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I really hope Samara Joy, the young woman from the Bronx will win a Grammy for her Jazz performances. She is phenomenal!

I hope she shows up at our jazz festival one day. I will be there if she comes here. I’ve seen many great performances in the jazz tent.

The crime is getting crazy in our city! Now we are seeing ATM’s being stolen. It’s wild!

Stealing ATMs is old news around NHWM. Now they are driving through the closed mall to rob one of the stores

dang, missed the 30 minute edit window again

I saw that on the news Willie. They steal a car and then drive through the mall. At least they knew which store they were targeting. :)

Driving through a mall? That’s insane!

What store was it?

Some computer store. Forget the name.

Love this - “Yes, your great-great-great grandma is coming to your birthday party; she’s driving Grandma”

Roizen, Michael F.; Linneman, Peter; Ratner, Albert. The Great Age Reboot (p. 37). Disney Book Group. Kindle Edition. 

According to this author the next social disruptor will be longevity.

Speaking of which - got a call from my youngest grandson to see if I could drive him to his first job interview. It has snowed a lot recently and his mum got her car stuck in their driveway. So supernan to the rescue lol.👵 Got him to his interview, did a bunch of errands and some chores at my home, went back and picked him up and took him to his home, He got the job. Yay!!! So thankful for a larger car which behaves better than a small one on snowy roads. ❄❄❄

What kind of larger car, Golden? I would think that there are many 4-wheel drives up there. There are certainly plenty here. I have a 4wd 4Runner. Love it! Especially this year. We have another storm coming in midweek, it has the attention of the meteorologists and all those that either love or hate the snow; and of course all the kids they love their snow days!

Snow days have been a topic for discussion in many school districts. With Covid tech advances some districts had gone to remote learning on snow days. Now many districts have gone back to calling snow days because of the psychological benefit of them, which I totally understand! 😁😁

Just a Buick. It's fine as long as you take it easy. Yes, lots of 4 wheel drives and half tons, and 3/4 tons here, We don't have snow days. Kids here go to school regardless.

Hoping the city's snow clearing equipment will be out full force today. The snow angels cleared my driveway last night. 😊

Being rural we get school bus cancellations whenever the weather looks iffy, on foggy mornings too. I think everyone in authority is still haunted by the memory of those epic snow storms we used to get back in the 70's when kids were trapped at school for days.

There is Colorado history about one of its epic spring blizzards that remains much talked about. It occurred about 100 miles south of here. An absolutely tragic story.

When I was in first grade my mom sent me to school on a snow day. I got to school and.nobody was there so I turned around and walked the 3-4 blocks home. Of course I am crying when I finally get there! Mom grew up in Wisconsin and said they never had snow days. Of course she felt terrible. That was in the days when kids used to be able to walk to school. Too many weirdos out there now.

My MIL had a Buick, oldie probably early 70's something. She used to call it Queen Mary. Here we have so many Buicks you would think there was a 2fer sale on them!

That looks like an interesting read Glad. I used to enjoy picking up accounts like that back when all the biographies were shelved together at the library, since the powers that be decided to hide them among the appropriate subject shelves I never even see them any more.

gladimhere, back in the day my uncle had an Olds 98 (1970?). We referred to it as either The Barge or the QM. It was massive.


I walked or rode my bicycle to school too.

No snow days here! 🤣 We have days off for hurricanes and Mardi Gras parades!

Parades are rolling now until Fat Tuesday!

My grandpa had one of those large Cadillacs that had wings! All of those old cars were tanks! The large Olds and Buicks, oh and the Lincoln Continental cars were huge too!

We have time off school for rodeo week. It is a big deal here.

It is a sad world where kids have to be driven to the bus stop 10 houses down the street from home. We have tons of kids in our neighborhood and you never see them or hear them playing. I wonder how they will grow up.
I can't imagine never riding your bike around without constant supervision. They don't have problem solving abilities because adults are always involved. What has this world come too?

