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Has anyone heard from GardenArtist? She hasn't been around for a while.

I hope she's okay.

Glad, so sorry for your friend's loss. I hate how realtor's prey on people. Money is always the bottom line for most of them.

ITRR: Garden Artist had responded to one post in November. Could have been others; I didn't look further.

My middle son is in emergency surgery for his gall bladder. He had symptoms over night, went in this morning and is now in surgery. Likely all will be well. D is almost 51 and hasn't any other health issues. His wife who tends to stay away from the rest of us, to put it mildly, called me and his brother and sister and gave us the full picture. He had said he would text me and she said "No. you won't. I'll call her." We chatted and got caught up and she will let me know when he is out of surgery etc. Every cloud has a silver lining. Prayers appreciated.

Golden, prayers for your sons complete healing and for a better relationship with his wife.

Waiting is a challenge in these situations.


I'm sorry for your son. The same thing happened to my sister a frw years back. She started having pain in her belly one day and that night they were taking out her gallbladder.

Just got a text, "He's out!" I am assuming that he's ok. Thank you for prayers.

It took so long - three hrs. instead of one because they went for lunch in the middle of surgery according to my son.


So sorry about your son having to go to the ER. My oldest daughter has had her gallbladder removed as well.

Glad he is out now. Wishing him all the best.

Golden, my husband had an emergency gall bladder removal this past fall. He's had no issues post-op, hasn't had to change his diet, etc. I'm sure your son will come thru with flying colors.

Son just called and he sounds good. They will keep him in overnight and then he is supposed to stay home for 2 weeks but he says he will rest for 3 days then work from home. He is in IT so he can do that easily and rest when he needs to. So glad this is over and all went well. Thanks for the support. I don't think I have really processed it yet it all happened so quickly. Dd had gall bladder surgery at about the same age. Mother had hers removed when she was about my age or a little older. Her father in his 70s. My father's side of the family never had problems with theirs. I've still got mine. Hope it stays there!!!

Great news Golden!

Wow, golden, that did happen quickly. Sorry your son had this problem, and very happy that it looks like all will be well.

Went for groceries today, first time out since the snowstorm last week. You would think this were a ski town! The amount of snow stacked in parking lots is unbelieveable! The piles must be 6-8 feet tall! It is a winter wonderland. Got just a dusting of snow Saturday and the same expected tonight. This storm seems to be staying further south. That is good, they have been so dry, they really need it!

golden: Prayers for your son.💚

My hubs had his gall bladder removed as well. Sounds like this is quite commonplace. I hope your son makes a full recovery Golden.

Thanks everyone. Son has gone home today and feels fine. It was just a jolt to hear he was in surgery so suddenly. Amazing how quickly they do things today, On finding out more details it does look like R has cancer. I am going to phone my oldest son and tell him he better stay healthy. We have had enough for a while! Now to get this house move and listing out of the way! I want to get settled before R has anymore medical events. He is still on a list for knee replacement but I guess that has to take second place now.

The flu is abating, I am left more sensitive to respiratory allergies right now. Antihistamines and coffee (dilates your bronchi) are easy solutions to that. Could be worse and is on it's way out.

Always something!!! Take care, all and smile. 😊

It was definitely an embarrassment to see our mayor on Face the Nation yesterday. I don’t know anyone in our city that agrees with anything that she said! Geeeeeeeez!

golden: So sorry for R. Prayers and hugs.

Golden, so sorry to hear of R's news. I'll be praying for both of you.

Golden, sorry about R. Is the C diagnosis based solely on PSA reading? Or has he had a biopsy? I went through the high PSA with L. He did not want to pursue any further. I remember there were discussions about injections which he also said no to.

I also remember the high PSA is not an accurate screening. Three out of four high PSA readings are not cancer. Hoping this is the case with R.

Thanks for prayers gershun and llama. I much appreciate it.

glad- it is not just the psa. He has had a biopsy and has a consult with a specialist later in February. That says to me it is not urgent but it is a concern. They have informed him of the various options which he will discuss at his consult. My reading on Dr Google is that 20% of these cancers are aggressive, the other 80% ae slow growing and curable, which sounds like what he has or I think he would have a consult sooner. With dd last year they got treatment moving promptly once they had the biopsy results. This is just my supposition, I don't know for sure. he doesn't share much. I guess we will find out in February.

Looks like I am turning into a caregiver again.

Golden, I hope you are feeling better and that R is in the hands of a good oncologist!

Golden, May The Lord God Almighty touch your Rs body and heal him.

May HE give you both strength, courage and wisdom to face this challenge.


Sending prayers for your you, your son and your daughter.

As a mom, sometimes it seems like we can handle our own health issues much better than we can handle our children’s health issues.

I have to be very careful not to show how concerned I am about certain issues with my kids because I don’t want to be the worry wart that my mom was with me. That always made me uncomfortable and I know that it makes them uneasy too.

Thanks, Barb, ITRR, and Need

I hope R is in the hands of a good oncologist too I'll find out more later. I am at peace about it at this point. My kids seem to welcome my concern and involvement. I never babied them as adults or fussed unduly about them, but they know I am there for them. I have had more contact from my son than in months and with dd contact and concern is ongoing.

I am feeling much better - mostly over it, I think. Thanks again for the support. 😊


So glad that you are feeling better. You’re a wonderful mom. I am certain that your children appreciate you.

I agree with not babying kids but still being supportive.

Generally my kids have made good decisions in their lives. There have been a few times when I bit my tongue and allowed them to find out for themselves that they didn’t make the best choice.

Later on, they thanked me for not interfering and said that they learned from their experiences.

I told them that I wasn’t always going to be around and that it was important for them to know how to make their own decisions in life.

golden: You're very welcome.

Today is the nine year anniversary of my mother's death. A tough day for sure. Yesterday I found out that a 94 y.o. friend of mother's and mine has taken quite ill - came down with the flu over the holidays. I was busy contributing to her hospice care, also informing my brother.


Birthdays, anniversaries and other holidays are all reminders.

I believe that our loved ones are still with us but in a different realm, one that is free from all worldly discomfort.

Crappy weather here. Tornado/high winds up to 70 mph warnings. Listening to the thunder.

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