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NO ……WAY!!!
(BTW I say no way often which is one reason I put Way in my AC handle)

Need…I can’t believe you didn’t wear the day of week panties on the correct day !! I always did.

My sassy sister, she was the trouble maker , and still is. She had a brown crochet bikini bathing suit. My mother hated that thing . Shortly before high school graduation , my Mom got a phone call from the high school because my sister decided to walk down the hall with the top to that bathing suit as her shirt that day . I guess sassy sister was feeling like a prison term was almost over just before graduation and didn’t care . Oh boy do I remember how mad my mother was ! My mother didn’t even tell my father for fear that it would give him a stroke .

I was too young for the Gogo boots but I had the long jean skirt with floral appliqués . And later I had the long jean ( duster) coat .

My daughter has a whole Pinterest board with wedding dresses , flowers , hair styles etc . They haven’t set a date yet . You are right Need. Some of the wedding dresses are tragically hideous. But it is nice that there are so many styles to choose , so there is something for everyones’ taste. But I could also see that getting overwhelming and confusing as well .

My daughter is also currently growing out her hair color. She’s been coloring her blonde locks dark since she graduated college because she felt she needed something to make her look older than 16 in order to be taken seriously at work . She’s barely 5 feet tall . Then Covid hit and she worked from home anyway in a bathrobe and never went on camera in meetings 🙄.

Just lost a post b/c the cat jumped up on me. Oh well -

need - no gogo boots, dd dyed her hair burgundy once and also teal. Both suited her well. Heck, I love(d) long jeans skirts. I had a pair of jeans as a kid with a red inset down each side and wore them till they fell apart. In our household we pretty well wore what we were given but those were different.

way - I fell out of a tube top gardening once. Does that count as a bra story? I never wore one again! Love long duster coats!!!

For me, I was a late bloomer. I didn't get a "training" bra until I was 14, and Dad was wondering what I was training for :P Ok, now I have a bra to wear instead of an undershirt, found out quickly that bras were so uncomfortable to wear.... who designed these things !!!

As for shaving, hate to admit this, but it wasn't until I was a senior in high school when I "borrowed" my Mom electric razor. I was tired of wearing knee socks and saddle shoes to school when the other girls were wearing stockings and Mary Janes. Our skirts were at knee level. I figured my Mom wouldn't know I had taken her razor but she did, because I didn't know after use one has to empty it out... oops.

Back then, we didn't have panty hose, so if one wore stocking one needed a full size girdle with stocking tabs. How I hate wearing that girdle in hot weather [no air conditioning in school back then].


My younger daughter had pink hair once and my older daughter did blue and purple. My favorite was the blue!

I think I wore my maxi skirt till it fell apart too.

Forgot about the tube top. I had those too.


You didn’t shave your legs until high school! I would have died of embarrassment! LOL 😆

I told my mom that I just had to shave my legs because I looked like a gorilla!

Golden ,

At least you had something to fall out of your tube top.
I couldn’t even get one to stay up !!
It just ended up being a wide belt .

I think a man designed bras . If it was a woman the hook would have been in the front from the start. I wish they were all in the front .

I'm 61 and still waiting for my boobs to develop.😂


Me too . 😂

Thats okay though. I had a friend who I used to go clubbing with. The men were so fixated on her boobs I'm sure if you asked them what color her eyes were they wouldn't have had a clue.🙄


My best friend in high school was called Boom boom behind her back by the guys.
The reason I know that is because my DH told me. And yes none of the guys noticed she has beautiful green eyes.
I felt bad for her .

Yes Way, big boobs are highly overrated.

When I was expecting kid #1, at age 26, I was still wearing TeenForm bras. I called their 800 number when I was in my 5th month to ask if the sold nursing bras.

I talked to the nicest lady who told me to wait 6 weeks and call back if there had been no "development ".

I never needed to call her back. I think so fondly of her.

Gershun: I got you beat at 76 years old and still waiting!😭

I have a friend who had breasts reduction surgery because she had awful back pain, plus her bra straps would dig into her shoulders.

So, having big boobs isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be!

Lol @ Llama.

I guess I'll stop waiting then?

I'll just have to be content to be a member of the itty bitty titty club. :)

Thank you all for the humorous bra tales.
The chuckles were good therapy .
Just got home . Have been going to the hospital to sit with my sister and best friend. She is in hospice. When she was awake , I read her the bra posts. She appreciated them.


