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Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance....the five stages of waking up in the morning. :)

The fact that there's a highway to Hell and only a stairway to Heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers.

way - my mother was like that. She had Borderline Personality Disorder with narcissism, Everything was always about her. My wedding colours had to be what suited her and everyone else was supposed to fit in. Whatever!!! 🙄Eloping was a good idea.

Yup . No regrets on eloping . 😁

Pickle ball and noise complaints for outdoor courts.

Well, the move has started.

R did lots of work. Though there is some still to be completed, the house is looking fresher.

When we went to p/u the van, which we thought was a cargo van, it turned out to be a cube van. Over dinner R looked around and said

"How much are they charging you to move?"

I said, "$7000".

"There's not $7000 worth of work here. I'll do it."

This man is 71, albeit a few fit 71 year old who is still wrangling horses, has a torn rotator cuff, a torn muscle under his shoulder blade, is waiting for prostate cancer surgery and also knee replacement surgery- and he wants to do the move himself - with a friend then other end and sil and dgs this end.


I knew better than to argue with him. He is also stubborn.

Yesterday morning he loaded up the van with lighter items and I sent him on his way with one box of frozen items - his fave turkey necks/sauerkraut meal and other frozen foods, and one box of fresh (apples, oranges, cheese, pumpkin bread etc, a roast pork meal and so on) for the trip.

The flooring in the condo is not quite finished and there is sawdust everywhere, so I was told. We agreed he will get a cleaning service for that.

He'll come again up at some point, soon I hope, and finish the repairs and take down another load of furniture and then a final trip should do it. Somewhere in the middle of this he will have the first booked surgery. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I know he has it figured out.

In case you are wondering, this is the man who, during a carpentry job, fell from one floor to another b/c someone removed the plywood covering a hole in the floor, broke his pelvis in 4 places, drove himself to his parents home for help, went into shock so his mother, as she told me, thought she would never see him alive again, was in hospital for weeks and told he may never walk again, but could only think of getting back up on a horse. Within the year, he did. He refused painkillers (actually hid them under the mattress) and told the nurses not to move him in bed as he could feel his broken pelvic bones grating against one another.

It reminds me of a story about when I was visiting ex in hospital after his gall bladder surgery many, many years ago. In a bed across from him was an old farmer, yellow as buttercups. He had fallen off his tractor and it ran over him, injured some vital organs and broke a leg, but he was very much alive. A nurse came to his bedside and instructed him to cough. I'll never forget this large gnarled, old, saffron yellow, with arthritic knuckles, but still strong hand reaching up for the triangle suspended from the frame over his bed, grasping it and hauling him more upright while he coughed as ordered. The man had to be in serious pain, but he did what he had to do. My money was on a good recovery for him. These aging farmers are tough as an old boots.

Anyway, I know R has a plan for the moving, and it will get done. Rocky and I had a very quiet day after he left. She needed some extra cuddling after the busy-ness of the past few days. I need to tidy up from all the activity and see if I can further reduce my belongings.

After R voiced his intention to do the move, I called dd and asked for help. She assured me they will do all they can. She has moved many times and will help me with the packing. Sil and dgs will help with the moving, and she has a friend I can hire to do the cleaning.

Dang, I swore I wouldn't pack my stuff again. Teaches a person not to swear!!! But it will save a few bucks. Less than 10 years ago I packed up other's two bedroom apartment in a day, I guess I can do it.

So it is happening, not according to my plan, but I know God has a plan and it will work out His way and for the best. Hard to believe it is finally underway.

We used to say old farmers want to die with their boots on Golden.

Golden, wonderful news! But, I am envious. Good luck with the move. Mine is estimated to be 7K as well. How wonderful to be at that point!

I just took my house off the market after a year. Will work on yard stuff before I list it again.

cw - I have no doubt about that!

glad - it doesn't say anything about how fast - or not - the house will sell or for what, but at least the plan is moving forward. I want to be out of the house after I list it. There is no way I can haul the cat out for showings, and I just don't want to go through that process. Then I can get on with settling into the condo and wait for a buyer for here. Average time on market is about 3 months. Taking your house off the market while you make improvements makes sense.

It isn't sunny but the temps are above freezing and feels like time for my annual poetry recitation (especially for those of you who haven't suffered through it before)....

[in Just-]
By E. E. Cummings

in Just-
spring         when the world is mud-
luscious the little
lame balloonman

whistles         far         and wee

and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it's

when the world is puddle-wonderful

the queer
old balloonman whistles
far         and            wee
and bettyandisbel come dancing

from hop-scotch and jump-rope and




balloonMan         whistles

Now I'm heading out for my walk 🤣

A little thing which makes me simile: some weeks ago, I petted a dog on my way to my office. The next day he came to me again… now I met them (2dogs and their human) nearly every morning. When they see me they rush to me very joyfully. One morning the owner introduced himself, so now when we meet we stop to say good morning. Yesterday, I asked him how long it takes him to walk the dogs if they act like this with all the people they meet… he says they act like this only with me. According to him they consider me (and I guess my colleague with whom I very often walk to our work place) like part of the family…
I may sound childish but being greeted so joyfully really gives me a good start on my way to work.

