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Riding in the back of the pickup truck was fun! So was riding high on top of the wagon of hay bales. But I remember hearing about the baby sliding off the bench seat onto the floor when mom had to hit the brakes - yikes!

Coyotes are very effective predators. They hide, they watch with their beady eyes, they stalk, they pounce. I don't think their prey escape very often.

Coyotes in New Orleans

Watching the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. So many, many, very cute doggies!

Coyotes are now in San Francisco pretty much everywhere. There is a huge canyon park, Glen Canyon where you had better have your dogs on leash; many lost. They come into my neighborhood and are often seen in evenings and night. Haven't yet heard then howl, however.
Yeah, they say it will be cockroaches and Keith Richards still alive after the end of the earth, but I think there will be a couple of coyotes, as well.

Actually puppy bowl is on now. The first show was the best players/puppies of previous puppy bowls.

The score is 35/28

KC just won!

People were out on their porches whooping it up and shooting off fireworks where I live in Missouri.
I bet Kansas City is going crazy tonight~

golden: I know, right.

Speaking of coyotes. My mom lived right next to a park and sometimes I'd stay overnight. Whenever a police or ambulance would drive by the coyotes would howl and howl. Sounded so spooky.

We have coyotes here. I have never seen one. I know that people don’t let their small dogs out in the yard by themselves.


Geeeeez! I am glad that the coyote didn’t chase you. That would be terrifying.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the little poodles. My daughter had one and they think that they are big shots! LOL They are so cute though.

I had a mini schnauzer that was like that too. She was cute as could be but was a little pepper!

I think the funniest thing that I ever saw was a little dog was this little bitty chihuahua that was in a woman’s arms at a Mardi Gras parade that was barking at the horses in the parade! Gutsy little dog! LOL 😆

I went from a schnauzer to a greyhound. My grey absolutely stole my heart. He was fawn color and looked like a small deer. He was beautiful!

My daughter went from a poodle to a Siberian husky. He is a sweetheart. I love him too. Well, I loved all of my pets, from hamsters to cats to dogs. They really are part of a family.

There are so many ways that people meet. Some people meet in church and are married to jerks! Others meet at a bar and have marriages that last a lifetime. Mine did!

I met my husband at a bar. He was a handsome university student. I had arrived early at the restaurant to meet up with friends for dinner and decided to order a drink. He asked me out for the following weekend to go see B. B. King. I accepted. We have been married for over forty years.

I had ended a previous relationship with my college sweetheart and wasn’t even thinking about dating anyone at that time until I met him. He’s the love of my life.

I know people who weren’t happy at all in their marriage and had affairs with another person and married them. Most times it doesn’t work out but I have known a few that have.

I would be thinking that if they cheated on their wife what would stop them from cheating on me too.

That’s what my brother who married four times did. He cheated on every wife except for his current wife. It’s crazy. I wonder what the stats are for infidelities. I bet they are high.

When my brother was married to his second wife he cheated with the neighbor! They got married and his second wife and the neighbor’s ex husband got together and they married and stayed married.

So, they essentially swapped spouses. My mom said, “Son, this happened on my soap opera that I watch!” LOL 😆

A chat room is a different situation and not at all like online dating. There are never any guarantees in life, no matter what the circumstances are. Who really knows who they are marrying?

When neighbors of serial killers are interviewed, they usually say, “He was such a nice guy!”

Life is full of surprises.

When we are old and sitting in the lounge at the nursing home will they play CCR, AC/DC, ZZ Top, and the Stones for us? 🤔


The only thing that I ever saw in the lounge at my godmother’s nursing home was Steve Harvey on Family Feud! LOL

My godmother had Alzheimer’s disease and was blind from macular degeneration and wasn’t aware of much.

She wasn’t even aware of hurricane Katrina. She said, “Isn’t it nice of the nursing home to take us on a road trip! She had no idea that it was an emergency evacuation.

Same thing at the nursing home that my mom did her rehab in. It seemed like the television was stuck on Family Feud!

