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Used to have to show up to work at 6 A.M. seven days a week. Salaried employee.

Used to work 7-3 at the hospital in Frederick MD and I lived in Martinsburg, WV. It was about a 65 mile drive. Hated it. So happy when I got a job at City Hospital in Martinsburg. Made my workday so much easier.

Bridget: That was a long drive!

January 13, 2023 = my seventy-sixth trip around the sun.

happy bday llamalover!! 🙂🙂


Happy Birthday 🎂🎁 🎈Llama !

BOJ: Thank you!💛

Need: Thank you!💚


You are young at heart!

Need: Oh, thank you!

Happy Birthday! 🎂🎁🍰🍧

Happy Birthday, Llama! 🍰

Happy birthday Llama!!

Happy bday, LL!


What’s your favorite cake?

My favorite one recently is Chantilly. Whole Foods sells the itty bitty ones. They are so cute! They sometimes have Chantilly cupcakes too.

Anyone freaked out by Friday the 13th? Or do you think it’s just another day?

For me, just another day!

Just another day !

dear llamalover,

i hope you’re busy eating lots of yummy bday cake. ENJOY your day!


AARP has a fun quiz on Friday the 13th trivia. I just took the quiz. I missed one question. The second one. It has 13 questions.

Not the movie! LOL It’s a quiz on the superstitions that we have.

Rest in Peace, Lisa Marie Presley. Far too young, 54.

She left children behind. She looks so much like her dad.

I knew Lisa back in the 90s and she was a sweet, soft spoken, lovely lady. I hope her son committing suicide broke her heart and she wasn't another statistic of the covid jab fiasco.


I am not sure exactly what the cause of death was. So sad, though.

Bridget you worked in Frederick? That is where I live! I did my clinicals ar FMH ! And I have a second house in Shepardstown,, that is a longer drive than I have! I cant imagine that drive 5 days a week! I am having panic attacks with the drive to Baltimore these days. AND yes NHWM I am counting the days down,, less then 80 I have to work between now and August.

Pam, I worked there for a year 2005 -2006. My oldest grandson was born at Frederick in 2005. The drive was terrible. I worked at City 2006-2007. I was taking grad classes at WVU part-time. I moved to Charlottesville, VA and worked at UVA medical school. I worked as a medical transcriptionist the entire time I was getting my grad degrees.

MY DIL is from Shepardstown. My son and DIL lived up on Blue Ridge mountain above the river until she got transferred for work. Her whole family lives in the area. Her brother owns one of the big rafting companies.

Happy Birthday Llama, almost missed it!! Hope it was a great day for you.

Send. golden, glad, ITRR and 97yroldmom: Thank you so much!
Need: Don't really have a favorite cake, but I am a tiramisu lover. No cake today as DD is quite sick. Had to postpone her December 4 and holiday celebrations yet again.
BOJ: DH got me a salmon dinner from Outback. Not busy eating cake.

Need: I've never had chantilly cake. How nice that it's your fav. What is it like?
Edit: Tiramisu can be considered a cake. I made it for DD's '06 bridal shower. Since I was the host, I made it all Italian because my idea started with her fav, which is my stuffed shells and built on that. A cousin said she had never been to a bridal shower like it.

Llama, happy belated birthday!!!

ITRR, the CDC just announced that their system just flagged a possible link between COVID vaccines and strokes in people 65 years and older. A Congressional committee is demanding an investigation. CDC however continues to recommend the vaccines. Pfizer continues to claim no cause and no connection between its vaccines and the strokes and heart attacks and other serious injuries.

I guess more deaths have to happen before they are willing to connect the dots.

Polar Bear dont you find it interesting that no mention of strokes and sudden deaths in those under 65 being investigated? There have been so many celebrities, athletes and young people and children all dropping dead unexpectedly or if strokes and heart attacks. It's criminal how many the vaccine has killed. Especially the children.


Stuffed shells and tiramisu. That's every celebration in my family. That's the Italian side.
We're having stuffed shells tonight for dinner. I made the ricotta last night in fact.
No tiramisu (which is my all-time favorite cake) because I'm dieting.

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