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I am sure some of you remember my breast cancer diagnosis two years ago. I chose to have a double mastectomy, no reconstruction, because of the likelihood of future cancer. Had I not done the double I would have had to have had six weeks of radiation, chemo was never part of my treatment, living in a rural area that would have been very difficult and I did not want to impose on my kiddos.

An acquaintance of mine dealt with BC a number of years ago, did radiation and chemo and had reconstruction. Her cancer has returned and metastasized into her brain. She has had numerous surgeries, ER visits, and has not been able to work for six months. I feel so sad for her, and makes me very relieved that I went the route I did.

I was just hoping that my choice would lessen the risk of future cancer DX. Dealing with it once was plenty.

March and April are the snowiest months here. We really have not had much so far this month. But, we are now under a Winter Storm Warning with 5-10" anticipated by 3 this afternoon. The strength of this one kinda just caught everyone by surprise. I had an appointment this morning that I cancelled due to weather. If I don't have to go out, I won't.

But of course April is the cruellest month...

Scams are never going to stop. These people are making a good living ripping people off!

It’s truly sad.


Many years ago. when we were in our 20’s, we were caught in a blizzard driving from Denver to Vail.

I couldn’t handle driving in the mountains or the heavy snow on a regular basis.

I suppose if a person grows up with the snow and mountains they are accustomed to it.

Did anybody in Canada watch W5 few weeks ago called Cocaine Buttons I believe.
Talking about getting scammed twice for love!

NHWM, when I was younger I actually enjoyed driving in the snow. I was always slow and carful, the problem is other drivers that think they are infallible. Now that I am older, I really hate when something goes wrong and avoid any possible bad situation as much as I possibly can.


My husband and I are not used to driving in a blizzard so we were unnerved by it. 😆

After surviving the blizzard and going to other locations in Colorado, I made the mistake of telling my husband during that trip to take the ‘scenic’ route which was basically just a mountain where he couldn’t take his eyes off of the road!

I think that he got a little upset with me when I announced how absolutely beautiful the view was. He said, “Well, I wouldn’t know because I can’t take my eyes off of the road.”

Colorado is a beautiful place, for sure.

I am way too much of a wuss to drive in the mountains when it is snowing.

Speaking of other drivers, I was heading to an appointment a couple of weeks ago. It had just started to snow, so not slick or accumulating yet; unless, that is, you are on a bridge. I was very close to a car that slid and went into the median area, then in a effort to avoid hitting that car a TRUCK (going way too fast) suddenly barrels off the right side of the road, down a steep embankment and across a drainage ditch. Watching it was like slowmo. Then everyone slowed drastically.

Those elevated areas really freeze fast! If any vehicle is travelling too fast it is very likely a truck. The drivers forget that they may have to stop. Four wheel drive does not help with stopping.

Eva -didn't see that but how awful for her.

glad - good you are OK .Accidents can happen so fast and even faster when there is snow and ice.

Welp - R has surgery on Thursday so we would appreciate prayers that all goes well. He sounds well organized with getting the help he needs for this and that. He will be have to be quiet for a while but plans on coming up to finish repairs as soon as he can. No heavy lifting in that and we have sil and dgs here to do anything heavy needed. Dgs is now close to 6' and a big strong young man.

Just talked with dd, and she told me her friend would be glad to help with the packing as well as doing the cleaning after I move out. That's a great relief for me. She is reliable and experienced and I am happy to pay her. I am just recovering from a nasty flare up after R's visit and I don't want to go there again if I can avoid it. Lots of anti-inflammatories seem to be at least part of the answer. Less activity/stimulation works too, though sometimes that can't be avoided.

The move will be sandwiched between his upcoming prostate surgery and his knee replacement surgery. I think we have a couple of months between them. If all goes as planned (which it certainly hasn't the past year or so but hopefully it will this time) things should work out. However always have a plan B!!!! I am still working on that.

Golden, if it were me I would arrange movers for the remaining. Or rent a truck, hire help to load and have daughter and grands drive it down, hire help to unload. Check on the costs of dropping off in another location. In this area, it is more expensive to drop off at another location than to return to where it was rented. A lot more because they have to pay for transport back to where it came from!

Give R a break especially with two surgeries coming up. Hope all goes well for him.

glad - if it were up to me I would hire movers. That is what I had planned to do. It's not a matter of giving R a break. This is what he WANTS to do and he would be very upset if I over ruled him. Here is it cheaper to drop off after a one way than to return and you get free kilometers.

He has seen the vans available where we rented a week ago and knows they have the size we need and also knows there is a drop off place not far from the condo. He has help this end loading and help that end unloading. He is very thrifty and just can't see spending the money for something he can arrange.

Believe me this is NOT my idea!!! I would hire someone to do it all!

and to add - daughter couldn't possibly drive and doesn't like driving big cars never mind a van. She still struggles with post chemo fatigue and grands don't drive yet. R wants to and I believe he is the best judge of his own abilities.


Still feet of snow on the lawns. Usually it is gone by mid April, but not this year! ❄❄❄

golden: Prayers for R.

Was just reading from an article on

The population of adults ages 85 and older will double by 2036 and triple by by 2049.

The US will need nearly one million new units in assisted living by the year 2040!

What a business opportunity for investors in assisted living facilities. Wow!

Has anyone read the articles on their website? They are very interesting.

Would be nice to have money to invest in facilities since they state that 7 out of 10 people require assisted living during their lifetime.

Glad's snow is headed my way - it probably won't stick but enough already!

The first house I rented was one short block from a fraternity. When I needed some heavy furniture or an aquarium moved, I would call the fraternity house and offer $20 for two strong backs for 5-10 mins and I always had a couple of guys show up. When I moved out, I offered $200 to load the house into a uhaul and another $200 to unload the truck at my new house... best money I ever spent.

Yes, enough with snow.
Golden, hope all goes well with R’s surgery!

One my mind! one of my favorite quotes,

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

BIL on coumadin/warfarin is in ER with brain bleed - was sent to urgent care this morning because his INR was too high 😟

So sorry, CW. Hope he gets better. Hugs

Prayers for bil. Hope he is going to be OK.

As an old RN I have always feared the blood thinners more than anything. I have two decades of atrial fib on board and partner more than that; we have stuck to ASA daily. I saw so many reactions to blood thinners, but as it was always pointed out to me, we saw the bad reactions in hospital, not the successful treatments that never came in. I will never know if my fears well founded or not. I wish BIL well, cwillie.

I sure hope they can get your BIL's INR numbers down and that he's doing better this afternoon.
A brain bleed....that's so scary!

Two more days until my husband has his surgery. It seems so weird to be taking him in to get his appendix removed because of his strange colonoscopy.


How awful! I’m so sorry about your BIL. I will say prayers.

Need ,
Wishing DH a speedy recovery . And no more weird things, like what happened during his colonoscopy .

@Need, we still can't send you messages. I got your message telling me that you couldn't post all a.m. Tried to send a message to tell you we all know, all missed you. But I STILL CAN'T send you any messages. It just looks like you blocked private messaging.
I sent an email to and and hopefully that will get through to her, but think that you should send a message to that email as well. I think your thing is still a mess. At least not taking messages.

cw: Prayers.

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