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Thank you 97yroldmom~
That's right,MsMadge referred to her Mother as the viking.
I had forgotten that.
I sure hope MsMadge is doing alright~
Her and all the other's that don't post anymore.
I'll always wonder and hope they're ok.

Thank you too glad~

Hello Windyridge!

Ok, got a lead on the helmet!

Hey, FF, who was the originator of "the helmet" idea?

May 2016
Jim, be sure to wear a helmet whenever you feel the need to beat your head against the wall.... many of us here have those helmets ready and waiting.

I found out months later, after my Mom had passed, that she and Dad were helping each other up and down the stairs... Dad let it slip out that they had fallen quit a few times. I disliked those stairs anyway, and even worse with the basement stairs. Mom use to carry semi-wet clothes from the washer down to the basement to hang to dry as she didn't like using the automatic dryer a full cycle... where's my helmet !!

Another thing we need to remember, we are still just the "kids" and what do we know :P

Need: So sad about the shooting.

Kindly say prayers for my niece, who is on deployment in the Middle East with the U.S. Army as an Apache heli repairer. Thank you.


God bless your niece. Will definitely say prayers for her.

Need: Thank you so much.

Goodnight all! Sweet dreams.

LLama - May your niece be safe and sound and return with honor.

God Bless your niece Llama.

Hey Windy, wasn't it you who used to say your goal was to be on My 600 pound Life. Used to crack me up!

Missed you on here!

Gershun, I think the line was, when people asked me how I’m doing I’d tell them Well, have you seen me on my 600 pound life or Intervention? No? Guess I’m ok then. BTW, they’ve upped the game now. Have you seen 1000 pound sisters?! Yikes!!!

Sendhelp, I bet if we search back further into the files that the helmet thing was started by someone else.

I am trying to remember, didn't we all at one time had ideas on how to decorate our helmets?

Oh, WindyRidge, so very glad you were lurking around here and saw that we miss you. Now you are here, PLEASE stay. I always loved to read your input.
How would I KNOW if I saw you on 600# lives? Because, yes, I am afraid I watch it all. The 1,000 pound girls, the Hoarders, and just all of it. What can I say.

You are right, the information is out there, somewhere.
I have been reading far back, to 2011, when "JAM", creator of the thread:
"The Caregiver, how are you?" talked with "LADEE" and others about owning an RV, wanting to travel with the AC group, pick them up on the way to a caregiver conference/meet-up.

We talked about a fantasy caregiver trip in 2015/2016, and knew nothing about the history on this forum. Thus, the popular phrase:
"History repeats itself", maybe?

Jam was being very funny, and the wild ladies of that time, including "Emjo",
lol, were a hoot! They talked about starting a thread titled: "Caregivers gone wild". Funny, years later, we had "Caregivers behaving badly", after the movie came out "Bad Moms".

Maybe "John" will remember who started the helmet theme?

Does anyone remember?

Anyone remember "headbanger" - that could have been the origin of the helmet, and ros and mrs ribit? I am on f/b with them and Staceyb, jude and a few others. Unfortunately mrs ribit and Sandy Rogers Choate have left us (passed).

Sherry Emery started a face book group for caregivers and some of the "oldies" are on it. Gosh, some of us have been around a long time!!!!


I watch them all too. 600-Pound Life, 1,000 Sisters, 1,000 Best Friends, Hoarders...
Guilty as charged, Your Honor.
I keep a picture of Dr. Now from 600-Pound Life taped to the wall in front of my spin bike to keep me motivated. It works LOL.

I'm starting to freak out a little, the forecast for a major ice storm just keeps getting worse 😨

cwillie, last night I arrived in Rochester, MN to my son's home to do house/pet sitting this week while he's on vacation (2 large dogs in a tiny house, quail, 6 bunnies plus 4 babies, and 4 fish tanks). I had to buy a full week's worth of food because the forecast is apocalyptic (some weather outlets predicting +26", blizzard conditions and ice at the end). Even when it stops snowing it will take a while for removal. I'm here by myself and don't know any of the neighbors. My eldest who lives in the Minneapolis metro area has a Bobcat so he may have to drive the 1.75 hrs to rescue me. Cabin fever is immanent. Thank goodness for Netflix and box wine and snacks.

