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I have tried twice to makes emergency emergency posts calling out admins. Neither has posted. I hope they will contact us because nothing on the page is working well at this point. Perhaps they are doing some sort of reset??????? I keep getting a disappearing avatar (my duck) and the log in request. SO FAR I am able to log in but I cannot post that question here in discussions and have tried twice.
I don't even know if they are reachable at this time. When Kim was around eons ago I had an email. Then I had one for "Ashley" but I think she is not here now we are
"a place for mom"? Anyway, here are the contacts I have in my phone book. (old I think)
and one from 4/22 which is:
Hope these can help, but not much hope. Hope just resetting everything and site will be up soon.

My posts are now disappearing the the page about 5 minutes after I make them. I have twice tried to post a call out here and have tried to post contact numbers. they don't show. My response to an OP is not showing. Something is wonky on the page I think. I hope they know it. I will try to send email out, but with little hope it is a valid contact. Good luck kids.

Have you tried messaging AgingCare through the Admin profile Geaton (and everyone else that is having this problem)?


I feel for you losing your father at such a young age. With me, my grandmother was like my mother. I lived with her when I was little and she just died. She was old and had some health problems. Then I got handed back to two people (my parents) who I barely knew and who didn't want me to begin with.
It's hard for a child because they don't have autonomy. They cannot make their own decisions like an adult can. So those years are tough. It forms the type of adults we will be in later life though.

cwillie, thank you for that link, I sent them a PM.

This post is about Alva

At this point she cannot use the site. She has contacted the Administrator and they are trying to fix the problem. She can't post and she can't get to her profile.

She can see where she has received two private messages from Send and anonymous. She feels it may be due from a reply she made. At this point she can't read these messages or respond. She wants to apologize if she offended you. She is upset about it.

For now, she is going to take a break and see what happens but feels this maybe permanent.

I too cannot get into my Profile.


Technical difficulties are going to happen occasionally.

Barb had a problem not long ago. They will eventually fix it.

Hope your issues are resolved soon.

Would it help to log out, then log back in later?
Nobody jump ship yet! The tech difficulties are likely due to the storms, March coming in like a lion! It is not time to feel slighted. I often feel a bit paranoid, but have learned to use that to stay safe and figure things out.

I personally do not want to lose any long time posters.
Their presence here is invaluable to so many people!

I have read her private messages to me.
She will always be forgiven for any misunderstandings.
I have found her comment(s) on a particular post so much better, and funny to boot the way she wrote it. So cool!

If there has been any censorship from the admins because of what we say, Alva would not be someone they would be concerned about, imo. I doubt anyone would report her for anything.

I came here to comment on the tech difficulties. Maybe we could address our bills, our own challenges today, then come back in a day, or a week.

I hope there is not a mass exodus from this valuable forum.

BTW, AlvaDeer and I are not having an argument. I agree with her. I am not a threat to her. She has done nothing wrong. 🧸️

Thanks, JoAnn. Alva gave me permission to contact her through you.

I agree with Send. No one said anything offensive.

It’s just a technical glitch. It will be fixed in time.

Glitches have happened before and no doubt will happen again.

Pls help if you can. Also, if you receive this, please like so I will know you received it because I'm not sure if I'll receive a message back from you. Can you post msg below for me so people know what's happening and AC
If you receive this, PLEASE HELP or try to reach out for me.
I haven't been able to post anything here for the second day now! I wrote a dozen different thoughtful responses on threads yesterday, on my end it appears as if they post at first, but then they never actually show up in the thread or on the recent activity list or when I refresh the page.
I tried to message AC yesterday morning, didn't get a response. I've tried everything rebooting, using a different browser etc. I'm getting pretty frustrated and discouraged. I have no idea what to do. I can see others are having problems as well. They can post but don't have access to their profile pg. I can see my profile page but can't post!

Can you perhaps copy this msg for me and post it on the MyProfile and On my mind threads where this is being discussed and then report the post, as another attempt for me to get help with this from AC.

I hoped it would be fixed by today, but I just tried to post on those threads and it plain will not let me post! I seem to be able to read what's happening just fine and it seems as if I can vote & like posts but can't post myself.
What should I do?

