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It's been a tough couple of weeks - thought the old Viking would be better - she just ended a week of antibiotics but is still roaring like a t- Rex
I suspect her teeth might be the problem
at this point, the dentist wouldn't even be able to examine her

to make matters worse, hoca has gone from bad to worst - the head office has come in to run things - cost cutting has been evident for awhile now but they're most concerned about their investors not the residents

without telling me, they have banned the Viking from the dining room - she was left alone this morning and not given breakfast

my head is pounding - $1,800 for a new hot water heater yesterday - there's a big wasp hut outside the front door that I didn't notice and need to deal with

sorry for the vent, I'm in a bad place mentally

not sure how to comfort mom, she cussed me out during prayers tonight

HUGS Madge! Hang in there!

They what, MsMadge?

I can see why it might be best for the poor Viking not to go to the dining room while she's under the weather, but not why they wouldn't mention it and especially not how they think it's okay to leave her unfed.

Can anyone else do the wasps for you? They "only" have to detach the nest, drop it on the ground and stamp on it (I've seen it done. I was hiding behind a tightly closed window at the time, mind).

Well, this sucks. Wish I had more to offer than sympathy.

Madge, I am sorry to read about the Viking. Why have they kept her out of the dining room? Do they think she is contagious with something? Or maybe too hard on her to go to meals? Why wouldn't they give her breakfast? Does she seem worse after she eats? When was the last time she ate? Not even her oatmeal and banana?🍌🍌

Is the Viking on hospice? Has she been evaluated? Maybe her organs have begun to shut down?

I hate to ask all these questions. When the time comes it is hard for many of us to recognize and acknowledge what is happening. Know that I am thinking of you and the Viking. Many hugs.🌼🌺🌻🐞🐞🐈🐦🐓🐥🐥

Why is it that water heaters and furnaces don't last like they used to? Seems like they used to last forever. Now we are lucky if they last 8-10 years. And wasp nests, UFFDA!🐝🐝🐝

I got some corporate nonsense response when asked why she wasn't given breakfast
since the new powers that be have not talked to me directly and only the local staff are gossiping, it seems mom's behavior is the problem - she's too loud - evidently they want her kept in her room, which last night I gather they are trying to boot her from as well
Meanwhile, the ambulatory trouble makers are still free to roam about and cause havoc

the head office is trying to paint an unrealistic picture of what they provide and what dementia is
they have moved recliners out of the tv room because it doesn't look good for people walking into the facility to see an elderly person asleep in a chair because after all they'll all about improving lives through their activities

I know mom has cavities under her crowns and she says her teeth hurt so this is part of her bad mood assuming we got the UTI cleared

two years ago, her dentist advised against trying to replace the crown, thought it would hold a few years given her age
now she won't even let them clean her teeth so no way he could work on her and he doesn't do sedation even if we could get her out of her wheelchair

otherwise, her vitals are good

Oh, Madge! From bad to worse.

I'm so sorry for this turn of events. No good suggestions, I'm afraid.

I think I'd still give the dentist a go.

The thing is, there are things like trust and authority that come into it; and an aide chasing you round the bathroom with a toothbrush doesn't have the same sway as a kindly dentist with the right chair-side manner.

Or sedatives..? :/

What does "too loud" for breakfast mean? Are all the residents hung over or something?

Madge, maybe time for a visit from the ombudsman?

madge - the new admin are somewhat outrageous IMHO!!! It doesn't look good to have old people reclining in front of a TV???? 🙄 I am sorry. Hope you can get it sorted out. I agree with giving the dentist another try. Tooth pain is the pits.

Dentists! Don't get me started!

I've been having dental woes as of late. Not fun. The poor Viking. :(

Doesn't look good? I thought the whole point was providing comfort and care for our elderly. Who cares how it looks? I think it looks worse when you walk through a facility and see elderly shut up in their rooms peering out when you walk by. Or wandering the halls aimlessly.


how are you and Jay?

