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Weddings are a happy occasion but stressful during the planning stages.

Actually, I can see why some people end up eloping!

I know what you’re saying though. Two of my nephews married in Hawaii. It’s expensive to participate in ‘destination’ weddings.

I always pick something from their registry for the gift. Some couples are asking for cash as gifts! It’s anything goes these days.

I wish NHWM.

I don't get why they couldn't have planned a simple yet elegant ceremony and a meal at a fancy restaurant, especially since it's family only, and spend the money on a honeymoon trip. As it is they'll be in debt and my gift will not be much beyond my presence.


I feel like you do. I would rather have the money go towards the honeymoon.

They will have a small, intimate wedding with just the family. It would be lovely at a nice venue and then they could celebrate their marriage on their honeymoon.

People don’t seem to mind going into heavy debt when they are young. I don’t think it’s smart but I suppose they have to figure that out for themselves. They don’t always want to take others advice.


What a great deal! Hotel and restaurant! Nice 😊.

I’ve skipped getting things on a registry list, when I found it was from the most expensive department store in town. Very expensive bits of kitchen equipment you could get cheap from a supermarket, the design just as good.

I too find the growing number of ‘occasions’ a pain in the neck. I got into trouble with a daughter for turning down a very inconvenient invitation to the baby’s first birthday party. I didn’t ‘realise’ that all her friends would be there and highly judgemental if grandmother wasn’t. But then I'd never heard of a baby having a first birthday party, with alcohol. Perhaps we all need a brain update!


They have a different outlook on things than we did in our youth.

My oldest daughter is practical in her thinking. My younger daughter isn’t as practical!

I don’t have grandchildren. My youngest daughter spoils her dog! LOL 😆 I do love her dog though. He’s very sweet.

The other day she came over with a little magnet that she put on my refrigerator which said, ‘I love my granddog.’

That dog has a basket full of toys in her apartment!

I felt so tired yesterday after getting my Covid booster. I fell asleep in about five minutes after my head hit the pillow.

Weddings! I've been married twice and did not stress about the weddings either time.
The first one, I was young (18 yrs). We got married and my in-laws gave us a beautiful party outside at their house. There was probably 40 people there.
My second wedding was religious and officiated by a rabbi. Once again my in-laws paid for it and we had a nice reception in a lovely venue for about 75. I didn't have bridesmaids or registries or any of that nonsense. People just came, had a good time, and brought whatever gift they wanted or could afford. I never wanted anybody to ever feel like they were obligated to spend a certain amount because things are expensive.
A wedding is first and foremost a celebration. It's not supposed to be a fundraiser or a contest on who can try and out do Charles and Diana.
I cannot be bothered with all the bridal nonsense. With me it's good food, a good open bar, and a good band or DJ. The rest is unnecessary, self-imposed stress. I think I'm one of the few people who can honestly say they had a good time at their own wedding. I had a good time at both of mine.
When I stand under the canopy with my ex-husband for the second time it will be only the two of us. Probably in Israel or maybe Hawaii. Somewhere nice. Cheers to love!

Best wishes on your upcoming wedding, Burnt!

Count me in for the backyard birthday parties 🍦🎈 🍰 and frilly dresses too. 👗But they were fun! And if there were spills, the lawn absorbed them. The birds 🐦picked up any crumbs. Great way to go.

cw and Margaret - those seem unreasonable to me.

I had frilly dresses too!

I was both a ‘girly’ girl and a girl who played in the mud and climbed in trees!

So, I had a healthy balance! LOL 😆

My mom didn’t care if we got dirty in the yard. Her only rule was to wash up before dinner. She taught us proper manners.

Extravagant birthday parties have been a topic for discussion for years.

CW, I would just say no to contributing. Time for them to figure it out for themselves. are you sure it wasn't sister's idea to have everyone contribute? I have never heard of such a thing!

My mom gave up on dresses, except for holidays. She said I was always doing things that showed my panties. That use to be unacceptable :-).

I had to go buy a dress when I started going to church, so whatever she said to me about wearing dresses stuck for a long time.

We still do parties outdoors. It just works.

