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When it has happened more than once I'd ask for free delivery of the proper meds.

Then I'd look around for a different pharmacy - imagine how many people don't notice and how much harm that might cause.

Transfer to a better pharmacy that has free delivery.
I just don't have time for all the mistakes that Walgeen's can come up with.
(a missing Rx was filled and called in to the wrong location,I had to find out).
Always check and recheck your prescription.
Three times like the nurses do in hospitals.

You can ask, but may not receive "brand names only" so that you can readily identify the medication. Tell your doctor that you are allergic to the fillers in non-brand name meds, if he/she orders it that way, maybe your insurance will give you a waiver.

Always be prepared and expect errors.

If a higher dosage can be cut in half, it will be scored (have a line on it).


I did think about that. I wonder how many people do not notice the difference in their dosage.

I didn’t think about asking for free delivery. That is a good idea. Thanks.

I automatically check things. I guess I picked up that habit from my parents a long time ago.

Once in awhile, we do find errors. Years ago, before the scanning of items at the grocery store. The tired cashier at the end of her shift charged me $99 instead of 99 cents! I was shocked! The poor woman was so embarrassed when I pointed this out to her.

Just think if I would have just paid the bill! Geeeeeeez! That would have been expensive celery!!! 😆


You are absolutely correct. We always have to check our prescriptions. I will look into finding a different pharmacy.

I sent Becky/Bridget66 a private message asking how she was and this is the reply I got back just now.

"This is Steve. Becky's/Bridget 66 stepson. Becky died a week ago following a heart attack."

I'm shocked. She was a very nice person and I was glad to have known her.

If you go to her profile and leave a message for her family, I am sure they will appreciate it.

Her last post on the What's for dinner was around Feb 6.

PB: Thank you for letting us know this sad news. I know that she wasn't a well individual. She was a sweet lady.

Need: I've often counted the rx before leaving the pharmacy.

Llama, I am sad too. I felt like I knew her and her family through all her posts about the foods they brought her and all the medical procedures she had to endure.

Rest in peace Becky/Bridget. You are greatly missed here.


The pharmacy pulled an old prescription to fill instead of the new dosage. The computer missed flagging it.

I have had the wrong number of pills before also. They do notify me of it being a ‘partial’ refill because they were waiting for a shipment to arrive.

We can’t take anything for granted. Sometimes, I ask my husband to pick up my meds on his way home.

When I opened the bag, I saw that the pharmacy didn’t fill the prescription correctly. It was their mistake and I am not going to be charged for the new script.

Need: I understand.

rest in peace, bridget. i'm shocked by her sudden death. poor her.
i know she wasn't well.

Becky will be missed. Her PMs were always full of encouragement and care.

I loved her dinner menus and got lots of great ideas from them.

Another sad loss.

I had no idea about Bridget. I am so sorry to hear this news. I am glad that we somehow found out. I wonder if someone who was close to her might make a Discussions announcement that she is gone. I think I saw PeggySue asking about her on a recent thread. Am I wrong or is this our Bridget who was taking dialysis, had recent problems with insurance approval? Or am I wrong. I am very sorry for this new.

Stacy not everyone places an obituary

Stacy my dd actually knows my PW to get on here and who to let know if I have become disabled or passed. I have made some friends on here that I feel pretty close to ( Thank you FF for your years of support and friendship, and others) and we see it as no different than making the hard calls that will have to be made. It is better than having people wonder and make up stories, etc. I know of several people on here I truely wish I knew what happened to, as I miss them. So yes, my DD would message someone she does not know, but I do know. Heck she'll be calling some people she never met anyway! LOL And no, I do not find Steve odd at all, he is a loving and supportive SS who is going through some things and loves to hear about Becky's friendships she has made. Just as we all would love to hear good memories of our loved ones. I surely hope no one my DD informs of my issues will think she is "odd",, she is simply doing what I asked. And she will surely be using my account to do so, as she would have no need to set up her own account on here, and who would know her anyway? Although I suppose if someone was going to search out all the obits in my area with my name, etc they might.. Of course I use my real name as I have never had any issues in that area..

Get over it Stacy. You are like the bullies who continue to bully after their target commits suicide. Leave Bridget alone. She's not going to rise from the dead and come back to the forum. She always seemed like a nice person to me.

I am sorry she passed away.

