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Even weirder is that when I came back to check the site I was already logged in🤔


Same here.

It’s not a full moon. Not April Fools Day. So, what’s up?

All I know is that I've spent a portion of nearly every day here for the last... decade?... and I will seriously suffer withdrawal if/when I'm no longer able to access the site. I guess I need to get a life.

Dont forget Home Town Takeover tonight! 6:00 p.m. MDT! HGTV!

Could not login for the last few hours.
I did not log-out.

I just came back to try again, here I am,
with hesitancy, trepidation, and concerns.

I could get a better life, but would need the support of my friends on AC.

Yay, Barb is back - I think!

Yup, back, then blocked again and back again. Ashley is at work today (or at least responding to emaiks).

I have to say that there are a few things that are confusing to me about this site.

One in particular is the rotation of questions. New questions are sometimes lost in the shuffle. Old questions are brought to the forefront. It’s ridiculous.

Oh, and has anyone else noticed that people post their question in the ‘question’ section and AgingCare will move it to the ‘discussion’ section.

It is annoying because all of the responses to people’s comments are not in the right order after they move it to discussions. As you know, no one can reply to comments on discussions.

This just happened to a post that Midkid posted about DH stepping up. It was in questions and somehow it got moved to discussions. It’s happened to my posts, others too, many times.

Major storm headed this way. In some area 5" -10" of snow in the forecast!🍙🍙❄❄⛄⛄

Had my coffee on my patio this morning. It is chilly! 58 degrees out there!

I get cold when temperatures drop below 70! Hahaha 🤣

Stay safe, Glad. Colorado is so beautiful but it’s a bit too cold for me. I would have to buy really warm clothes I lived there. My daughter says that the key is to layer clothing.

After my daughter slid on her stairs in the snow when she lived there she invested in a good pair of snow boots!

Then she moved out of her 3rd floor walk up into a building with an elevator and indoor parking!

She is hoping to move back to Denver one day. She misses the snow and Denver in general. I don’t blame her for hating our humidity. Louisiana is basically a swamp! Hot and humid summers.

stay safe, glad :).

here all our snow melted away.
buttttt, tomorrow it's coming back. that can ONLY mean 1 thing. i will be forced, completely against my strong will, to drink lots of hot chocolate.

you know what's funny...i'm so used to seeing our screen names, that if we ever met, i would find it very hard to call anyone but the names we're so used to using. and i've even written to my real-life friends, almost signing off:

see ya in 5 minutes,
bundle of joy :)

I picked up the nickname Anabanana very young because my hair was yellow-blond and I like bananas. An accurate update might be Anamousy, although I leave the mouse eating to our cat.

my new motto! :)

🤔 "This will all make sense after coffee."

RIP Harry Belafonte

Groundbreaking Singer, Songwriter and Activist, Dies at 96

I think the Banana Boat Song is still my favourite.

What a life well lived! My favourites are Turn The World Around and Jump In The Line. Few tunes will make you tap your toes (or better yet, dance!) as enthusiastically as JITL!



Need- you are back!

Am I?

I see your posts

Oh my gosh, Golden! I know that I am not going crazy! LOL 😆

That was the quickest fix ever! Let’s see how long it lasts before I am off again!

It’s weird. I couldn’t post right after I posted a couple of questions. I saw where one went through. Not sure if the other one will.

It said that I was logged out so I didn’t even get to proofread it. Same thing happened to Glad when she posted a question awhile back. It logged her out.

Yesterday was a beautiful day - low 70s and sunny - yet it was a downer day for me. I finished cleaning out my ex-SIL's apartment in the AL she lived in after I became her guardian. She died suddenly earlier this month and I moved on to executor of her will which left most things to her daughter. After her daughter took or identified everything she wanted, I invited her sisters and nieces to take what they wanted from her personal possessions and then donated the remainder. I am now in possession of a high end lift chair with all kinds of adjustments (including inflatable headrest and lumbar support) because no one wanted to deal with its weight - not a major consideration when you have access to trucks and young men to move it.

I don't know what happened; she was found dessed in her nightclothes halfway in the tub with the cold water running (drain was open) during a nightime check. They think she had been there for less than an hour. The water could have been turned on as she fell. She was discharged from the hospital 14 hours earlier, having spent 15 days there for treatment of respiratory issues. Maybe I should have had someone spend the night in her apartment, but I thought the hourly checks and the "summons" pulls would be adequate (SIL hated having someone check on her in the apartment) and her daughter was going to stay with her for several days starting the next night.

Both my SILs are deceased now; neither lived very long, dying at 56 and 69. I'm saddened by all the good times they have/will miss (like helping my grand-nephew get ready for prom). And maybe someday soon I will be able to enjoy this fancy recliner (I don't need the lift component yet) without its presence in my home painfully reminding me of who is missing. Is it strange that I find my mother's things to be comforting yet not this chair? Maybe because SIL is my generation?

hugggg, TNtechie. ❤️
56 and 69 is young. very different from a long life, well-lived. it's not surprising at all that you're sad.

let's all live & appreciate life to the fullest, knowing that there's no way to know what happens tomorrow.


Very sad story. I’m so sorry. Sending many hugs to you!

Tech - condolences on your loss. Such a sad day. Ex sil was so young and the circumstances were so strange. The "maybes" and " if onlys" can haunt us but we need to remember they are a normal part of grieving.

I hope in time you will enjoy the recliner and your memories of this lady who was dear to you. (((((hugs)))))

Condolences Tech. That is a sad story.😥

Techie: Deepest condolences.

Gordon Lightfoot 1938 - 2023

Here's one of his songs that I've always loved - probably my favourite

If you could read my mind....

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