Occasionally, a volunteer would play music for them, piano, guitar or violin. Sometimes gospel singers on Sunday.

Nah - Lawrence Welk! 😄

Cwillie they better or we can stage a sit in,, or a roll on,,, LOL My MILs MC always had Fox news ons,,as if they knew what was going on ? Dads MC played movies from the 40 and 50s at least he knew the actors

I've been having a fun walk down memory lane listening to music on YouTube, but the comments from all the younger users and the weird playlists people come up with frequently have me rolling my eyes. No, the 70's and 80's were not just disco.... please god don't let them torture me with unrelenting ABBA!!

They better play some Elton John at the very least Willie.

I'm just picturing seniors playing air guitar to Led Zeppelin. LOL

I'm thinking we had better include our music playlists when we draw up our POAs and other important documents!


Hey, Zeppelin saved me from the crappy disco scene from that era! LOL 😆

Nowadays, Robert Plant is singing with Alison Krauss. Who would’ve ever seen that coming?

I saw Elton at our jazz fest. He was great!


My grandparents watched Lawrence Welk every week! My younger brother and I always laughed at the bubbles! Grandpa loved to Waltz and they enjoyed the dancers on the show.

I saw The Beatles on Ed Sullivan and was in love with them. They played at City Park in New Orleans when I was 9 years old. I begged to go. Tickets were $4.00! My parents wouldn’t take me 😔. They said that they didn’t want to be around all of the screaming girls. I told them that I wanted to be one of those screaming girls.

Elvis was on Ed Sullivan. Tons of performers went on his show.

My grandparents alternated watching Bishop Sheen and Billy Graham on television.

Grandpa loved watching baseball. His favorite team was the Yankees. Grandma loved her soap operas! I never did watch those but my mom loved The Young and the Restless.

😃😃 heck, Lawrence Welk? Watched it every Saturday evening when caring for mom and L. They loved it! Wonder if it is still on PBS?

The Beatles? And their crazy screaming fans! My poor dad took a friend and I to see HELP in a theatre. OMG! The screaming drove me nuts and of course my friend was one of them! I remember dad shushing her but not what happened after that. I wonder if she stopped. We were sitting in the first row of the balcony so that probably made it louder and even more uncomfortable!


Funny! I have never screamed in a theater. My parents took us to see The Beatles movies at the drive in theaters. Remember those?

There are actually some drive-ins open here. There is a company that was working towards reopening the one here and they were talking of doing it in conjunction with a microbrewery.

Must get to the store this.morning, coffee and breakfast burrito. We have not had much snow for awhile. But, it is coming in and the wind is blowing! Just get chili out! Why does spell check change must to just?!

Must get some garbanzos to toast and see how they are as a crunchy chip substitute.

Even though it's been around since 2008 I keep forgetting we have a stat holiday on Monday. The town website promises snowshoeing, but the snow here has almost all melted - yay!

NeedHelpWithMom, rising hand..... "The Young & the Restless" fan here since the 1970's. Even hubby is hooked on it as the older characters are corporate world.

The main reason I started watching that soap opera was because my Mom-in-Law watched it, and it helped me to start communicating with her about the plot lines when I was first married. Even after the divorce from her son in the 1990's, she insisted I remain one of her best friends :) We continued to talk soap opera for 25 years more.

Glad, peas are a good crunchy snack too. I, especially, like mine with wasabi - crunchy, satisfying and spicy.

I will keep the peas in mind, thanks, ITRR.

Well that trip to the grocery was sensory OVERLOAD for me! Either everyone is out readying for the snow, or last minute shopping for Valentine's and kids out of school today? I have no idea, but strange! Then the wind certainly didn't help!

And of course the grocery is in the process of rearranging the store. They are preparing to add table wines to the shelves as they can now be sold in every grocery. I am sure I forgot half of what I went in for.

Happy Galentine's-Palentine's Day to all the nice folks on AC. XOXO

I'm not doing anything. No beau. But I'll buy 1/2 price chocolates tomorrow, so it's definitely a worthwhile holiday. 😁

Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Ali, and all here.💝🍫💘

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