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Sp, yes there have been so many young / younger people who died suddenly, and athletes who died during exercise or games.

What I noticed is that the ads for covid vaccines no longer say "safe and effective", nstead they say the vaccines provide the "best" protection. Well, "best" is very subjective. with little legal implication. Who's going to tell me that I don't make the best carrot cake?

That was just some of the bridal shower. I had lasagne, salads, cake with frosting that DD could consume and a lot more.

Burnt: Delicious sounding!

PB: Thank you so much!

Bandy: Thank you.


Chantilly cake is a white cake with a whipped cream icing and fruit, different berries. It’s very good.

I love tiramisu!

Need, I looked them up when you first mentioned them and it looked delicious.

My sister use to make a strawberry cake that looked the same, there was never any leftovers. Unfortunately, I never got her recipe and I couldn't find anything that made me go, ah that looks like it, until now.

Love, love, love a good tiramisu and a tres leche cake. Oh, and Texas sheet cake and hummingbird cake and, wait, I just like cake:-)


I wish you had gotten her recipe!

I find that it is a lighter cake. The icing isn’t super sweet which I don’t like.

I saw the recipe for Texas sheet cake on a few of the food blogs that I read. They look delicious.

Here we go again! Winter Storm Warning, no doubt it will become a blizzard warning before the snow ❄ is to start tomorrow. This time 8-15 inches anticipated. Got advice from the weather team to go to the store as soon as you can, travel will be dicey for a couple of days. Wonder what impact that will have on the National Western Stock Show.😲😲

And my phone is blowing up from the various weather notifications that I get. I should get chili out of the freezer or some Hoppin John.

Ahhh, I used to make a cake filled with fruit and covered with whipped cream. It is the traditional Norwegian birthday cake, very light and delicious - no fat just eggs, sugar, flour. baking powder and water. I'll post the recipe later. You bake it in an angel food tin or in two round layers. Very simple, not too sweet and very delicious. If you are inclined you can sprinkle the layers with a little sherry as well as the juice of the fruit - typically strawberries. I'll have to try it again with non gluten flour. It makes great cupcakes too.

Tiramisu is wonderful!

glad - we just has a decent snowfall but other than that we are doing well. Stay warm!!!!

I filled in a 4 hour shift at the state mental institution today. I was doing intakes from the court. I had a man who killed his mother by running over her with his car. Asked the usual questions. He said he loved his mother and it was an accident. I said why did you back up and hit her again. Without blinking an eye, he said "I had to make sure she was dead." I was at a loss for words. I used to be used to the hospital and nothing surprised me; I've heard kind of thing before.. I'm out of practice, but it was good to go to work today.

My word, Bridget.

That comment would be enough to leave me speechless! Wow, killing his mom.

The only justified reason for killing somebody is self defense.

My friend who is single owns a gun. She continually does target practice. We live in a high crime city.

Every time we turn around in New Orleans there is another murder and carjackings are rampant here.

I told my friend that I was afraid of guns. She told me never to get one then, because a criminal would take the gun away from me and kill me with my own weapon.

She says that she was taught that if you can’t pull the trigger and know how to properly use a gun to protect yourself, then you shouldn’t own one.

I guess that I am a wuss! I don’t know if I could ever kill someone.

Your story reminds me of two elderly women who did volunteer work with the homeless in New York. They lived in a very expensive area.

They were taking advantage of the homeless by pretending to care. They took them into their homes and then took out insurance policies on them and killed them for the money. One of the old women ran over a person with her car. That’s insane!

Can you imagine two old ladies killing off people for the insurance money? Geeeeeez.

Wasn’t there a woman who killed her husband (rolled over him) with her Mercedes Benz for having an affair? I remember hearing about that case too. She made sure that he was dead too!


Last message about cake was for ITRR, Not Llama.

Mmmm, cake 🤤

Need: You wish I had gotten whose recipe?
That chantilly cake sounds great.

Need: Oops, I see that your recipe question wasn't intended for me.
In my tiramisu, my recipe opted out of using mascarpone cheese and used an alternative. I also made it for a coworker and fortunately the kahlua wasn't noticed for some reason.

Llama. I would love your recipe too!

Need: I'll have to do some digging to locate it.

I hope everyone has seen the post made yesterday by RealyReal pertaining to the recent death of her dear friend and the hospitalization of her own Mom with a perforated bowel. Things are very touch and go and she is asking for prayers from those who pray. A note of support for her will keep her post at the top of our threads here. I almost missed it as it was buried in the threads.
All take care.

ITRR I send you my very best wishes, and my hope that things will go as well as possible. I trust that God will hear my hopes and yours. Love, Margaret

ITRR: Prayers sent to you.

Need: No luck in finding the recipe. The first time I made it was in 2002 and the next time was four years later. If I have time, I'll keep looking. Don't do much baking OR cooking anymore.

Dang it! Sitting in a "dry slot" for this storm. Got nowhere near the amount of snow that was predicted!

Isn't that a good thing Glad?

No, CW, I love snow and the more of it the better as long as I can just stay home.

It stopped snowing for awhile then started again. Got about six inches with round one. Now it appears it may snow until about 9 and add another couple of inches. So, the storm is not done yet. It looked the be heading out, then turned around and came back. Now the winds are starting.

This snow a record breaking January storm. Usually January is very dry. All this snow is great for our drought conditions! We really need the moisture!

Thanks to comments from forum members, including specific instructions for me, the patient has decided to take his hypertension medicine today.

Chaos ends in compliance. Okay then.

Thank you!

Snow has stopped, but now very windy. Some of the snow removed from the driveway and walk will now blow back where it came from and be very icey until it melts. Next storm due this weekend. This is just completely bizarre!

Send, can't see where you talked about not feeling well. Hope you are feeling better.

hugs from me to anyone on the forum who’s depressed, or worried, frustrated, exhausted, feels like tearing their hair out, angry, irritated, unjustly treated, disappointed, discouraged…

or to anyone who just needs a hug.


keep your head up, even when things are very tough.

More snow coming tomorrow night, into Saturday. Then again on Sunday into Monday. Unbelievable never seen anything like this!

There is still a semi, broken in half on I-70 trying to get it out. Saw a picture of a horse stuck in a snow drift being dug out by heavy equipment!

So glad I am not working 100 miles south! Sorry, to be repetitive but every time there is a storm coming in I am reminded!

Here is a video of the difficulty associated with cleaning up accidents like the one where the truck broke in half.

Feeling very sad for my neighbor that lost her husband, unexpectedly, in October. She was in Utah for her dad's 80th and got a call after a welfare check by the sheriff was performed. He had not shown up for work.

Within a month of his death a local realtor approached her to say he thought he had someone interested in buying her house. Predatory, if you ask me. Well, evidently she did get a contract that fell. Now a video has been posted for marketing purposes and she posted that the house would be put on the market yesterday. It isn't yet.

She is experiencing grief over the loss of her husband like I have never seen from anyone, ever, in my life. Kinda makes me wonder if she is bipolar. But the depth of her grief is profound. I have not contacted her to tell her how predatory I think this realtor is, I am not a good friend and I'm sure her good friends have told her anything I possibly could. Once she sells the house, it is done, another final loss that cannot be undone.

With the depth of her grief, then to sell the home and mourn the loss of that too, I just cannot imagine how painful it would be for her.

Glad, I am sorry to hear about your neighbors lose.

I pray that she isn't getting hosed in the deal. My mom was approached by one of these sobs and they royally took advantage, like 100k+ advantage. She didn't consult anyone until it was a done deal.

I would encourage you to share my mom's experience, she may not be telling her friends and is telling you because you are a neighbor.

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