I have been to several destination weddings and I have to say I see the appeal. They are often cheaper for the bride and groom as they normally pay for thier trip and alot of the wedding frills like photos are included by the resort ( hey they know they are going to get extra business from this ) and the honeymoon is already set! No pressure to attend normally, it;s come if you want. Our first time was to Jamaica, and we went for 6 days and called it our vacation too. My bonus daughter is also getting married in Jamaica this April, and we are going. It will be our vacation as we havent gone anywhere since COVID except to the beach and the river house. And my BFF is coming along,, she knows the bride and wants to go to Jamaica, and BD said no problem,, only about 40 are expected. BD will be getting off way cheaper than another of their crowd who spent over 10,000 10 years ago and NEVER lived with her spouse,, they broke up right after. We call that the most expensive party ever! ( in her group) So I guess it depends on your mindset,, we get a vacation we haven't had and get to see my wonderful BD get married. We decided if we didn;t go we would have a backyard party for them when they get back,, but decided to go.

There's no contributing Glad, but there is a requirement that a certain number of guests book rooms there and the expectation is that will be all of us since there are transportation, distance and time constraints. And since this is a place the "beautiful people" frequent the rooms are VERY expensive and since I'm solo that means there will be no cost splitting, plus it's my understanding that any other expenses incurred beyond the wedding meal will be self pay.

Need: Get some rest.

The ‘no dresses because they show your panties’ is actually quite a significant problem. One of my daughters went to a girls high school that had no climbing equipment in the yard. The only sport was ‘standing up and running,’ like hockey or net ball. Turning upside-down on the ‘monkey bars’ (and chatting at the top) was all the go at Primary School, then not allowed the next year in high school. The uniform was a tunic, and it seemed to me that the block on ‘alternative’ exercise really was about ‘not showing your panties’. We probably need more waist high black panties? And more options for shorts and trousers?

In my youth I was a Tomboy, a Sporty Spice girl, so my favorite day was when we had gym because I got to wear shorts under my skirt/dress at school all day (because there was nowhere to change and not enough time). Today, I wear pants 99.9% of the time. I don't miss dresses (or pantyhose) at all. Girls today have the option to wear "athleisure wear" like yoga shorts under their skirts/dresses, so not sure what school would have a problem with that, except one where the admins had no brains or spines.


I'm not in such a hurry. We just started a business so it won't be for a bit.

NeedHelpWithMom, I had the same side effect from my covid booster. Was so very tired, but if that was the only side effect I had, I was happy with that :)


You reminded me of recess at our school. We had uniforms since it was a Catholic school.

Girls had pleated skirts in our elementary school. Mom bought the smallest size for me and they were still too big. So, I had to wear suspenders too! LOL 😆

My mom sewed but was frugal, she figured that if I wore the suspenders instead of altering my uniforms that I could wear them again the following year.

Anyway, at our school the girls and boys had separate playgrounds so the boys wouldn’t see up our skirts when we played on the monkey bars.

The nuns had us completely separated in different play areas.

I am watching Shark Tank.

Some of the presentations on Shark Tank are so ridiculous!

I like some of them but the goofy, contrived ones are just dumb.

I do like watching the show occasionally because I like entrepreneurial spirits! I like seeing people succeed living out their dreams. That part of the show is cool to see.

I like to see what the sharks are interested in also. My favorite shark is Barbara. I like Robert a lot too.

I can’t imagine having that much money that I could invest in all of those things. It’s a gamble. Some pay off. Some bomb.

Still so relieved to not have to get up and drive 100 miles to work! Then to drive 100 miles back on Wednesday!😁😁


100 miles! My word, that’s a trek. I would be relieved too.

Remember when we were young and couldn’t wait to drive a car? LOL 😆

Now, not so much. Well, not a 200 mile round trip anyway!

Even over 10 years later, I am glad I don't have to be out of the house on the way to work by 7:30 am at 30 below. Brrr! 😰❄🌨🥶

I bet you are, Golden!

I still enjoy driving, but much prefer favorable conditions, and not too hot either of course.👵👵😇😇

Snow in the forecast again today. I think we have had more snow in the last month than the total for the past six years I have been here!

Leaving the house at 7 a.m. is not nearly as bad as having to clock in by 7 a.m. Having to haul azz out of bed in the wee hours and hustle to work was one of the reasons I decided I'd rather live like a miser to make my inheritance last than go back to work.

Oh gosh the drive is what is getting to me, up at 4 am on the road by 5 and home at 8ish. Thankfully its only 3 days a week and some days I can carpool. August is my retirement goal and it can not come soon enough


Three days a week is a plus! I don’t think you would survive doing it more often than that.

You will be counting the days as you approach August.

Prudent and frugal does not equal miser.

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