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NHWM - how old is the person who sent you her vampire facial picture? I just watched an episode of Judy Justice (Judge Judy Sheindlin) in which a lady in her 60s maybe was talked/pressured into buying an expensive jar of facial cream ($600) and a device that would help make her look younger (how? I don't know) but it cost $8,000. By the time she left the cosmetic store, she spent about $10,000 worth of junk. She sued the salesman to take back his stuff and give her a refund.

I was flabbergasted that a woman who had lived at least 6 decades could be tricked, pressured and practically robbed. The slick salesman knew how to spot his victims. I am sure 100% of them are women, middle age and up who are trying desperately to look young-er.


I’m keeping every one of my wrinkles .
I’ve earned them !!

Need, you should have messaged her back to ask if that was the "before" or "after" photo.

I've nothing against people keeping up whatever beauty regimen makes them happy and taking care of their looks - it's good for morale, and if it's a nightly ritual it can help with sleep hygiene too. What disturbs me is that so many of the effective cosmetic surgery procedures (I don't include the utter-hooey snake oil type) make people look not so much younger as just... peculiar. You can't see the wrinkles or the deep creases or the wattles, but what you do see is some kind of weird avatar, often of a much loved person.

And the things young women are doing! Ohmygod! They look like they've had their faces inflated. I hope this fashion for lip fillers and cheek plumpers passes really quickly.


It’s a guy who is extremely vain! 😆 He is addicted to plastic surgery and different facial stuff!


He lies about his age on Facebook and people that graduated college with him tell him that it’s impossible for him to be that young! 😆


He’s in his 50’s. I guess it could be a midlife crisis or something. He is very entertaining! I’m getting to where I’m not surprised by anything he does anymore!


I agree. I’ve admired very tastefully done facelifts , eye lifts, or nose jobs. But there is some plastics done now that look so peculiar. I know someone that keeps getting fillers in her lips . They put so much in her upper lip it’s like a duck bill now , and it doesn’t move when she talks . When she tries to smile it looks like she has a swollen lip from a fist fight .

NHWM- a guy! I’m a little surprised, but not really.

More and more male celebs are doing plastic surgeries and torturous treatments that typically done by women. The results after getting too many of these are pretty … awful.


How does a person spend $10,000 on make up? I am flabbergasted by this as well!

He called me today laughing at me, saying that I am too “old fashioned.!” 😆 He can do his vampire facials. I am not joining him!

I had a crazy dream last night. I think it was from talking with my family member who did the vampire facial. When I ask him why does he spend so much money on this stuff he always answers, “Because I can afford it. I don’t have a spouse or children, so I can spend all of my money on myself!”

I had a dream that I found a hidden stash of money, I started pulling out the cash, the more money I pulled out of this area, the more money that I saw still in there. It was a never ending stash of cash!

Then I woke up and thought that I was rich, until I realized that I was dreaming and said to myself, ‘Nope, I’m not rich, I’m like most people. middle class.” It was a fun dream though 😊.

funny dream, need :).


where is nocandoyoda? we miss you!!
and sendhelp? where is sendhelp?
and hopeforhelp22?

we miss you!
hope you're well!

by the way, i'll also be gone a while.
will be very busy eating chocolate eggs.

NHWM - never mind $10,000, I was shocked at the $600 facial cream. That as$h0le of a salesman even bragged that he earned a great living and that he flew to FL regularly to spend his weekends at the beach.

Bundleofjoy - not too much easter chocolate now, or we'll have to call you bunnyofjoy. 😀

Ugh - just my luck to get BPPV! Hope I don't fall.


I agree! $600 for facial cream is insane!


I’m so sorry. That must be awful. Be careful. I certainly hope that you won’t fall.

Llama -That's no good. Take care!

Slow and steady on your feet... You will not fall. Get well soon Llama.

Need, golden, Gershun and PB: Thank you. After reading about BPPV and the Epley Maneuver that Lea's mother had done and Lea's dizziness, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to endure an ER visit. Hopefully I can see my primary care physician this week.

Stay upright LLama! Hope this passes.

Llama, my husband has/had BPPV. A Dr taught me how to watch his eyes to determine which direction to roll him - the Epley maneuver. Also, the Dr said to pop an antihistamine when a bout starts.

His first bout was huge. His BP and heart rate seesawed so fast he passed out and hit the ground. He had 3 more episodes, and each one lessened in severity. He hasn’t had one in over 5 years. No idea what started them or why they stopped. Just so relieved.

Good luck to you!

Ali: Wow! So sorry for your husband and that he passed out. I believe that mine may be ear related - something about calcium crystals. I will research it more when I am feeling better. Thank you.


Your husband had a great doctor who helped you to see these signs. We aren’t as fearful when we know what to look out for.

Thanks for sharing this information. Others who suffer with this issue will be helped by your advice.

Llama, BPPV occurs when a crystal(s) find its way into the semicircular inner canal (the Epley man. rolls it back out) and argues with your visual perception of your orientation. My husband’s BP and heart rate fluctuated due to stimulation of the vagus nerve. He may have triggered it with dehydration and stress. He now carries water, is more aware of his thirst, and takes Vit D in the winter. All his EKGs were good. He was himself maybe 36 hours after the big bout. A few hours later after subsequent bouts.

get well soon llama!! :)

Every year it gets more difficult for me to find any meaning in holidays, having once religious celebrations morph into secular ones just makes them feel wrong and pointless.

Why? People don't have to be religious to enjoy a holiday. Most holidays were originally pagan and the churches back then took these holidays and made them religious.

Life for most is pretty mundane with repetitive daily tasks and obligations. Holidays are a way for people to get out of that daily grind and relax a little.

The sad part for me is how few holidays there are in a year.
Report are right about pagan celebrations. (Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox..if that isn't pagan I don't know what is!)
the Church in many instances took the pagan day and made it a religious day because it was "easier" to get people to accept the religious aspect if it somewhat was at the same time as a day they "normally" would have celebrated. And it may also have been due to the fact that pagan rituals could be carried out under the guise of religious celebration.

Why? Because I can't mentally blend the solemnity of Good Friday with a day of parties and celebrations. And the Easter bunny and Santa Claus seem like a sweet addition to those celebrations but when they become the whole celebration it feels pretty meaningless after the age of 5 or so. So in order to preserve the family I've had to gradually abandon the religious traditions that once brought me joy, and now all of it is just feels like another obligation that brings nothing.

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