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Just as I got up to go to the bathroom and the doctor walked in to speak with us.

He says that the scan looks okay but there’s some thickening somewhere, I didn’t quite understand what he was referring to. DH has a follow up visit with his doctor.

He did release DH to go home but he has four prescriptions that I will get filled tomorrow, ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, Zofran and hydrocodone.

Thanks to everyone for talking with me. It really helped a lot.

I started thinking about all of the ER trips that I did with my mom to the same hospital as tonight. Bad memories for me.

I appreciate the advice from all of you to call the ER number on the discharge papers and to take him into the hospital.

Hugs to everyone! Many thanks for being there for me.

We just got home. I’m going to crash under a warm blanket! It was freezing in there! I’m so glad that my husband was able to come home with me.

My husband is ‘Mr. Chill.’ If he says that he doesn’t feel well, I know something is wrong. So, going to the hospital was the best thing to do.

sp19690, you wrote: "The sad part for me is how few holidays there are in a year."

that's eggs-actly what i just said! ❤️🙂

no, i didn't. but i just really wanted to use that sentence. :)

🐇🐇🐇 happy easter monday!

i can hoppily announce, oops i mean happily,
that there is sign of life from notcandoyoda!! :) :)
and from hopeforhelp22!! :) :)


as warned, i myself will disappear for quite a while.
i'm eating, eating chocolate eggs. need to egg-celerate.

need, i hope everything will be fine!! and soon!! ❤️
i only now saw what happened.

Need, just catching up. Hope things are better? Hope you have both slept & things get brighter today.

PS My hospital go bag always has a water bottle, phone charger, snacks & a big shawl type scarf. I get super cold in waiting rooms, always have. Stress is probably a factor too.

FIngers crossed for you all is OK.

Need, just seeing this now. ((((Hugs)))) and glad you got him to the ER.

Let us know about what the doc says at follow-up!

Need - so glad dh got meds and got to go home with you. ((((((hugs))))) I should think that the antibiotics etc. will bring his fever down and he start to feel better. Hope you both got a good sleep after all that. I expect you will have a quiet day. Keep us updated. Prayers still for him to get completely well.

Need, how are you and dh feeling today?

NHWM, just catching up on the forum... your hubs may be having a post-op infection from an appendectomy? Is that correct?

I see the meds he was prescribed. Cipro may not play well with seniors (it caused my Mom's lower legs to swell up and took a long time for it to go away; along with other problems for other seniors). So maybe have this discussion with his doctor to see if there's a concern and/or alternative. And, Zofran (for nausea) will make him very very thirsty.

Been to the ER so many times for my husband's migraines that we "know the drill" about dressing really warm and bringing chargers, water and entertainment. Wishing all the best for his recovery!

NH, I'm so glad everything is good with DH. Make sure he takes a probiotic. Cipro can wreak havoc on the 'good' gut bacteria. Might cause diarrhea

I just woke up! I was exhausted when we got home all I wanted was to crawl under the covers and crash.

Thanks for the messages. I have to run over to Walgreens to pick up his meds in a couple of minutes. I am going to drink a cup of coffee first.

DH looks better today. He says that he is feeling better. Neither of us have ever had any infections after having surgery before. I’m very appreciative of the information from all of you.

Will talk later. Hugs to all.

NHWM, I’m glad you took him to the ER and are back home!
I’ve taken Cipro and second Catskie62’s suggestion to use probiotics once he finishes it.

I’m leaving now to go to the drugstore.

I read the comments about probiotics. My daughter that has Crohn’s disease takes those. I never have bought those.

Do they have different kinds? Are they on the isle with upset stomach stuff? I guess I can ask the pharmacist which ones to buy. Thanks.

I went to get DH’s meds. Walgreens had all of the Easter candy on sale 50 percent off. Yay! I bought a mini Ghirardelli’s bunny for my lunch. It’s so cute! Hahaha 🤣

I want one of those Navage nasal care machines. They are $99. I have horrible allergies. I wonder how they work. I’m going to ask my doctor if she thinks they are worth spending $99 on.

Yea for Easter candy! Yesterday I got some of the Cadbury mini eggs, they are dark chocolate. Today I went again an they have the milk chocolate ones 50% off. I had never seen the dark chocolate ones.

I/2 off candy, Hm....
I'm picturing the robot from lost in space waving it's arms around and saying Warning! Danger!


Dark chocolate is my favorite!


Yes! Danger! Hahaha

My love. My nemesis. My extra 100lb.
Oh, how your seductive sweetness overwhelms my resolve. No tightness of jeans nor snugness of sweater can convince me to bid you farewell. While I detest what you’ve done to me, I cannot deny having savoured our moments together, nor that I look forward to many, many more.


to everyone:
may your day be filled with hugs, peace and of course,

I had planned on going to the store , but I was too tired today to bother going out just looking for 1/2 price chocolate .

I may regret that 🙄

My husband sent me a funny link to watch.

YouTube Dr. Glaucomflecken

He is an ophthalmologist who sort of makes fun of all medical professionals. Well, he takes a lighter look at what ‘really’ goes on in the medical field. He interviews all sorts of specialists. It’s hysterical!

Need: Glad that your DH got to come home with you. You must have been exhausted! Hugs.

Thanks, Llama

I was tired and I was glad to be able to warm up too! I made a cup of hot herbal tea before I crashed.

I thought that I would be fine because I had on long sleeves. I won’t make that mistake again. I am bringing a jacket.

You know it’s cold when all of the staff had on sweaters and jackets. They are busy running around and they were cold too.

You know these Cadbury eggs are only 120 calories for six pieces. I.had maybe three pieces today.

Need: You're welcome.

Oops. Secret confession.

I just found the Easter half price chocolate I bought after LAST Easter. I kind of remember my cunning plan now.. to hide it & bring out in May as an extra treat!
(meaning May 2022)

Of course it is all past use by date now 😭

Evidence will be placed in the bin the night before bin collection. No point disclosing!


No! You can’t hide it from yourself! LOL 😆

Hey, when I was cleaning out my closet awhile back, I found a purse that I didn’t remember buying! Maybe it was a gift. Anyway, it was an ugly purse. I donated it! Maybe someone with bad taste will use it.


Yes, dark chocolate in small amounts aren’t high in calories and not bad for you. It’s the milk chocolate that is high in calories and not healthy. I prefer the taste of dark chocolate.

NH, I had an infected tooth in February&ended up having 2 extractions & bone grafting. The antibiotics gave me 'intestinal problems' for 5 weeks, 2 of them were after stopping the Cipro Ugh....

BIL had a visit this morning from the same doctor that in the ER told him he would either die or be a vegetable. This time she apparently told him he was lucky and that next time they won't be able to help him. Like .... seriously?? If she thinks that will scare him into better compliance she is very wrong, it will have the opposite effect. What a witch (with a b).

Well, according to the student teacher at the elementary school, I am anti-envirnmentalist earth killer. Why you ask? Because I do not want children under 6 who may have bee allergies to be strung. We keep a fenced in plot of the yard with a swing set and other toys in the yard for smaller children to play and we spray the yard in the winter to kill dandelions and flowering clover (as recommended). Not having flowers in this 50'x50' yard is killing the bees. The rest of the yard is thickly covered so I guess mowing the grass also kills the bees; afterall it takes 24 hours or so till there are new blooms...

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