I hope all goes well with move/ sell. You are on your way.
I am struggling as we have to move, finding condo is not difficult but considering my husband’s needs to get around with walker is not that easy.
Usually I am good with making decisions, somewhat hesitant this time. It is space and safety which although no guarantees but minimizing risk of falls when turning with walker.
There is one bigger condo 1400sq ft and good location as we live now on the edge of the city by beautiful Fish Creek Park in AB, but it is going to be construction for a while as lots of houses are being built, other one is in the same neighborhood smaller 1100 sq ft. Needed to measure and make sure all kitchen- island distance is right, bathroom easy access, hallway with enough room. No perfect place exists it seems.
I know most furniture has to go, I know selling has to be done and move arranged month in advance for deliveries etc.
I did six years ago three moves, sold here, moved out of the country, my husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s we moved back and then bought this place but as it was not quite finished we had to rent apartment for 4- months.
I know we have to decide fast as there is lots of activity in this city and it is seller’s market, people often pay well above asking price.

cw -love ee cummings -archy and mehitabel! Have a good walk.

((((anche)))) that's awesome. So glad you are getting your life back!

eva - the area you live in must be lovely. We look out on fields and some trees which is the best we could find in the area. The sunrises are great. At this point we don't have to worry about walkers. I don't envy you. So sorry about your dh's illness. R's oldest son lives in C and says the prices are going up. That hasn't moved to E'ton or here to Ft Mc. I am relieved to be this far long in the process. It felt like we we stuck for a while. Either way it is hard work and downsizing is a b*tch. Hope you find what you need and get a good price for your place. It helps.

My allergies are driving me crazy! I should own stock in Kleenex!

Anche, those dogs sounds so sweet!

I am Sorry Needhelp: allergies are really annoying! take care!

Thanks, Anche. 😊

Take care need - I hear you about the allergies. It is snow mold season here.🤧


Thanks, Golden

Moving is such a pain in the butt! Hope that you get settled into your new place soon.

How does Rocky do with all of the commotion around?

Need - Thx for asking. Rocky has been a bit freaked, but she is managing OK. She is interested in R but cagey. She sat in his chair twice Monday. Yesterday once R had left and things had settled down, she needed extra cuddling which is to be expected. So far I haven't found anything litter box related that is not where it should be. So far so good.


Rocky sounds like an awesome kitty.

golden: Congratulations on the move underway! Good for you!💛

Spent my evening at the park; the kids ran on the soccer field and I typed posts... We went from 40 degrees at 7:00p (during Tue's track meet) to 70 degrees today. Didn't even need a jacket today.


Sounds like our weather. It’s chilly, then warm, rainy and then sunny!

I don't know if the news media is hyper focused on this issue or if the number of phone scams have increased dramatically🤔
It seems safest for everyone to never, ever conduct any business over the phone, the tech and scammers have gotten way too sophisticated and it's no longer just confused old folks who are being fooled... the ability to recreate voice and images that sound authentic but are not is scary!


I know what you mean about the scammers getting way more sophisticated.
If only all these scammers who spend their lives constantly improving their scam skills actually put their efforts into legitimate business they would be rich and would probably change the world.
I hate scammers and the penalties and punishment for things like credit card fraud, phone and internet scams, etc... are a joke.

I have begun to get several phishing emails into my business inbox *every day* now so it has ramped up significantly. I'm in Safari mail. When I get a suspicious email (usually something with an attached file and no real details, often the subject is "Remittance Detail", which can be a legitimate attachment when a client makes a direct deposit) then I click on the sender email and it usually reveals that it is some weird address. But real Remittance Advice comes addressed to my name, with a signature block from the client (logo, etc) and a specific name and date of the transaction in the email. I also get them from MicroSoft in the guise of my "monthly invoice" attached, and from people whose emails have been hacked. Every. Day.

I wish they'd stop focusing so much on the grandparents scam and protecting our "vulnerable elders" because it's not just old people that are being scammed, I've seen lots of university students asking about the legitimacy of bursaries and scholarships and many business employees have been deep faked by "managers" asking for money transfers.

cwillie, I am able to get a daily police crime report for my neck of the woods and at least once a week there has been a case where an employee got a text/email/call from his/her "employer" asking to purchase gift cards for the office.

Thank goodness the Cashiers in stores that sell gift cards will quiz the customer as to why they are purchasing so many gift cards [usually iTune cards]. If it sounds suspicious, the Cashier will notify the police.

As for spam emails, I get up to 100 per day in my spam box because my email address is from the birth of the emails decades ago. I usually have to speed read down the list to make sure no legit email got tangled in the mess. I find it interesting I get spam emails from myself :)

I think we can all roll our eyes at the people who fall for bit coin and gift card money transfers FF, especially since there are so many steps involved where you'd think they would have had a second thought. But people and businesses are being scammed into making legitimate seeming money transfers through their online bank accounts, and I think that's harder to guard against.

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