How's the Viking Madge? I hope she is doing better. Is she still shut out of the dining room?

the Viking seems better now a few days after finishing the antibiotics

she's still banned from the dining room
she is complaining of her teeth hurting when she eats and cries out

she had a very bad dentist in her youth that did nerve damage when pulling a tooth so when she tells me her lower jar hurts I know what's she's saying

I have a care plan meeting later this month - as long as they don't force her out of her room, I'll cave on the dining room issue

I've had some bad dentists too Madge. In my youth and just last week in fact.
I sympathize.

Glad she is doing better.

Had to fight baseball ⚾️ traffic leaving work

found the Viking alone in a room with a plate of uneaten dinner

hoca shortstaffed again and no one could help her in solitary confinement

they've also changed the code so no one can enter or leave unless someone is at the front desk to be buzzed in or out

Can she have some snack cups of applesauce or jello?
I remember Luckylu got those for her Mom.
They did not need refrigeration.

Mom's NH ran short every weekend and holiday, they are constantly advertising for workers there, and most of sister's job seems to involve calling through lists of staff begging them to fill empty shifts at her facility - these used to be sought after jobs because you could get decent pay plus benefits, what the heck is happening?

Im back from vacay and back to the real world, not that vacay was too great..LOL But we had a pain breakthrough this week. As a "sort of joke" my Aunt bought my mom some CBD softgels for her pain,, just a small pack. Mom is on high caliber pain meds.. oxy,, you name it. One pill.. no pain! I don't care if its in her head.. she swears they do the trick! we had asked her Dr about it, he sort of laughed it off. Her home PT guy mentioned it,, I laughed it off. But now I cant find that brand on Amazon and they are pricey.. so I will try to match them up . They even found some for sale on the boardwalk,, can't keep them behaving.. LOL. So wish me luck .. she keeps saying she is on MJ and getting a big kick out of it!

Ms. Madge, Becky closed her account again. She was being attacked by the same three posters who attacked her before. Jay has had some problems, but she is taking good care of him. I’ll let her know you inquired. She gave me some very good advice and helped me thru a difficult period of caregiving with my MIL. It’s a shame that these posters have run her off along with several others. We email frequently.


Thank you for letting me know- please give her my best

I was unaware there were problems on the site


you won’t be able to get cbd on Amazon

sprouts carries it though

I bought some lotion to try on the Viking - it’s expensive

I'm going to try it too and see if it helps my hip any

There are many CBD products on Amazon, pills, oils, lotions, salves. Maybe Madge you are thinking of marijuana oils? Forms of marijuana can only be purchased in states where legal. To be CBD there has to be lower than .3% THC.

"All CBD products are illegal if they’re sold with the promise of medical benefits."

What? Becky is gone? I'm so sorry to hear that!

I hope Becky reported the problem to Admin.

Thanks, Glad

I had heard on the radio recently that Amazon didn't sell cbd but maybe they were referring to products with thc also

I bought an organic brand at Sprouts which I had researched beforehand

Its a hemp derivative, not "real CBD" according to the back. I was just reading the front of the package, not the back. I ordered her some gummies today so wish me luck!

i was gifted an 80 dollar bottle of hemp oil last christmas . it was recommended by my then employers MD son . i felt it had some antianxiety properties but the effect bordered on mild depression . ive had a burning sensation in my lower ribs ever since my sons death . i know its just from core tension . docs wont give me anything to help . VA got in a bind for overprescribing narcotics so theyve swung wildly the other way . im pretty stressy today so i just ingested a large dropper full under my tongue . if my rib pain eases up id be glad to report back . i havent used the stuff in months because i dont have a lot of confidence in it .

this is supposed to be high quality pure cbd from ' bluegrass hemp oil ' company KY .

Starting today, in California, it is mental health week.
Call a number to talk or be referred for help.

i guess the cbd did calm my agitation a bit but had minimal effect on the burning in my ribs . its going to take some arrests and convictions to remedy that degree of stress .
im going to bed because i get up at 4 am just to have some peace and thought before heading to work at 6 ish .

i only take two medications . i take small doses of ambien to help me get to sleep and small bits of viagra to prevent me from rolling out of bed . that isnt what theyre prescribed for but its what im presently using them for . docs have stopped listening to their patients , we have to help ourselves .

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