Regarding cars. I use to drive my folks in my Jeep on whatever errand or appointment they needed. Dad would bring out a step stool so Mom could get into the vehicle, Dad yelling "All aboard".

When my Mom could no longer climb into the Jeep, I had to use their Oldsmobile [yes, my father's Oldsmobile].

Oh, I hated that car. Felt like I was driving a dining room table down the highway. The car was built more for someone who was 6 foot tall then for someone 5'3". Thus, the seatbelt harness could cross over my throat. The non-adjustable side view mirrors would only be helpful if the driver's seat was pull way back. Well, I needed the seat way up, so those side mirrors were worthless. Changing lanes was a major challenge.

That car would make me seasick just backing out of the driveway.

Got to a point where I hated to drive. Told my parents that. Their reply "then who is going to drive us to the doctor?" Mom refused to ride with a stranger at the wheel. No ands, ifs or buts. I kept on driving them, it helped taking xanax and Dramamine :P

Going to schooo, regardless?! Have a terribly sad!

When my kids were in school there was talk about just canceling buses for the day, that was a somewhat rural area with the majority of the kids living close enough to walk. That idea did not last long because all should get snow days, not just a few.

It didn't mean anything for us back then in Ontario, It was all we knew. They don't have snow days here in Alberta either even now. In my 40 years here the schools and college were closed only once due to a major blizzard which made driving dangerous.

My car in 1988 was a sedan, but it had 4 wheel drive you could turn on, a ski package to hold your skis, it was advertised to be able drive up a ski slope!
Even though people kept borrowing it, they just hated my car!

Hated the leather seats.
Hated that her husband would get a speeding ticket driving it.
So funny to me now.

I don’t remember having seatbelts as a kid.

Our parents didn’t have car seats for babies either. How did we survive? LOL

Wild coyotes tonight! I can hear them, must be a fight. Sounds like there must be about ten of them! Haven't heard them in awhile.

Have you ever seen the coyotes? Are they larger than dogs? My daughter’s dog doesn’t howl like most Siberian huskies do. He’s quiet.

Circa 1951: My mother allowed me to stand up in the back seat of their Studebaker! My brother, an infant, was on my mother's lap!

NHWM - Coyotes are not very large, slightly smaller than a police dog, leaner, and meaner with eyes more wild compared to domestic dogs. They have been spotted frequently around my neighborhood both day and night. A few people have reported that a coyote jumped over their low fence, attacked and killed their pets.

My mini poodle always barks at other dogs, especially bigger dogs. One day, while I took her out for a walk, from the corner of my eye, I saw a dog walking out from a bush which I thought was strange, so I did a double take. Right away, I realized it was no dog, but a full grown coyote. My poodle knew it instantly, too. Instead of barking like she always did at other dogs, she clammed up, not even a whimper. We were about 15-20 feet from the coyote. Lucky for us, we were just across the street from our house, so I hurriedly picked up my little dog, briskly crossed the street, got in our front yard and closed the gate. The coyote followed us but didn't chase us. Thank goodness. After we were safely back behind the gate, the coyote walked past our house, kept going and disappeared into the bushes near the highway.

For a few months after that incident, I carried a long stick with me when I walked my dog. Just in case I ran into a coyote again.

Seen coyotes - just recently saw one walking along the sidewalk outside the house. It makes me nervous about letting Rocky out, though she sticks very close to the house and the back yard and won't go out if she senses anything scary out there. Still!!!

Llama how did we survive? I remember riding in a rumble seat in an old Hudson belonging to friends. It was fun but it was not safe!

I usually nuke my baked potatoes and finish them in my counter top oven to crisp the skin - it has a speed convection function so it supposedly rates highly as an air fryer too, although I have nothing to compare it to so I don't know if that's true.
The appeal of the instant pot recipe was not having to pre-cook the beans, plus the ability to set a time and just let it do it's thing... I find the IP easy to clean too. And not having to cook stove top means I don't have to run the fan, which even on low is too %@#$ loud.

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