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Stay safe NHWM, nasty in Houston area today. Must be heading your way.

Thanks, Glad.

I am not going anywhere. Staying home. It is supposed to be over by tomorrow.

Need: Thank you.

LL, I pray that your friend doesn't suffer. May The Lord move on the scene and comfort all of you.

ITRR: Thank you.

Why is everyone so judgemental these days? I was scrolling social media and came across the news that Hazel McCallion has died at the age of 101 (for those who don't know about her she was an outspoken political force of nature and one of Ontario's longest serving mayors when she retired in 2014) and the vitriol and the amount of hate filled rhetoric is unbelievable. I'm so tired of the self righteous people who only want to emphasize the bad and willfully ignore anything positive about every politician and notable figures from the past 😞

cwillie, that's one reason why I don't read the "comment" section below a newspaper article on-line. I love a good debate but when the writers are clueless and vile about the subject matter, I stop reading.

Quarterly bilateral corticosteroid knee injections today.

Llama - how long do the shots last? You mentioned quarterly, so it's every 3 months? Hope your knees feel better.

PB: They are provided every four months for effectiveness and insurance. My right knee is the worst, but they do feel better. Thank you!💚

❤️🙂 hi everyone!! have a GOOD 31 january!! tomorrow, a new month!! :)

sending hugs to anyone having a rough time!! you got this. step by step, find solutions.

bundle of joy :)

So, it’s official. Our old New Orleans Saints coach, Sean Payton is now going to be the head coach for the Denver Broncos. Just saw this on our local news.

Also, the French Quarter Festival and Jazz Festival music lineups have been announced. Yay!

Broncos management sure took their sweet time about it! Relieved that they finally made up their minds and will have a positive impact next season!

It was such an important news item here, as soon as it happened there was a crawler across the bottom of the tv screen.


I love Payton. Broncos are fortunate to get him.

Geaux Saints! 2010 Super Bowl! Our entire city rejoiced. After Katrina, we needed that game to cheer us up! Payton and Drew were our

I took my kids to the championship parade afterwards and it was more crowded than our Mardi Gras parades!

My youngest daughter caught beads from Drew and was thrilled to death! He and Sean were bombed, but Drew still had great aim! LOL 😆 He pointed to my daughter and threw a ton of beads straight at her.

I don’t think any player on the floats were sober! Our city celebrated for a long time!

I remember when our team was really bad. We jokingly called them the ‘Ain’ts’ and wore paper bags over our heads due to being embarrassed! Hahaha…Sean whipped them into shape!

Benson at one time had a voodoo priestess come in before a game to perform a ritual. That was hilarious. We are die hard fans though and show up for the games. Saints fans cheer louder than any other team.

When they named their team, The New Orleans Saints, they asked our archbishop if he felt the name was offensive to the church. The archbishop said, “No, it’s not offensive, but just remember that the saints have gone through many trials and tribulations before they overcame.” That was certainly true for our football team!

I am familiar with the Saints and their accomplishments because Hoda Kotb loves them so. I think she was born there. She was so proud and just absolutely loves Drew! She was so fun to watch on the Today Show, she sure talks them up!


Hoda lived here and was a local broadcaster at one time. She married a UNO professor here. They divorced years ago.

Yeah, I like Hoda too. She is a huge Saints fan.

OMG! The excitement here this morning! And I am sure we will see some of that from Hoda this morning too! Maybe she will now become a Broncos fan?

I'm sick to my stomach! A child was kept in a windowless box trailer (usually 6'x10') with a bucket toliet and a space heater; taken outside to a hot tub for a weekly bath, fed poptarts and spaghetti. When CPS found him, he had frostbite on both feet; one was infected and had to be amputated below the knee!

On the other hand, more than 40 dogs were well cared for.

The mom's boyfriend didn't want the kid in the house.

How does anyone treat their child this way?

A few weeks back when we had some rolling power outages my heat pump would trip the breaker and not restart when the power was restored (until I replaced a bad breaker). My house dropped to 56 one night. The boys put a couple of extra quilts on the bed and slept through. The next night I placed a ceramic heater in their room and kept the temperature in the upper 60s in spite of the house dropping lower. I worried about them staying warm in a well insulated house. How does anyone let their child suffer frostbite while they sleep in a nearby warm house? Not even let them inside for a bath or a meal?

She and the boyfriend sit in a warm jail (no one is bailing them out) getting 3 meals a day. I wish we could lock them in the trailer they kept the boy in for about 20 years!

TN, agreed. As I started to read your post I started to wonder about the boys. Happy they are doing well, we hadn't heard about them for awhile.

TN: What a tragic, horrific thing! I, too, am sick to my stomach!

The local rodent says early spring 🌷

Tech - good to see you posting and hear that the boys are doing well. What a horrific situation you post about. The parents are mentally ill.

cw -YAY!!! Bring it on 🌾🌹🌼

Groundhog Day?
The poor little critter, Phil. All that shouting, fanfare in Pennsylvania. Aren't they almost blind?

I briefly saw the video, but it may not have been this year's video Feb. 2nd.
Was it 6 weeks more of winter?

In California, we've got sun, snow-capped mountains, miles and miles of beaches, redwood forests-all the good stuff!

I can predict 6 more weeks of winter too without tormenting a ground hog to do it. Stupid humans.

Here in MN, there's never NOT 6 more weeks of winter after Feb 2.

Geaton, Same in Maine. Never-ending winter. It's 16 F with -43 wind chill today.

same here, freezing my butt off.

but i loooove the white snow everywhere. very pretty. and i loooove the sound of my shoes crunching against the snow when i walk.


"Tips for driving in the snow:
1. Install winter tires
2. Drive south
3. Continue until you see palm trees
4. Apply brakes & sunscreen"

We have mostly skipped winter this year, unfortunately the trade off for these milder winters seems to be an iffy spring and a slow start to summer.


I feel colder just hearing you describe the snow! You sound like my daughter who loves the snow. I am not fond of cold weather.

My daughter fell in love with the snow when she moved to Colorado. She moved back to Louisiana and misses the snow. She is going to take her vacation in Colorado to visit with her friends and ski in March.

The snow is beautiful. My daughter learned how to layer her clothing in Colorado. Geeeeeez, we barely need a coat during our winter season here in New Orleans.

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