I am glad that you and your sister were able to find some comic relief during this difficult time.

Wishing you and your sister peace. Sending you many hugs.

I wonder if young girls place more emphasis on their appearance than boys. Some boys are worse than young girls and pay close attention to their appearance.

My very first serious boyfriend was extremely vain. Oh, he was a handsome guy but I got sick of how often he combed his hair!

We would go to the movies on the weekends.

When we got there I would want to touch up my makeup before getting out of the car.

He would see me putting on my lipgloss and would abruptly turn the rear view mirror towards him so he could comb his hair! LOL

I wonder if he’s bald now , he wouldn’t be turning the mirror to brush his hair anymore!! 😜

I’ve been with DH since we were almost 18. At first we were only supposed to go to senior prom together . It’s been the longest prom ever , 40 years . ( Almost 36 of them married ).

Soon after we started “ dating”, he went to Mexico with his parents during Easter break from school. He came home with the most hideous boots that his mother helped pick out. I would not let him wear them out with me.

His mother bought all his clothes and I HATED them . And she bought his pants too tight 😬😬. She thought and bragged that she had DH looking so stylish .

So after we started dating, I would go clothes shopping with DH when he needed to replace worn clothing . Slowly, most of his wardrobe was replaced . His mother did not like his new clothes . I think she got offended that we changed his style . But too bad , he was too old to have his mother pick out his clothes . But then again she is the ultimate control freak .

To this day she eyes us up and down to see what we are wearing .🙄


That’s a great thought! LOL 😆 I wonder if he is bald now!

Your MIL sounds like she was a bit over involved in her son’s life. Geeeez, and had bad taste too!

Well, you fixed that problem! Good for you.


Do you attend high school reunions? People either love or hate them!


We went to our 10 year reunion. I hated it. Recently DH said our 40th is coming.

My MIL doesn't like the changes I've helped make with my hubs appearance either.

You know what I say to that? Too Freakin Bad!


I don’t go to them. I am simply not interested in going. My husband doesn’t go either.

I stay in touch with some friends that I have known since kindergarten, but have never had any desire to participate in school reunions.

I respect that some people enjoy their reunions but some people find them a boring experience or just a place where people enjoy gossiping about their old classmates.


Amen to, Too freakin bad! Love your attitude!

I was fortunate to have a wonderful mother in law but her mother (my grandmother in law) was truly a despicable woman. She interfered in everyone else’s lives. We learned to simply ignore her foolishness.


"Too freaking bad". You're speaking my language now. Good for you!

Gersun, I may have the worst MIL . She wanted to plan our whole wedding. When she wasn’t getting things her way, she said that she and FIL weren’t coming and that she told her whole side of the family not to come ( which was probably an empty threat ).

No way ! Wasn’t starting off our marriage with her in control . We canceled everything without telling her . We eloped 3 months early and told her about a month later. We told her she was the reason we canceled .

Then she had the nerve to ask if I was pregnant. And she still acts like we robbed her of going to her son’s wedding . She is a piece of work.


Oh my gosh, your MIL is a piece of work!

My husband’s grandmother told me when I was dating her grandson that she EXPECTED me to attend her Sunday dinner every week!

I politely told her, “Nope, not going to happen!”

She didn’t like it but had no choice but to accept it. We went to her ‘Sunday dinners’ when we chose to and no more than that.

I was grateful to my MIL for warning me about her mother’s abrasive personality and she told me not to allow her to run all over me like a steamroller.

Good for you for eloping! That put an end to your MIL trying to run the show.


Good for you not letting your MIL run your day.
My mother ruined my first wedding. All that was expected of her and my father was just show up and have a good time. My in-laws paid for it and they didn't even ask my parents for a cent. My father gave us some money and enjoyed himself. My mother gave us nothing but compaints because she wasn't running it.
My second wedding was nice and expensive. My in-laws and husband paid for it. My mother wasn't even invited. She would have ruined it so she was best left at home.

There is more !!
MIL criticized me for not being involved in my son’s wedding guest list . It was during COVID and it had to be cut down to 40 people total . State rules at the time .

I told her it’s not my party to plan !!
She kept insisting certain relatives had to be added back on the list . I finally told her “ I’m not the kind of mother who interferes . I just show up when and where I’m told . “

Now my daughter hasn’t set a wedding date yet and she doesn’t want grandma to know until the last minute possible .

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