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Golden, very well said! I, too, have a very hard time with the multiple accounts under numerous usernames! Many of us use this forum to escape the dysfunction in our lives and have felt safe here. Yet, now, it appears the dysfunction is here as well, and welcomed. I do not understand how changing a username is going to help stop a difficult situation with PM-s especially when the frequent changes are so obvious to so many. Just delete the nasty messages. Take what you need and leave the rest.

You can also change your privacy settings to not allow any messages....

Frankly I get tired of all the people who seem to make it their mission to call out anybody they think is trolling or creating multiple accounts. Finger pointing almost never gets their target banned and those who actually ARE trolls likely relish it. And I suspect a lot of innocent forum members are accused or just scared away because they have their posts taken over by scores of acrimonious comments that have little to do with the issue at hand. Also I've often seen a new member berated for not coming back to defend themselves as if this is an obvious admission of guilt... h3ll after all that I wouldn't come back either.

Maybe we could stop "liking" the posts coming from well-known miscreants,
people who are barbaric, barbarous, boorish, churlish, disrespectful, impolite, rude, unconscionable, vulgar, abrupt, blunt, coarse, curt, discourteous, gross, gruff, ill-mannered, inconsiderate, insulting, and uncivilized, and who lie.

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.” 

― Alphonse Karr

Send, LIE should have been at the top of your list. And the search function can be used to find comments and answers under all user names. There are many sendmetohelp comments.


It is only after Isaiah is cleansed of his sin that he says, “Here am I; send me.” Prior to that point, he saw himself as an unworthy messenger; once he was forgiven, he immediately desired to serve the Lord in whatever way possible. The Lord asks, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”—He wants willing volunteers in His service—and a grateful and enthusiastic Isaiah doesn’t hesitate in taking the opportunity: “Here am I; send me.” And for the rest of his life, Isaiah serves the God who had forgiven and saved him.

@ Countrymouse
Thank you for starting this discussion:

"Replacing the much lamented 'On My Mind' profile option, this thread is for musings, jottings, whimsies, preoccupations and the rest of the thesaurus for anyone to jot down anything they please.

I can't remember what the maximum character count was before, can anyone else? But anyway it wasn't very many so let's keep to that."

What exactly did you mean by whimsies?

Bandy, when I first discovered the forum I was much like you. My mom was also a good, devout Christian woman who sacrificed all her life for her children. I devoted my life to her. She was my passion to be honest. You know how they say "Find your passion and you will be happy" It made me happy to do for my mom.

But, when I voiced the same sort of observations that you just did boy did I get it, in spades. I think there are so many stories on here. So many dysfunctional parent/child relationships. So many caregivers who were and are being treated like sh*t by the person they are caring for. I try not to judge. Like they say don't judge another until you've walked a day in their shoes. Or but for the grace of God there go I.

dear bandy,

hug! you wrote:
“I love my mom SO MUCH”

“Why don't I feel all this resentment everyone else feels or feel put-upon by needing to be there for my mom?”

because your mother is very sweet, kind, loving, wonderful to you; and she appreciates all you do for her.

When it came to the holiday season, so much to do, so little time.... this was why I never really enjoyed the holidays :(

Example Christmas, I was the one who bought the holiday cards, not just boxes of cards but individual cards for parents, grandparents, etc., hand wrote the envelopes, hand wrote the letters to go inside the cards [this was before computers or word processors], bought the stamps, mailed the cards....

Oh the gifts, I was the one who did all the gift shopping [this was before the Internet and before store Gift Cards] so that meant running from store to store. Making decisions upon decisions on what to purchase. Ok, time the wrap the gifts. First had to buy the wrapping paper/ribbon/bows, buy gift boxes if the stores didn't supply them [remember those nice store offered gift boxes?], buy tissue for inside the box, wrap the gifts, wrap again for shipping, stand in line at the Post Office with everyone else in Town.

Ah, decorate the house. Decorate the tree after Hubby bought a fresh cut tree from the Boy Scouts [guess I was lucky that was one chore I didn't need to do]. I made cookies and loaf cakes if we went visiting. If guest were coming had to make sure the every room was vacuumed, dusted, bathrooms cleaned, even cleaned the inside of the refrigerator. Cleaned the litter boxes, and got the cat hair off of everything. Had to buy groceries, to feed the guest [I hated to cook]. Oh, I forgot to mention, I was working full-time outside of the house.

Hubby's sister was a Martha Stewart type of person. She handmade many of her gifts, and her own husband would also hand make items out of wood. She would decorate and set a table that one would see on the cover of Better Homes & Garden. She was so cheery and happy. Her children had hand made Christmas outfits.... any way you get the picture.

Come Christmas Day I was exhausted and Hubby couldn't understand why I was so tired, and why I couldn't make Christmas like his sister did.

Whew Frequent flyer, I got tired just reading that. :P

You were, or still are, a Superwoman.
Can I borrow your cape?

Lost mine many years ago. Now the holiday brings anxiety.
Try feeding someone who does not want to eat once the work has been done.

I am okay though. It's the holiday that is not ok. imo.

Did I say I am okay?

