Whenever there is an issue, I take it up with the admins by sending an email
from the "contact us" form at the bottom of the page.
They just take care of it, and no need to write back.

I have seen posts attacking me and removed by the admins almost immediately at times. I am not special, I just have followed their directions.

Discussing it here feels like gossip. It does not do anyone any good, and continues to divide caregivers. Take it up with the admins is my advice.

There is an internet thing called spoofing screen names. The screen name can look like (for example): Sendhelp. But in fact can say (for example): Sendhelp82. [Not saying that a possible hacker has done this to my account],
but spoofing is a real thing. Just be aware. I don't know what can be done about it except to report it to the admins. The admins are the only ones with the ability to discover who is trying to disrupt the forum here.

Be calm, Carry on everyone. Your time is invaluable, so use it to help others.
No one has as rich a resource as a caregiver who has experienced caring for someone. Don't allow a very few malcontents distract you from your goals.

Have fun with my purchases?

I have just bought online a kitchen pedal bin, a dispensing pack of liners for it, and an underlay for my ironing board cover. I can hardly wait for their delivery.

I think those algorithms have a very strange idea of fun.

Just use your imagination Countrymouse. :)

oooh! living the dream!!!

LOL @ Cashew

A positive update:

When I first came on the forum, I asked advice about (1) which recliner to buy. And (2) ways to help my elderly uncle cook (he loves cooking and is amazing at it. Whatever you’re imagining, it’s even tastier than that). Many of you gave me great advice. I wanted to update my original post, but it’s been closed, since a lot of time passed.

So I’ll update here. Things are going well:
(1) The recliner is great. My uncle uses it all the time. He especially likes getting massages while lying almost horizontal.
(2) I changed caregivers in January, and they’re very willing to follow my uncle’s cooking instructions. So now he gets to eat his favorite dishes, scrumptious, nutritious. The caregivers eat with him too.

With regard to recent posts and misrepresentation of identity, I have been mulling over why this is still on my mind. Without doubt - my own experience - there is deceit and misrepresentation by some posters. A few members here choose to interact with these posters regardless of their truthfulness. Their choice. Why are these posts an issue to me if there is nothing directly offensive or accusatory to anyone? I am not saying there haven't been "nasty" untruthful posts, which I think we all can agree should be removed along with their originator if it persists.

I can only speak for myself. I was brought up in a dysfunctional family where deceit, gaslighting, and outright lies were part of the fabric of the family. It was not a safe place. Because of those experiences I am perhaps particularly sensitive to people who deceive, who lie and I want to have nothing to do with them. That deceit and misrepresentation are tolerated here and practiced regularly makes this not as safe a place for me as it would be otherwise.

However, this forum is not unique is tolerating duplicity. It exists throughout society. I wonder about the problems. the insecurities, the experiences of people who need to lie about themselves. Why not be open and share who you are? Most of us do and know we are imperfect people and, for the most part, are Ok with ourselves and one another. I find it sad that anyone has to hide behind a fantasy rather than have honest interaction with other people, for the fantasy and the lies serve as a barrier to what everyone really needs - connection with others.

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