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Spring forward. Fall back. It’s a pain in the butt! LOL 😆 I don’t like the time going back and forth. I’d like it to remain the same.

Our phones automatically reset but I always forget to change the clock in my car. My husband changes the clocks at home.

I never wear a watch anymore. I look at my phone for the time.

There are only a couple of states that don’t observe daylight savings time.

Whinge here.. some Politician decided a few years back NOT to change the clocks this weekend, but wait until the first Sunday in April instead. So long away - already soooo dark in the mornings.

I've been mentally working toward the time change for a few days so when I woke up this morning before 6:00 a.m. instead trying to go back to sleep I just got up and made a coffee and changed the clocks to 7:00. Done and done.

CW, does Canada also talk about ending clock changes?

Every time we change there is talk of it being the last time.

We are waiting for the US to make up their minds. But Saskatchewan has not changed their clocks in decades.

My experience is that daylight saving change angst depends on your life-style. If you work 9-5 and your kids go to school, you adjust quickly, it’s a done deal. For older people it’s a pain.

My daughter was born on 5 March, brand new daylight saving change day 45 years ago. Then it changed to later in March, because it was a problem for businesses being further out of synch with states that had chosen a later date. After that, in our state there was a local push for ‘Mad March’ – the weather is usually so good that lots of outdoor events got pushed into March.

Schools in the west of our state were offered a later start, but the majority parents in the town refused it. The kids on the farm school bus run were waiting for the bus in the dark, but the townies still voted for the new hours. You can’t meet everyone’s preferences!

My mother taught in WWII, with ‘double summer time’ to save power. A history lesson that 1600AD school started at 7am got shrieks of horror from the kids, until mother pointed out that they were actually starting at 7am themselves.


it's snowing, meters & meters, here. the trees are all white. one can't even walk out the door, that's how much snow there is. and i loooooove it. beautiful ❤️. (it snows a lot here, but even for us, it's unusual to have snow in march). i work on my computer; warm cup of tea. i can see people playing around, rolling around in the snow. i'll go out & find a snowball victim. gotta throw a snowball at someone, anyone. last time i chose the worst victim of all (i didn't know he was national handball champion). it was a tough fight. but i lived to tell the tale.

AB nephew was telling me about skating on a beautiful mountain lake over the weekend Bundle - I guess if you must have winter you may as well embrace it.


it looks like xmas again here--
and the snow doesn't even look like snow. ❤️ it looks like heaps of sugar was poured all over the mountains, rooftops, trees.

That weather sounds wonderful! I think it was 80 today and sunny. I'm a born & raised Florida native. My mom & sister were born in Canada and my dad in Hungary. Visited Canada and Germany but never got to see Hungary.


Sounds beautiful but too cold for me!


You’re in the sunshine state! I love Florida sunshine and beaches. My dad grew up in Florida so we went there every summer when I was a child.

Happy pi day!

quotes for you, glad :).

"Math is a piece of cake. I mean piece of pi."

"Why should you never talk to pi? Because he'll just go on forever."

"Cutie pi."

"My PIN is the last four digits of pi."

Another forum I am on is "NextDoor" which is good to find what is happening in the community.

Oh my gosh, so many in the community have become paranoid because of something they saw on their ring-camera. One lady is over the top because before dawn her ring camera film shows a car driving in her circle and exiting. The same car each morning. She feels it is a burglar casing the houses, yada, yada, yada,

Many of us in the community said it probably was a delivery of the newspaper. But she claims no one on her circle gets a newspaper. I chimed in saying maybe the car is using the circle to turn around, and the newspapers are now being delivered on the other side of the long main road outside her circle. Nope, it has to be a thief.

Anyone else you know going overboard with what they see on Ring? We don't have one. We have no extra security as we feel we don't need it. Unless you count two cats and a laser light .

OMG those ring cameras are a form of enertainment amoung my DDs friends. She said what they mainly catch are the users falling on thier porches carrying too many bags, or missing a step. Then they send them to eah other! We also have no security system,, but then we have a long driveway with several turns and a hill. And normally a truck or two not in the garage...


When my oldest daughter was a baby I bought one of those baby monitors.

I loved singing to her before her bedtime.

My neighbor had a child about the same age as my daughter and we became good friends.

One afternoon she said to me, “By the way, you have a lovely singing voice.” I was puzzled by her comment. Then she said, “I hear you singing to your daughter every evening.”

When I got home I changed the settings on my monitor, especially since it was in my bedroom and couldn’t help but wonder what else she overheard! LOL 😆

Need that is hysterical!!


She had the same monitor as I had. We had it on the same frequency. I changed my settings quickly.

I never heard her child crying on the monitor or any of her conversations. I can’t help but wonder if my family was their evening entertainment! LOL 😆

Just think if she wouldn’t have told me that I had a lovely singing voice. I would have never known that she could hear us over the monitor.


We have Ring. I don’t pay a lot of attention to it. I’m married to an engineer and he loves all of that stuff.

His company supplies all sorts of things for the ‘smart’ home. Me? Just give me a simple on and off switch on things and I am happy.