My goodness, ff. How on earth did you do it? I gave up on all that years ago and am happy to spend a quiet time with myself or LOs if it works out that way.

Happy Thanksgiving to all those in the US. 🦃🥘🥧

Have a good day and take care of yourself!

FF, my mom was like that. I did a lot of that when my kiddos were young. It is absolutely exhausting! One year I tried to push through, forcing myself to get some cookies and house decorations. Pushed too hard , ended up getting a flu that went into pneumonia for Christmas, with a collapsed lung. I have never been so sick! Got down to 100 pounds and I am 5'10" ! I got Xmas gifts from my kids early that year, they thought I was going to die.😟😟

Nothing tasted better that Xmas than hot and sour soup that came from a restaurant seen in pictures next door to Club Q.

These days are much easier, the kiddos do what they can do and are much better at boundaries than I was. They are still 150 miles from here, next year I hope to be much closer. This screwy economy needs to get straightened out.

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

What I wrote regarding all the things one had to do during the holidays was 1973 to 1993. Superwoman? More like Stupidwoman not knowing how to set boundaries.

Too blind to realize that when I had asked then Hubby to help with something, he would mess it up so bad that I would automatically do it myself next time, that was all part of his plan. I still remember the time when I asked him to help vacuuming until the vacuum got a hold of a throw rug.... good grief, you'd think Hubby was fighting off a mountain lion. Oh well, he did fix the hole made in the wall fighting the dreaded throw rug.

Lot changed over the years. My now sig-other will help in the kitchen, I no longer need to ask him, he will ask if there is anything he can do :) We decided years ago no running from store to store for gifts and then boxing and mailing, went to using Gift Cards. Guest stay at nearby hotel, which sig-other will pay, which has a gym, pool, full breakfast, thus no need for us to clean the upstairs.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. We finished our home made spaghetti [we made the sauce from scratch], and cooked a frozen pumpkin pie. The Pillsbury "crescent rolls" were the most challenging thing we had to do, mainly figure out how to open the can and figure out the dough inside :P

I learned a new term for that concept recently, FF. "Weaponized incompetence." That's when people either act like they don't know how to do something, or they do it so poorly that you are forced to take over.

Maybe there are other descriptors for it, but I thought that term summed it up pretty well. I saw the term used in a Reddit of women commenting on how their partners do this exact thing, e.g., they act like laundry is just too complicated for them to do properly.

I hope everyone's having a nice, peaceful Thanksgiving celebration.

yup alibobali, i agree. it’s also called “playing dumb”.

FYI everyone who knows NeedHelpWithMom (NHWM), she is back. She just posted a while ago.

on my mind...
my elderly LO is having a very hard time keeping a straight face. i'm talking about a very serious topic: how to prevent UTIs. i have a dead serious look. and my LO keeps laughing.

(mayyyybe it's the xmas reindeer antlers i'm wearing)
(i even sleep with the antlers on) (wake up with them) (type with them) (you get the picture)

R I P Kirstie Alley

Also R I P Bob McGrath

I love Bob McGrath. He was a sweetheart.

They are pouring the new curbs along my street and I was told if I don't leave now I won't be able to get my car out for a week. Will I regret leaving my car parked in the drive🤔?


How far away will you have to park it? You may end up needing to go somewhere that you hadn’t expected to go.

I would probably move it. Many people routinely go through this scenario with concerns over weather conditions.

For instance, living on a street that floods during a heavy rainstorm. It’s easier to move the car to higher ground before the storm hits.

Too late now!
Cars left on the nearby streets have been broken into and I don't have anywhere else to put it. I was going to go to my church group on Saturday but c'est la vie🤷‍♀️

I’m sorry, cw. You won’t be able to get out now. I hope your fridge is stocked.

I go to the store when I am low on coffee! LOL 😆 Food, eh…I can take or leave but I need my coffee! There’s usually something in the freezer or pantry, staples like peanut butter and crackers.

Our stores are cleaned out when there is news of a hurricane approaching.

Hurricane season is over but on the news last night a tropical storm was mentioned stirring around. They can and have hit after hurricane season has passed. Honestly, it’s hit or miss with weather reports. My husband says that it’s the only job that a person can be wrong 50% of the time and still keep their job.

Was it a special event with church or something that is the same every week? Either way, I am sorry that you can’t make it due to the curbs being replaced.

It’s sad that cars are being broken into. Unfortunately that can be a common problem. We have carjackings in our city. It’s awful.

Doesn’t it always seem like construction is going on at the most inopportune times?

I can walk anywhere in my town, it's only a mile and a half long and my daily walk takes me pretty much end to end. I did my grocery shop this morning (because Tuesday is senior's day!) and took the car because I wanted potatoes and some other heavy items. Leaving town for activities is not a necessity, just a want.

cw - I can do without my car for a week. Can you walk to your church group, or beg a ride with another member? Worst comes to worse there are always taxis.

The church is in the town where I grew up about a 15 or 20 minute drive from here, I'm no longer a regular attendee but I have been donating my time to the quilting group.... more for social interaction than for their benefit because I am not talented🤣

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