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cwillie, I'm with you: my vehicle is like my mule. It just needs to have heat/ac and working breaks. I've had beater vans all the while my kids were growing up. Dodge Grand Caravans XL where all the seats fold into the floor. Can fit 4' x 8' sheets of plywood. My sons were so dismayed to inherit one as their first vehicles. Better than a truck (except for front wheel drive only). Now I have a 2014 Toyota RAV 4. It seems to be the Boomer-mobile.

Pamzi, I was cheering for all your positive news.

Yay!!!! for you lady!

We are right with Golden and those very north latitudes. Down to -35 tonight with the chill factor. Had some snow today, but not much an inch or two is all. That makes the cold so BORING!

And I am supposed to go for a PT assessment on my hip in the morning at 7:00. We will see if I feel like getting out. They should understand that a 68 year old woman has to give consideration about getting out in it at all, don't they?

pamz: Congratulations on your upcoming retirement. How long have you been employed?

Well the predicted ice storm was a great big nothing here, we mostly got ice pellets and not too much of that. I'm seeing reports of power outages down along lake erie though.

As hard as it was to go out in the very cold temps this morning, I did get to PT. I needed to get started with something now! I have IB band syndrome in my right hip and starting in my left. Now will go to PT twice a week. Today I started on four different stretches which I am going to try to do at least three times a day. I am so tired of the hip pain, it makes it hard to sleep many nights.


I hope that your pain subsides after your PT. How long will you have to go for it to be effective?


Yay! Enjoy your retirement.

Saying 8 weeks of PT.

Hope your daughter finds a solution to help.

pamz - Retirement - yay!!! Enjoy.

glad - its good you have a diagnosis and treatment. Sure hope it gets better fast. I guess you have to slow down on the walking. Did they identify a cause?



So, a couple of months. PT definitely helps with pain. My husband and I both had major surgeries and PT not eased the pain but improved mobility and strength. Good luck!

My oldest daughter has had this syndrome. She is a runner that was the cause of hers. I don't have athletics to blame but did notice it did start to feel a bit better when I dropped from 4 miles walking a day to three.

This is what I found online for causes:
Bowed legs.
Having one leg that’s longer than the other.
Knee arthritis.
Rotating your ankle, leg or foot inward when you move.
Weakness in your hip muscles, butt muscles or abdominal muscles.

I do have one leg a bit longer than the other which causes me to swing my right foot out when I walk. The therapist also told me my glutes are very weak and I know I have weak abs.

glad - ah!!! I think less walking will help. I have one longer leg too. Maybe exercises to strengthen your glutes and your abs. would help. Squats could work both. I have been doing squats again and surprised myself by going low enough to nearly sit on the floor recently. I hold the squat now for a little before getting up. I do one or two every time I go to the restroom. It's an easy way to build them into my daily routine. Did PT gives you exercises for your glutes and abs? Hope the pain lessens. It's no fun when it makes you lose sleep.


It’s tricky isn’t it. We exercise to stay fit and healthy but at times it can cause us problems too.

My daughter who was on dance team at school wrecked her knees. She’s had surgery and has arthritis.

Both of my daughters played volleyball, did gymnastics and dance. Of course, injuries are bound to happen when we overdo. Plus freaky accidents happen.

My physical therapist strongly stressed building up our core muscles. So did my mom’s home health physical therapist.

Your physical therapist will guide you in the right direction.

My husband had surgery on both of his shoulders. I teased him about his damage being from holding our kids on his shoulders for all of our Mardi Gras parades.

My husband was a track runner in school. He walks now but doesn’t run anymore. He never takes the elevator at his office. He climbs the stairs.

I was the avid cyclist. After my bicycle accident at age 44 my orthopedic surgeon told me to switch to my stationary bike.

I had a bad fall from a tree branch in the street and now have steel rods on both bones and the surgery was difficult to do. If I injure my arm again the surgeon won’t be able to fix it.

I rode miles and miles and miles on my bike since I was a young teenager. I loved it.

I am planning the retirement for August as I turn 65 in July and that gets the hospital through the dreaded July when we get new residents and such. I have been at Hopkins 26 years this May. Hard to believe. I went to RT school in my 30s, my other degrees were in Sociology ( the thing in the 80s) and History and business, I love going to college and just kept on after my graduation.. a class or two at a time. Most of my RT class was older, we were all changing careers, etc. No one really knew what it was,, now most of the grads are going right out of HS, since COVID everyone knows us!!