I get so sick of losing remote controls! LOL 😆 But I definitely don’t want to go back to changing television channels manually again. My dad always told me to change the channel! 🤣 He often worked double shifts and was so tired and kids have tons of energy so I did it for him.

So, I have a dark brown leather sofa. My iPhone has a black case, the remotes are black, my purse is black, yada, yada, yada. Everything fades into my dark sofa and I don’t see it!

I used to have a turquoise otter case for my phone and I would spot it right away. I’m buying a color again next time!

That kinda reminds me of the story about the neighbours that both bought the same wireless doorbell....

Makes me think of my aunt's house in Stratford. Bruno Gerussi used to stay in the house behind hers when he was performing that season. You could look out of one of the bedroom windows and see him in the bathroom - only his upper half!

We never locked the doors in the daytime where I grew up. No one did and I still have to make sure I do. I don't think we have had more than one theft here in 40 years. It was great excitement as the police brought a police dog to track the young man through the bush across the way. The kids got after me to lock the doors here.

When in Montreal in an apartment, of course, everything was locked. One apartment I was in was burgled and I lost my pearls and some family jewelry.

I am going to have a very rough weekend on top of a very rough week .


And the DIAPER thread IS FULL so I CHANGED to this thread .

How about BRAS ??

I’ll start .

In the 1970’s , Two of my sisters at times would ditch the bra.

I was younger than them , but I would never ditch my bra anyway because I was a late bloomer and need(ed) the (now slightly) padded ones so I didn’t look like I was 10. ( look proportioned)

DH calls that False Advertising . 🙄😬

OK ladies ( or gentlemen) GO !


I begged for a bra in the sixth grade because all of my friends wore them. I was still wearing an undershirt under my Catholic school uniform.

Mom said, “No, I am not going to buy a bra for you. You have absolutely nothing to put in one.”

I didn’t give up! I told her that I just had to have a bra like my friends.

She relented and took me to the department store where the sales women said to my mom, “I have just the thing for your daughter. It’s a ‘training’ bra. It was a size 28AAA! LOL 😆 I was flat as a pancake!

I got my bra and proudly wore it to school the very next day!

Yeah , my daughter is build small like me.
I bought her training bras too when she had to start changing into gym clothes in the locker room at school . So she would blend in .

DH asked me where the small training wheels were on them .🙄🙄😭


Your husband is cute!


When did you start shaving your legs? Wearing makeup?

I was 12 when I started shaving my legs. Mom told me, “No, you’re too young!” I snuck my dad’s razor and sliced my leg from my ankle to my knee. Oh, that really hurt!

I took my allowance and bought lip gloss and blush at 12 also.

I guess 12 years old was a rebellious time for me. I wanted my independence! LOL 😆

Way - sorry you had a tough week and are going to have a tough weekend. (((((hugs))))). Can't think of a bra laugh. Wish I could.

Need - Ouch!!!!

My dd when she was 10 took some birthday money, went to the nearby mall and bought an orange bikini. That was the beginning of the end of me having much influence on what she wore.

Same , 12 was the age of “experimentation”,
I stole a razor at home too and peeled
the skin off my shins like a banana .

Yep , a set of lip gloss too , sticky roll ons in multiple flavors .

And bikini panties with the days of the week embroidered on them .

I started babysitting for the neighbors for money at that age . And I spent it as fast as I made it that first summer on clothes . After all 13 was around the corner , I had to keep up with the other teenagers .


My first bikini was turquoise. I loved that bathing suit.

Did your daughter wear mini skirts or gogo boots. I thought that I was hot stuff wearing mine!

I wanted to be like Nancy Sinatra who had white gogo boots. It was when she had the hit song out, ‘These Boots Are Made For Walkin,’ Remember that song?

They still sell white gogo boots! LOL I just checked on Google.

Oh, halter tops were in fashion then too! I made mine out of a scarf. The scarf was folded into a triangle and then made into a halter top.

I used to split my jeans up the middle and sew floral fabric in it so I had the long maxi skirt too. I went through my flower child stage.

My mom wasn’t really strict about that stuff at all.

Look at fashion now. Girls have pink, blue and purple hair! I never fought with my daughters about their taste in clothes.

The trends in wedding fashion are very interesting to see. Occasionally, I will watch, Say Yes to the Dress to see what brides are wearing. Some are beautiful and some are hideous!


I remember those panties. I had those too! But I never paid attention to what day of the week that I was wearing! 😆

I got paid 50 cents an hour to babysit! I thought that I was rich! Hey, back then you could buy stuff cheap!

Remember body oils in those little vials? I loved those. I always bought vanilla. I hated patchouli! 🤮 Yuck, that one smelled nasty. Sandalwood was my second favorite choice.

I loved buying candles, records to play on my stereo and makeup! And of course, junk food like candy and chips. I burned off any calories because of cycling, plus we had physical education every single day in school. I never gained an ounce. I stayed thin. I think I weighed about 96 lbs in high school.

Bubble gum was a penny! A popsicle from the ice cream truck was 7 cents.

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