Sendhelp, I will make sure she gets your message.

Needhelp, I have been on this group for 6 yrs at least and have not seen this happen before. Seems everyday someone else is effected.

I have had private messages from people who could not post on this site before.

All I am saying is that this sort of thing isn’t uncommon, no matter what site it is on.

I hope those who are affected by this glitch will have full access to AgingCare soon.

I have seen it happen before. Eventually the problems get sorted out. I don't think it is anything aimed at any individuals.

Hoping for the glitches to be fixed soon.

For my own Profile it is going into 2 weeks being on time out. Usually it doesn't take this long to fix a hiccup in the software.

Feels like it started when the moon was aligned with Venus and Pluto. That was a fantastic sight to see in the night's sky :)

I'm almost afraid to say that everything is fine with me (touch wood🪵), the only times I've run into trouble posting is when the bots have flagged something I posted and kicked me off the site

(Hm, maybe the bots are staging a takeover🤔)


Yep! The bots are taking over! 😝

I still want a ‘Rosie,’ just like on The Jetsons! I was captivated by her as a child and wanted her to do all of my chores.


I think I would have been happy with Mary Poppins too! I loved how she cleaned up Jane and Michael’s room with her magic.

The same thing happens occasionally with text messaging on phones.

It’s technology! Glitches will always happen. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen this thing on sites.

I do get annoyed when glitches occur on something important like my banking website, or my portal to my doctor. Still, it’s not that big of a deal. It gets resolved sooner or later.

I haven't had any problems posting. CWillie and Golden are golden so far. :)

Perhaps Canada is in the safe zone?

Canada is in the birthday zone.

I cannot imagine that Cwillie would ever, not ever be placed on a 'time out' by the Admins.

Is that an imaginary time out, or is a 'time out' something real? Are there really "Bots"? I have thought so, but no one ever confirmed it.

I feel bad for BarbBrooklyn and FreqFlyer having these problems for so long now.

I believe there is such a thing as mass hysteria.
Some of us are more vulnerable than others.
I know that I am, and have taken educated actions to protect myself from it.
Whatever "It" is....

It'll all get straightened out eventually. If I couldn't post on here for a while it I'd just go find something else to do. It might be constructive. I could clean out my closets. Kill some moth flies.

Speaking of moth flies. I was up at 3am. last night spraying white vinegar around my place cause I read moth flies hate the smell. I don't blame them actually cause now my place smells like a bad salad bar. LOL

WOW! I have been paying attention the Alex Murdaugh trial. He has been found guilty! And so quick! Didn't they just start deliberating today after the tour for the jury to the property?

Watching the news, I was really afraid he would be found not guilty because of the venue.


I was happy that he was found guilty. Horrible man!

Storm warnings again, this time for heavy snow. Much ado about nothing? .... I guess we'll soon see.

But the tundra swans have arrived and this morning I can hear a robin scolding somewhere nearby. March is a notoriously fickle month.

i'm a lawyer. i've been following the alex murdaugh case, too. guilty verdict came out yesterday. i felt relieved. i see other people who've written online "this verdict does give me some hope for humanity". i feel the same way.

thank goodness he didn't get away with it.

Given my being a true crime junkie I was stuck to the Murdaugh trial as well. For me, what one pundit said was the beginning and end of it all. There were three of them there at those kennels at 8-something that night. Two of them were murdered and one lied about being there. To say nothing about the guns. What, two killers come to kill not Alex, but his wife and child, and they first stop off at the house to get the two guns with night vision properties? Ummmmmmm. It just didn't make sense.
His own son got him convicted, yet another time that an addiction to a smart phone paid off.
I would have bet that it would have been a hung jury. I was amazed at the rapidity of the conviction.

We are getting quite a bit of thunder and lightening with our snow tonight, that doesn't happen very often.

Bandy, I hope Luta is doing ok too. She's in her 80s I be!ieve. It takes longer for the body to recover after a surgery.

Bandy and PB: I've sent Luta a private message saying that you were asking about her. Actually I forgot to mention your name to her, Polar. My bad. But I did reach out to her.

Llama, thanks. Hopefully she’ll see your message.

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