Unlike many of the miserable old and evil acting people who finally kick the bucket whose death is a relief for the adult children they made miserable and whose lives they ruined.

Bridget was a fighter and lived a pretty decent life surrounded by loved ones. At least that's what I got from her posts.

I'm sorry to hear it about Bridget. She was cool. That's too bad. I liked her posts and even made a few recipes from her.
Why don't you show some respect? Really, do make an effort. If you find you cannot then say nothing.

Oh dear gosh Stacy that is lovely.. are you drinking? (i drink so I am not judging here ) i don;t think anyone hates Burnt or Sp,, but i do think they liked Becky, . Did you really say "dont call me names and go f**k yourselves." ? I thank you for respecting me,, but this is horrible! And " we can get down to the nitty gritty. It could be fun." what the heck is this about? And I don;t think anyone hates you

stacy 2019 was a lifetime ago for many of us. And things change.. I don;t think you are an ass but perhaps you could be more respectful at this time, see my message to you

Is there a Star Trek marathon or something on tonight and tomorrow? Does anyone know?


B*tch, please. You are the one being disrespectful here not us. You got called out on your disrespect about Bridget's death, so you resort to insults and swearing.
On top of being an ignoramus yourself unable express a thought without profanity, you're also a bully.
Wow. Not your day is it, honey?
Go back under your troll bridge and wait for unsuspecting passersby. Maybe they will throw you a coin. Depending on what you look like, maybe it will be a bone instead. Have a nice day.

Just to weigh in on the facts at issue here.
If you google my bro's name it appears he has not died. I did not make publication, obit, nor even allow the funeral home to publish his death. I felt it opened his estate to fraudulent claims for no reason. Possibly to identity theft. I had already from him a list of people he wanted informed, and after I took care of immediate business I made those notifications. He even wanted the women who had long ago bought his SF home to be informed, and that opened up a whole new relationship for me.
On to family informing: Yes, I have a death book. It is collaged by me with Day of the Dead skeletons and ALL the info my daughter needs to settle things. Including who I want informed. And yes, she would inform my Facebook and Aging Care friends after she took care of business (let alone likely entertaining herself with anything I ever wrote?).
I liked Bridget. I am trying to think it there's someone I don't like at all here? I don't think so. Bridget gave me insight into someone living with and taking dialysis that I hadn't had as a nurse who only saw the problems and the failures, and who wrote into her own advanced directive that she would never accept even temporary dialysis (among other things).
Were there bickers and arguments and things--I guess. I don't much do discussions because of them, but right now some longstanding members have been going through tough times and I am checking in not once, but often twice daily to see what's up in their world.
Stacy. girl--could you go to your private messages?

How many here are Yellowstone addicts? I haven't even watched one episode. But, I do see that it streams, every weekend, on Paramount.

I haven't watched that. I tried one episode, didn't much like it. But we sure vary in what we do like. I just finished Clarkson's Farm, the second season on Netlix. I grew up wintering on a farm age 7-14 so I loved it, tho it is a rich man's toy in this case I think. They do say that he has done more for the plight of England's farmers than anyone ever, however.

I'm grateful when someone posts that we've lost a caregiver on AgingCare.
Otherwise,I wonder what happened and if a person is ok.
Like Captain and BlackDogMina,quite a few ,really.
So thank you to those who have someone post.

luckylu, I think it is good to know as well. I really miss some who were here when I began. Ahmijoy comes to mind. She always has wonderful wise comments without a lot of wordiness. When I leave AC for a while (I don't take my social media along when I travel at all, and when there I need a vacation I take it) I usually let one or two people who regularly post know that I will be gone for one or two months. I figure, the group knowing I am 80, people will figure I died! I miss Captain, my Captain as well. I do know someone mentioned they occ. message with him by email and he is OK. Or at least was.

Thanks for letting me know about Captain Alva..I'm glad to hear that he's doing alright.
I appreciate all the kind support Iv'e received from so many here on AgingCare.
Only another caregiver "gets" me.

Garden Artist


I have always wondered how Ahmijoy is doing. I stay with forum because I feel I can help someone. I think this forum is like life. Different personalities you like or you don't like. Me, I kind of know who don't appreciate me and very few I get bad vibes about. But in both instances, I just don't comment on their posts. I have been on this board at least 6 yrs. On the whole, we oldies seem to get along. The others come and go.

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