Cwillie and Geaton,, please stay safe! we are going to upstate PA for the weekend and they are calling for "snow",, or not depending on the site.. Some of my relatives are coming from Tx for a visit for a week, they rented a cabin . We keep laughing they must not remember what PA weather is like! They are bringing their DD and her hubs, and thier 2 kids and FOUR dogs!! And hope to visit alot of places like DC, Hershey, Lancaster and Gettysburg! Hope the weather works in thier favor. we think they have no idea how far DC is from upstate Pa! We are willing to show them around Gettysburg if it works. Having a "family reunion" meal Sunday. we are staying at the cousins house who is hosting. Can;t wait to see everyone, and hoping the weather holds off ( for both of you too)

Geaton, we are not to risk life and limb for our children. Stay safe and smart and hopefully you do no lose power. Is there at least a well equipped fireplace?

We have weather coming in tonight too. School districts west of here are already cancelling. It is not expected to be too bad here, a few inches. But, hey I would like a blizzard again!

Gershun: Thank you.

PB: Thank you.

cwillie & pamzimmrrt, on Monday night I had to drive back up from Rochester to another town 1 hour away (at 9pm at night). Rochester is in the middle of corn fields, so very flat terrain. There was blizzard conditions on the road and it wasn't even snowing yet. Cars in ditches, white-out conditions so that we had to slow to almost a stop. I've not often felt scared in my life but I was so greatful my son was with me and driving. I can't even imagine what it's going to be like today/tonight. Another 10" or more coming in the next 24 hours. Oh well, time to go tend to those cute baby bunnies. I wish I could post a video of them here - it'd be good therapy. They are so adorable that they mesmerize me. Hope I don't freeze to death while standing there gazing at them...

pamzimmrrt: 4 dogs?? oh lordy. They will learn what "cabin fever" is...

I hope everyone in the 35 states effected by the cold weather stays safe and warm!

Here in NE TN we are taking on the changing weather that comes with hot and cold fronts constantly changing. Last week was cold and rainy with some ice and snow; today it's 79 and sunny. My newly 18 year old grand nephew (late Jan birthday) washed and detailed his dad's favorite work truck while getting some sun. It takes almost 4 hours to get it all done even though there's no carpet in the interior. First you sweep it out (chucks of mud from job sites), then you vacuum out the dust and then you wash & rinse every surface before applying conditioners to the dash and doors! One down and three work trucks to go IF the weather holds!

Boys and trucks.
I'm at a point in my life where I could care less if my car is detailed, as long as the interior isn't a health hazard and the wheels go around I'm satisfied.

cwillie, oh how I use to detail-it every couple of months. Spend hours vacuuming front to back, using a Q-tip to get those tight places on the door jam, waxing the vehicle, cleaning the wheels, Windex both sides of the windows. Yep, show-room new.

Now, the poor thing is lucky it sees the inside of a car wash once a year. I do make sure it visits the mechanic twice a year for an oil change and whatever else it needs [which is hardly anything]. My Jeep will be 27 years old in April, same with our other Jeep. I always wanted to throw a bucket of mud on the Jeep like they did in the commercials and drive it that way :)

Gald everyone is safe geaton an cwillie! There were ice balls on hubs truck this am and tomorrow is supposed to be 58 in the am and 78 in the afternoon,, it's crazy out there!

I am planning to retire in August, and today we went to my investment guy to see what my next moves are. And if I can still afford to do this, Good news,, we won;t starve in the forseeable future! I want to get all my stuff in one bank/place in case something should happen to me. With our SS and my retirement I am hoping to not have to dip into things too much. Some things have to wait to be moved until I actually retire so my income is less and my tax bracket will be better.. but overall I feel like I am making some moves in the right direction. We updated our wills and POAs last year,, so we're moving onward! Yay for me!! and I paid off my truck today.. now to plow into hubs truck payment!!

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