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I ate a bowl of black bean soup for dinner. Made a new spinach and artichoke dip to snack on earlier. It was an easy recipe and very tasty.

Need -sounds good and healthy!

I forgot, Golden, you taught physiology or something didn't you?

I have improved my diet, but still enjoy my beer. Quit smoking with breast cancer two years ago. Have exercised more. Not much caffeine any more! Not even on Saturday as the crazy coffee shop does not open on Saturday.

I am pulling for San Diego St, the underdog in the men's championship game. UConn has been there many times before! Charles Barkley is betting on San Diego!

Louisiana won the women's championship with Iowa. I was pleased for LSU primarily because I had had enough of Caitlin Clark's attitude and even stating in an interview that she is the best in women's hoops! But, to tell the truth I was disgusted by the sportsmanship of Iowa's Caitlin Clark and LSU's Angel Reese! Detracts from the game!


Coach Kim is amazing at LSU! Geaux Tigers! She wasn’t coaching there when my daughter attended LSU. She is so well loved in Tiger country!

I want San Diego to win tonight too. I love San Diego! We had a great time visiting there. I have a cousin who has lived there for 18 years. He loves it. He will come home once a year to see family. He hates the humidity here after living in California.

Yeah, glad - Masters in Human Physiology. I've taught at both the university and the college level, Quitting smoking, improved diet and less caffeine all would have many benefits.

This fits with what I have been reading about alcohol. The acceptable amount - health risk wise - has been going down,,to%20two%20drinks%20per%20week.

"Canadian health authorities had previously said that a low-risk amount of alcohol was about 10 drinks per week. But, just recently, a panel of advisers to the government, citing some of this research about alcohol's impacts, suggested lowering that to two drinks per week."


"I should mention that alcohol is actually considered a class one carcinogen or cancer-causing agent by the World Health Organization. So that's the same category as benzene and tobacco smoke. And some studies estimate that a drink of alcohol has about the same cancer-causing potential as one to two cigarettes, depending on your sex."


"As an example, the risk of breast cancer goes somewhere between eight and 10 percent increase with each additional drink that a woman consumes per day on average. So, that's an important thing. And we know from surveys that only a small fraction of the population understands the cancer link."

and more concerns with cardiovascular and brain/mental health.

Thankfully, alcohol has never been a regular part of my life. Can't remember the last time I had an alcoholic drink.

Just found this

The authors of the study found that drinking a moderate amount of alcohol often can cause the volumes of white and gray matter to shrink in the brain. More importantly, they found that just drinking two beers each day could cause damage similar to 10 years of aging.

And of course your size matters. The smaller you are the great the effect on you.

I sure don't need to age ten years!

Turned off the BB game, San Diego is looking lost.

Golden, do you consider a glass of wine or a beer an alcoholic drink?

I never drink hard liquor, always a beer, maybe a margarita if I go out for mexican.

Isn’t the topic of alcohol interesting, Golden? I don’t drink a lot. Only once in a great while. Many people do drink on a regular basis.

Oh gosh, New Orleans is doomed! Lots of heavy drinking here.

How far back does drinking go? Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding! That was his first miracle that he performed.


Do you believe that grilled meat contains carcinogens? Some people say that it does. I hate that because my husband makes delicious food on the grill.

glad - Wine and beer contain alcohol. They are considered alcoholic drinks in terms of these studies and in my terms too. I haven't had beer, wine, or any other alcoholic drink since I can remember.

The study quoted two beers a day as being able to damage your brain.

They go back and forth on coffee. I love my coffee! Eggs too, some say eggs are great, others say to limit them. It’s hard to know what to believe anymore.

Need - alcoholic drinks are such an accepted part of our culture and have been for a very long time. I guess that doesn't necessarily make them safe.

The studies of the effect of alcohol on the brain looked at MRIs and saw brain shrinkage related to alcohol consumption.

Grilled meat does contain carcinogens. It's the cooking at high temperatures that does it.

