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Now.hallucinations following surgery is a side effect of anesthesia. I have had many wild ones following surgery.


I understand how you feel. I am sorry that you lost your dad so young.

A girl that I met in high school told me that she lost her dad at age eight. He had a heart attack while driving home from work and was found slumped over the steering wheel. The police informed the family of his death.

I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose a dad so young.

My friend who escaped the fire in her home had an especially hard childhood. It is extremely difficult for her to hear happy memories of other dads so I stopped sharing special memories about my dad.

At the same time she would ask me questions and when I answered them, she became very upset. I think she is curious about what it’s like to have a dad.

She was the oldest of three girls. She did blame herself for her father’s death when she was young. Of course, it isn’t her fault.

After the fire, her mother lost it. I mean really lost it and went into a mental hospital. After some time she was able to leave the hospital and eventually reconnected with her children.

The girls were placed in St. Elizabeth’s orphanage for a bit. She and her sisters weren’t always treated very well in the orphanage.

The younger sisters were so young so they don’t remember the fire like my friend does.

I think my friend grieves continuously for her husband because in a way he became a father figure to her. She hasn’t accepted his death. He had serious heart issues.


I have never had a problem with anesthesia. That must be awful.

NHWM, just need the right frame of mind. Those dreams while.very odd I can laugh at them.later😂😂


Dreams can be very strange!

golden: Thank you for that passionflower tea tip. Insomnia is terrible.

Blizzard watch. I want to make chili! My Dutch oven is packed! Might need to go check out goodwill or get something from walmart. Dang!

They told me I wouldn't be able to leave my driveway for a week after they poured the curbs and I though "no problem", but now I'm starting to stress because we got snow overnight with more in the forecast... that weather should be hitting my area by Thursday.😒

❤️🙂 have a GREAT sunday everyone!

sometimes things get tough. courage. keep going!! :) :) here's a hug for whatever challenge you're going through right now.

need - mild here in the winter is around freezing point or even a little lower. When there is sunshine too it is awesome!

glad - some losses never are completely resolved. Thankfully the few times I have had anesthesia I woke right up and was ready to go.

llama - Let me know if it works for you. Second night for me and it helped me get back into a deep sleep.

cw - I appreciate you wanted to shop locally. For me if it was a matter of my health I would shop wherever I could get it. How much longer before the week is up? Re leaving stuff behind I know someone like that and think it's not fair to give your problems to some one else.

Snow and more snow here and overcast, but not too cold. minus 15 C (5F)

Weather here in Wash DC burbs is starting to get into the 30's-40's. Love having the windows opened at night. I drop the heat to 67 as we like to sleep cool.

The cat is none to happy with the colder weather. He likes to mice hunt in the attached garage, but he is getting a bit chilled. He comes in complaining asking us to do something about it, and do it now !!

golden: Ordered some from Amazon last night. Will let you know and thank you!

Blizzard watch was actually a winter storm watch. However, the prediction has now become a blizzard warnimg. Sounds like we will be severely pounded!I

I love these storms when I don't have to get out in them.

Went to Wally World got another Dutch oven. Now get to store for chili ingredients. Hope I can remember the recipe, books are packed. Make sure I have necessary storage containers and utensils to make it an serve it. Oh, and crud, a soup mug too!

I sitting here ruminating about the road construction and getting increasingly angry because it looks like they flat out lied to me about when I would be able to get my car out of my driveway. They've lowered the level of the street by almost a foot which leaves my concrete driveway hanging, plus they are prepping now to lay sidewalks. I asked for a visit from a site manager but it seems nobody is working but the drones, who of course can only do what they are told.
I really need a distraction before I give myself a stroke ....... Grrrrrr 😡😡😡

Ha! my angry post must have nudged the fates because shortly after posting I got a visit from a man in a white hard hat. They are going to bring in a load of gravel so I can get my car out because surprise (not!) once they pour the sidewalks it would be another week before I could cross them. They are also cutting back my driveway so they can decrease the slope and will pour that next spring. I can't help but wonder if any of that would have happened if I hadn't asked for a supervisor to come by.


Sounds stressful!

I hope they are able to remain on schedule and that the construction work will be completed as soon as possible.

Cwillie, time to get yourself a hovercraft. 😀

I've always wanted one like Luke's in Star Wars polarbear. And the transporter from Star Trek too!


I want the transporter too! I loved watching Star Trek as a kid.

I always wanted to be able to twitch my nose like Samantha on Bewitched! Or blink like Genie did on I Dream of Genie! LOL

I also wanted to have a nanny like Mary Poppins! I loved reading the book as a child and seeing the movie. The scene where she tidied up Jane and Michael’s room with her magic was so cute. I wanted her to come help me clean up my room! LOL 😆

I only saw the very first Star Wars movie. I was always more of a Star Trek fan.

Remember the futuristic books that we read in our youth? So many of those things came to pass.

I remember when we saw man walking on the moon in our classroom. That was thrilling for us to see as children.

My grandfather thought it was a hoax! LOL He didn’t believe it. I got upset but my mom told me not to try to convince him that astronauts landed on the moon because it was beyond his comprehension.

I liked any kind of adventure shows as a kid. We only get one childhood and it should be magical!

As a young kid we only got two channels so TV viewing was limited. Adventure shows I remember - Batman (the one with Adam West), Lassie, The Forrest Rangers, Littlest Hobo. Flipper. Lost In Space (but even as a kid I thought it was dorky). Bonanza and Gunsmoke. I hated Green Acres, Gilligan's Island and Beverly Hillbillies, but of course watched them anyway because... two channels 🤣
I forgot Zorro!


Only 2 channels? Wow!

We had 5. CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS and WGNO.

I watched most of the shows that you stated.

I don’t know Forest Rangers or the Hobo show. I hated Lost In Space. I thought it was super boring. The rest I liked.

We had a black and white television for a long time.

Our neighbors got a color television before us. My neighbor invited me to see Batman in color because I was dying to know what color Robin’s cape was.

The wind has started, no snow expected until about midnight. Should wake up to a winter wonderland and maybe no electricity which happens often with these storms. Chili is made, not quite right, not sure what is missing. But it tastes good anyway.


I hope you don’t lose power. Glad that you will have yummy chili to eat. Sounds delicious!


Remember how we had to get up and change the channel? No remote back then.

Technology changed our lives in so many ways. We adjusted to it.

Our children grew up in a world that always had technology. They have never been intimidated. I constantly see toddlers who know how it works!

Like a little kid waiting for Santa.....

Where's the snow?!


Snow is so pretty! We rarely see a few flakes.

Everything shuts down because we don’t know how to drive in the snow! 😆

pre-xmas hug, to everyone!! :) :) :)

on my mind?
i can't believe how fast time flies....!!!
i feel like last year's xmas was 2 days ago.

i'm wishing for us all to get our xmas miracles, and xmas wishes!! :) :) :)

bundle of joy :)

The snow is in Northern Alberta - lots of it!!! You are welcome to it. ❄🌨⛄⛷🎿🏂☃❄

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