Glad, sorry to hear what you are going through. If this is a difference in leg length you might need to see someone who works with that, for orthotics or something, as PT alone I don't think will do it. However, I do think that good PT people are often better at diagnosing and treating that most MDs, even specialists, so I sure hope you get one of them who is very skilled.

My mom had one leg longer than the other after her hip replacement. She found a lot of relief getting her shoes adjusted by American Healers. They added the "lift" on the sole of the shoe so the fit was still normal. No one would really notice the lift unless you saw the shoes sitting side by side.

American Heelers
24000 Mercantile Rd. Ste. 14
Beachwood, OH 44122

I have been thinking about this. It came to me that I used to get this pain when I would ski, even as a teen. I haven't skiied now in about 20 years. My knees couldn't take it anymore. And I have a rather pronounced scoliosis that I bet could cause it too.

All: I've just sent a PM to paulfoel123 since his thread is closed. Anyone hear from him?

Llama- I haven't seen any post from him. I think maybe he's too busy even to come here and vent.

PB: Thanks.

Hopefully Paul from UK is holidaying in Florida as he used to like 🌴☀️

There have been many others recently with that constant pressure he had - with a LO just at them day after day after day. No let up. Just & won't pay for other people or services or change their ways. Just constant badgering family to do for them. Exhausting & relationship wrecking.

Beatty: Hopefully he is!

We all need to work a little harder on our memory, instead of saying:
"I forget".

When there is someone to ask in the home: "How do you spell...?", or "What is that called?"....or "What was that word again?"....or "What day is it?"....or
"What time is it?"....
it becomes a bad habit asking others to do our thinking for us. It can lead to laziness in our own thinking, and more forgetting.

Use it or lose it.

Disease as we age can take away enough of our memory all too soon.

Making an effort to exercise our memory and our mind can help us to remain
independent in our thinking and less an irritation to those we live with.

So, open a new tab, look up what you need to complete that word or sentence, and be independent.

Who needs this advice more than me?

Send, I love that advice. When I was a nurse I would witness neurologists doing exams. "Spell Forum backwards" they would say. " What our our last three Presidents counting the current one." And so on. We would leave the room and I would have to tell them I flunked.
I made my doctor laugh when last I went in and she said "So how are you doing" and I said "I am practicing spelling five letter words backwards". Ha. And sometimes I DO in bed at night. Because I was NEVER good at this stuff. My memory has always been a bit faulty for things, as well. I don't hold onto the past well, which is the opposite of what most people have. They remember the past but not what they watched on TV last night. Alas, I think it great to expand the mind by doing things we don't ordinarily do, like puzzles if you play solitaire and solitaire if you do puzzles. But we can't change a whole lot. I guess we can be nicer to be around, but think we can't change a lot. Didn't the Nun Studies show that? I can't recall the outcome of that one (whoops!).

Thank you Alva Deer!

Try spelling forward backwards. Lol.

But what's REALLY on my mind today? NPR asked if our toasters are watching us. It seems everything we buy now has a chip or a camera to spy on us. The best one I heard on the radio this rainy day is that SnapChat, whatever THAT is, will now give us each our own imaginary Ai "imaginary friend" we can chat with. Ummmmmm. I don't know. I have enough trouble with my REGULAR friends without an artificial intelligence friend. And I think that one might gossip to the ad industry about me.

I think NPR is watching us......

As you know, you must take those tests verbally, can't be writing it down, haha.


Have you seen the movie, ‘Her’ starring Joaquin Phoenix? It’s a Sci-fi futuristic drama. I love it!

Joaquin’s character is recently divorced and finds companionship from an artificially intelligent virtual assistant.

How about trying a ‘long distance kissing device’ to send your sweetheart a simulated kiss through the phone? This sells for around $38 and invented by Chinese tech students.

What about the 31 year old Chinese man several years back that created and built his robot wife after not being able to find a human wife.

Creative, huh? He had a wedding ceremony with her and invited family and friends. He will continue to upgrade her software to suit his needs.

I am married to an engineer. I hope that he never decides to build a new wife! LOL 😆

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