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i loooove snow. i'm on my way, golden. see you soon!

A lot of people here don't know how to drive in the snow here either 🙄
To be fair southerners don't have plows, salters and sanders and they aren't driving with winter tires. And that heavy wet snow you get when the temperature is close to freezing is absolutely the slipperiest thing to drive on.

TV is acting up, through-the-air internet and streaming not great during these storms. Not much snow yet, but, lots of wind!

There is no fiber here. Some neighbors have century link over their land lines. My builder did not bring the cable up from the street.

I have to laugh about all the "can't drive" in snow. We are known as a Snowbird destination state and we joke that they can't drive in the sunshine December - February.

golden, i've changed my mind. i'm going to where isthisrealyreal is.

Bundle, come u r welcome. Tucson has the southern most ski resort in the USA. It just doesn't get enough snow now a days to be open much but, it is 45 minutes from my house.

We can sun bathe in the am and ski in the afternoon, if there is snow. :-) perfect set up, IMO.

This is our outdoor season and we are having winter weather, it's sad but, a nice change of pace. Rain and cold temps, brrrrrr! for the next 3 days. I don't know how we will survive;-)

When reading local news I saw that a woman had been arrested with a home made stun gun. What?!! So I went to google and sure enough there was no shortage of directions in how to make one, there's even a collection on Pinterest 🤯
(I don't know about where you all live but these are prohibited weapons here).

dear isthisrealyreal, i'm already at your doostep. i'm very small, it's actually hard to see me. i'll go enjoy the tucson sun. catch you later.

pre-xmas hugs to all!!

Still snowing. If the drift in front of a neighbor's garage, oriented about the same as mine, I probably have a four foot drift in front of my garage door. Very interesting drifts in the gardens that I can see from the windows. Electricity has remained on. All roads in this country and several neighboring ones are closed. All interstates still closed.


As you know it is very rare for it to snow here.

I was young when one time it did snow a good bit for us. We were super excited about it! It was fun for us to see snow as children.

Daddy taught us how to build a snowman. It was the only snowman that I have ever built in my life!

Mmm - 4 ft drift. That's a lot of snow and wind. Happy your electricity is on. We haven't had an electricity outage for quite a while. Hope yours stays on. Keep warm and safe! 🔥

Well, I am heading out to meet my friends for coffee and then shopping.

No driving in the snow for me! LOL 😆

Enjoy your evening, everyone!

Blizzard warning cancelled, but winter storm still in effect. The wind is howling, we may still get another couple inches of snow. City offices already announced closure for tomorrow. Just a mess in general and will take time to clean up.

Very interesting drifting! Front yard looks like ocean waves!


I can’t imagine what that is like!

Went out earlier to meet up with a few friends at PJ’s for coffee and it was in the 70’s and muggy!

deer 🦌 everyone,

no matter what tough situation you’re in right now, it’s snow secret i wish it improves for you very soon! follow your heart, soul, mind. it’s a simple case of claus and effect.

—you’re adorabell 🛎
—treat your elf! 🍪
—be your best elf 🤩
—hopefully no one is there to claus a scene, for goodness flakes! ❄️
—i wish you a wonderful xmas thyme 🌿
—you can feel the xmas spirit from your head to your mistletoes🎄

bundle of joy ☀️

Special Weather Statement has issued here, they predict we will be in the rain zone with just a few hours of freezing rain but they've been know to be wrong so I'm worried about ice followed by snow, the sky was a brilliant red this morning. And of course I (she who never goes out or does anything) have somewhere to be on Friday (nephew #3 has invited us to meet up for his birthday)

I hope you know someone with a snowblower Glad!

I do have a man with a skid steer that comes to push snow off my driveway. The subdivision gets someone to come plow the streets which happened last night. But with the wind overnight, he might just have to do it again. The winds are still blowing, it is still.dark, so I cannot see what happened overnight yet.

Interstate is still closed

CW ask that nephew to have someone pick you up.

The blizzard still is having major impacts. Interstate still closed, last I heard. Schools will still be closed for day 3 tomorrow. People in some areas had ten foot drifts to deal with.

Snow is still in the forecast and continuing winds. As soon as you get something cleared off, the wind will cover it up again.

So far, so good, for my driveway. My snow guy showed up early this morning. He was hoping to get out of town today. I guess he wasn't able to do that.


What a mess!

So, NHWM, how about you? Two tornados in NO today?


Sad day here 😞 in Louisiana. Lots of damage in certain outlying areas of the city and other parishes. Some injuries and a few deaths.

Shelters are open for people in need.

New Orleans is below sea level so there is flooding with heavy rainfall.

We are grateful that our family has escaped damage and are safe.

Ice is due to move in to the mid Atlantic region in about two hours. The storm has moved across the country, sadly, causing damage especially in Louisiana. So sorry, NHWM.

Thanks, Llama.

It’s a weird time of year for all of this. So sad, during the holiday season.

Wind Is still howling, though not as bad. Brief repreives. Sick of the wind!!!!

There are still.Some digging out. Drifts 10-12 feet deep.

Thinking of those in the storms 😥


Sorry the winds are still going strong.

We are experiencing ‘the calm’ after the storm.

Our tornado winds are over now. Rain has ended and the temperature is dropping a bit.

Ugh. Tore the side of my car up today when dashing (not so much) to the local sandwich shop when I merged to the right and struck a guy's driver's side mirror. Very bad day with no ice but heavy rain. Guy said he wasn't filing a claim. What was really bad was that both of us are standing outside in the rain at a very bad spot. Came home and got dry because I just got over this sinus infection. Expensive lesson learned.😥


So sorry about the incident with car.

Need: Thank you. Had no business being on the roadway today.

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