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golden: Well said!💜

Thx, need and llama.

On my mind tonight is Keep it Simple.

My Christmas no longer is about get-togethers, food and presents. I like it that way. Oh, the kids and grands and in-laws have their money gifts. And I will see dd and fam at some point and take middle son out for a meal. I am so thankful not to be exhausted and broke by Christmas Day and that that hasn't happened for a long, long while.

In fact, my Christmas is very much about being thankful and much of that for the simple things. I won't have anything very special to eat tomorrow, but it will be good whatever it is. I am thankful for safety from the weather, a warm house, a purring kitty, a fireplace, grocery delivery, Amazon, Snow Angels clearing my driveway, my children and sig other, of course, and also the reason for the season.

Wishing you all a very good and peaceful Christmas. ❄🎄❄


I wholeheartedly agree with you! As we age we realize what is most important in our lives. The rest doesn’t matter.

Repeat the sounding joy.
Repeat the sounding joy.

A simple and peaceful Christmas to all!

Well said Golden, well said.

I've just finished listening to the Christmas message from King Charles rather than the late Queen🤔


Things are definitely different in England these days. I thought the queen would live to be 100!

She was fairly active for the majority of her life. She certainly loved her horses and dogs. It is said that she got her first Corgi at age seven.

Did you watch the Harry and Megan documentary? I did.

When I did a DNA test recently I discovered that I am predominantly English. 23andme said that my ancestors were from the greater London area.

NeedHelpWithMom, one thing I noticed while doing family trees is that the United Kingdom has THE best ancestry findings of any other country I was doing searches, outside of the United States.

One family member [who married into the family] I was able to match going back to the 1400's in England. That was so fascinating. Even found painted portraits of some people on-line. And current photos of the castles where they had once lived. My gosh, those castles are still standing.

Yet, I cannot find my great-grandparents on my Mother's side from eastern Europe. What little info I do find, nothing matches.

Finally received SIL's Christmas wishlist from DD last night. Then when his gifts arrive, we can finally have them including grandson over for the holidays - plus for DD's 50th.

golden: You're very welcome.


pre-new year hugggs. (they look a lot like pre-xmas hugs, but they’re bigger, and packed with more luck).



It’s fascinating to research our family history.

I have traced back to castles in England as well. Indeed they are still standing.

So, when I was learning about Louisiana history in school it was very interesting for me.

I had ancestors from all sides of the Battle of New Orleans, (England, Spain and France.)

My maternal grandmother’s father came over from Germany, so throw German into the mix as well!

My father’s side is English and Irish. Have you found the vessels that your ancestors came across the pond from? I did. It takes a lot of time to verify the details but it becomes addicting!

They should get rid of Russell Wilson too! What a waste he has been!

Thank goodness there are the Nuggets and Avalanche!

Very exhausted this evening as we drove two hours to DH's youngest sister's home where we celebrated his family's Christmas (he has five siblings). A large gathering of over 25 of us. Feeling my age tonight - almost 76 in 14 days.

31 december 2022

time is approaching!!!!! 🙂

please breathe out the old year and breathe in the new one to come. best, best wishes! from bundle of joy :)


Another winter storm advisory, a watch until tomorrow late night. Probably the 6th time since early November, very unusual. More snow this December since ten years ago.

Please keep that weather all to yourself this time Glad❄️

We are getting an early January thaw, 90% of the snow is already gone. Some younger folks are commenting on social media that this mild weather us unusual but in my youth I drove to many New Year's parties in heavy fog or sleety rain.

Happy almost birthday, Llama!

53 and rainy in NYC.


So true, it does seem to always be foggy on New Year’s Eve.


My daughter had to add a few items to her wardrobe when she lived in Colorado to stay warm. Her favorite additions were hats, wool socks and snow boots. She’s like me, if her feet are cold, she can’t warm up.

Of course, she invested in a nice jacket too. She learned to layer her clothes. She won’t be wearing the jacket as much here!

I hate bundling up. I can’t stand driving with a heavy coat on. It’s so uncomfortable.

We get a fair amount of rainfall here. I don’t know why but I despise carrying an umbrella! My husband is the opposite. He ALWAYS carries an umbrella. He has left umbrellas everywhere! LOL, In restaurants, at Mass, at work, in the library, at a movie theater, and so on.

The fireworks have started already in my neighborhood.

Foggy and drizzly here,, not my fav since the collision last week... LOL I almost missed my driveway ! Hopefully not as foggy in the am at 5 when I head to work! Happy new years to everyone,

CW, can only try. But, with 8.5" forecast we have plenty to share, again.😁😁


I like starting a new year. It’s fun, it reminds me of the first day of school. That was always a fun day.

I am tired of daylight savings time. I would rather not go back and forth.

Barb: Thank you for the early birthday wish. I appreciate you.

It’s New Year’s in New Orleans!

Happy New Year 🎆!

Fireworks are going off like crazy!

Thanks Bandy. Happy New Year to you too! Foggy weather here.

The 134th Rose Parade and 109th Rose Bowl Game will be held on Monday, January 2, 2023. The events will occur the day after New Year's Day in keeping with the Tournament's “Never on Sunday” tradition kept since 1893, the first year the Rose Parade fell on a Sunday.

Our family New Year's gathering was nullified by colds/flu. Just me, hubs and my 93-yr Mom eating all the 4 dozen fresh oysters, crab legs, and shrimp cocktail (our tradition of an all-seafood meal). Played the card game Golf. Drank dirty vodka martinis. Thought about what lay ahead in 2023 with so many LOs of advanced years... I have a feeling a lot will change this year.

Sometimes I make resolutions, but for the past 4 years I have started (and ended) the new year by listening to scripture every morning through The Bible In One Year app. It brings me peace in my heart. And listening to the gentle commentary (and British accent) of Nicky Gumbel never fails to help me face whatever the day brings. It is a free app. Every year I am newly astonished at what is in the Bible.

May the participants on this forum receive much-needed blessings and wisdom, and abundant peace in their hearts. Wishing everyone a joyful, healthy 2023!

New Orleans is going to have a float in the Rose Bowl parade this year. We know a thing or two about floats! 😊

I can’t even count how many Mardi Gras parades I’ve been to in my lifetime. Mom was an excellent seamstress and made fabulous costumes for us every year. It was so much fun to design our costumes.

Last year we had a float in the Rose Bowl and won an award for it. ‘Most Outstanding’

We held our first Children’s Hospital Christmas parade this year in New Orleans. The Children’s Hospital float was awesome. It was a cute parade.

I love a parade!

Here ya go NHWM!

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