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I agree A fever a week after surgery needs to be looked into. You can get an infection from any surgery.


I will tell him to call his doctor in the morning then. Hopefully he will be okay overnight.

The doctor told us that the surgery went well. We haven’t ever had infections from surgeries in the past. I remembered though, in the recovery room that the nurse said we had to let the doctor know if he started running a fever.


This seems like DH has had a significant change today/tonight since you said he’s not a whiner .
Call the surgeons number now , answering service should answer call and either his surgeon will call you back or a surgeon that is covering will call you back .
If you don’t get a call back from the surgeon , I think I would just go to the ER. Don’t let DH eat or drink anything else tonight .

Just saw way's post. I agree with her. I was thinking ER too. Better not take any chances. There is a reason they tell you to call if there is any fever.


So, the discharge paper work says call if it is above 100.8. It’s 100.2 now.

Why can’t he drink? He was sipping some apple juice earlier.

He said that there is a 24 hour number on the discharge papers from the hospital so he’s calling.

Any other symptoms besides the fever?


He’s been achy. Isn’t that normal though? He’s telling the doctor that he has had pain and feels weaker.

He rotated with Tylenol and ibuprofen like the doctor told him to do.

They just told him to take his blood pressure.

I hope that he is okay. Are infections common after surgery?

Yeah achiness is normal after surgery. Other symptoms like chills, breathing issues etc could be serious. Ask him if he has other symptoms.

To feel worse after almost 10 days after surgery and a fever is a concern .
I said not to give him anymore to eat or drink just in case the surgeon decided
to open him up to “ take a look “ inside .

He wrapped himself up in a blanket awhile ago. He took it off just now to take his BP for the nurse on the phone.


Okay. Gee, I hope that doesn’t happen.

BP is 154/78 Now, he is telling the nurse that he had a headache earlier. He didn’t tell me this earlier. Then again, he rarely complains.

NHWM, Achy is normal with fever. He is a week postop and should really be feeling better. What did telenurse tell you? Follow your instinct, get him to ER is needed. To me, it sounds like I would do exactly that.


He is on the phone with the nurse telling her that his wife told him to call. You know how men can be. They try to tough it out at times.

The nurse said that she is contacting his doctor. I guess they will call him back shortly.


Good the doctor is calling back . Make sure whatever doctor calls back knows that his surgery was nearly 10 days ago .He should be feeling better , not worse

She just called back. She said that we have to go to the ER.

Will y’all please say a prayer? Thanks.

I didn’t expect this. I guess I am more upset because he had a good check up recently. Wasn’t expecting anything else to be an issue.

His oncologist said his numbers were good and everything since his radiation treatments awhile back for his prostate cancer.

I was so concerned about that. I didn’t think much about this procedure because it is a minor thing.

Sorry, I started thinking back about when I was so afraid for him. He was fortunate enough to catch his cancer early.

I have to go. Will talk later.

Need hope everything is OK with DH. But I am glad you guys are going to the ER.

Glad you are going. Prayers for sure! 🙏🙏🙏


Keep us posted .
He will be Ok.

NHWM- Sending positive thoughts to you and your husband.
He is in good hands at the hospital.
He will be OK.
He will recover.
He will be fine.
He will go home soon.

Need, I'm sure your hubs will be fine. Will be praying for you guys.

BOJ: Thank you.

Need: Prayers for DH.

Still in hospital. It looks like they will admit him. They took blood, urine, did cat scan and have him on an antibiotic drip.

Still waiting to speak with the doctor. I was hoping that he would be coming home with me tonight. Wish the doctor would come in and talk to us.

My daughters want to know how he is but I haven’t spoken to the doctor to be able to let them know what is going on.

I’m freezing in here. I should have brought a sweater or jacket. I have on long sleeves and I am still cold.

Need: Take care of your DH and it's good that he is getting checked out at the ER. Hopefully he doesn't have to be admitted, but okay if they want to monitor him.
It IS cold in hospitals. One time with my mother at hospital I was very cold - took hours to warm up.

Need, ask them to give you a blanket to put around your shoulders.


Maybe I will ask for a blanket. My husband told me that also. I thought that I would get use to it but I am shivering.


I don’t know what is going on. The nurse said that they want to watch him and they are probably going to admit him. Waiting on the doctor to see what is going on.

My husband told me if I wanted to go home that he will call me to tell me what the doctor said. I don’t know what I want to do. Part of me wants to go home and part of me wants to stay with my husband.

Need, maybe stay a little longer and then go home. It won't do either you or your husband any good if you get sick too. I understand wanting to stay too though.
Whatever you decide take care. Get yourself a cup of tea or something soothing if you can. I doubt the hospital cafeteria is still open but they might be able to get you something.

NH, I hope everything's ok! What a way for Easter to end. Praying for DH. He's going to be fine.

You could go home and when the doctor comes DH can call you and use speaker on his phone so you can hear what the doctor says .

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