Coffee reduces the risk of strokes. That's decaf or caffeinated. Caffeine can affect your blood pressure. I believe the jury is out as to negative affects of coffee other than that.

Eggs are certainly OK in moderation. I eat eggs pretty well daily and they haven't hurt me.

We each have to find our way through this maze of information. I keep tabs on medical information as it relates to the field I studied.

I've got eggs! Bought a dozen and a half last week for $3.70, much cheaper than the $7.00 for a dozen.

I don't think I over do, 4-6 a week, maybe? And do they really go bad?

And all of the food warnings and such I think probably vary depending on body chemistry, heredity and who know what all!

On eggs, I have learned that if they are farm fresh, unwashed can be kept on the counter, unrefrigerated for a month!

I think the lifespan is a couple of weeks for eggs on average. Not sure.

I’m not going to give up my coffee! I did stay away when I was pregnant. That’s the only time that I’ve stopped drinking coffee.


Did San Diego bomb out? I turned the television off because I am getting ready for bed. I’m tired.

Lets say they were bombing, down by 12, I think when I turned it off.

It is 45-35 now. Not a completely lost cause. I am.Just tired.

San Diego is doing okay - other than field shooting, offensive rebounds and hanging on to the ball... maybe the second half will be better.

Thanks, Glad.

Goodnight, Glad, Golden and Tech, I’m going to sleep. Have a great evening.


Thanks for the update.

Night, NHWM

Scientific studies correct for variations. I believe the results of studies that are published in reputable journals. It's not so random.

I love my coffee too. There are health benefits to drinking coffee. It has many antioxidants which lower the risk of some diseases.

Night everyone.💤😴💤

Need, eggs are good for months past their exp date. You can tell by putting them in a bowl of water. If they float, they bad.

Re: alcohol's effect on the body/brain

I watched this interesting, informative, and persuasive two-hour YouTube talk a few months ago. It made an impression, and I decided I would reserve drinking to only occasional social times where I feel like it's worth it.

I read that former President Jimmy Carter is now on hospice. He's 98. Wow! I hope he will have as easy and peaceful passing.

Um, Glad, liquor doesn't get much harder than tequila..?!

Post menopause, I suppose about five years ago, I started feeling really ill if I drank at all so I stopped doing it.

We have a charming pair of handsome young identical twin doctor presenters called Chris and Xand Van Tulleken who out of pure public spiritedness did a study on themselves to compare the effects of moderate and binge drinking. One of them drank in moderation (i.e. within current guidelines) for the length of the study, and the other got completely sozzled at weekends only, and then they had themselves tested for all sorts of markers. Is binge drinking really that harmful? they wanted to know.

Long story short: yes. And so is moderate drinking.

There are still some clips available at
but the BBC in its wisdom isn't streaming the full show. They probably taped over it by accident.

ali - didn't watch it all as it is late but what I did watch was very good.

cm -same message essentially. Ingested alcohol is damaging to the body and brain

Thankful it ever played much part in my life.

polar - thx for that. Amazing man - jimmy Carter! He certainly lived a full life. I hope he has an easy passing too.

Snow in the forecast today.

Polar bear.
Jimmy Carter has been on hospice for weeks . The man has survived so many things. My husband says “ watch him get better”. My Dad got “better” in a hospice facility and got kicked out to rehab for 6 weeks. He was miserable . He didn’t belong in rehab . Then he went to SNF on comfort care 2 weeks before he passed. Now my sister who I think the doctor jumped the gun recently about hospice got better . I thought he was jumping the gun , but he’s the doctor. She’s in rehab on palliative care for now . She still has serious medical problems . We will see what happens .


I will have to remember the floating in water trick for eggs. Thanks 😊.

It was chocolate, now it is coffee, what next?
I am kind of one or two coffees a day, but love my cappuccino.
Don’t care for eggs, the stink here, when in Europe or Mexico I eat them, I wonder if it is because in many countries people don’t refrigerate them?
But, I am going to make quiche and crepes today to use eggs, maybe deviled eggs for Easter.

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