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I hope when it's our turn to become elderly, we have an easy time...
Reading so many stories, I get inspired to stay as fit as possible, to try to prevent what I can.


I want to go exactly as my sweet grandma did. Quick and painless! She just dropped dead. Her heart stopped. She wasn’t sick. She was healthy at age 85, living independently in her own home.

She prayed that she wouldn’t suffer with an Illness for a long period of time like my grandfather. I am so glad that she didn’t suffer.

I think dying in our sleep would be the best way to leave this earth.

So, I see a pattern here. Every time I post a question the site logs me out. Same thing happened to Glad awhile ago.

Of course, then the question doesn’t show up so I can’t even edit it. Oh, but magically then the question appears. Let’s see what happens next.

I tried to post a question. Got logged out! No question appearing yet, it’s always delayed after the editing period. Very annoying! If I post another question there will be a duplicate. Also annoying!

This site has become so unpredictable that who knows what will happen.

This site is crazy! Kicks me off every time I go to post a question or discussion! Happened to Glad too.

Then the question doesn’t seem to post. Later, the question usually does post past the editing time which is annoying! If I would post the question again there would be a duplicate post, also annoying!

Not posting the question again. If it posts and my stupid autocorrect typed errors, oh well…

Sometimes the site lets me back on quickly and other times not. I’m going to make myself a coffee! I hope AC can figure this out soon.


Am I magically back on the site or is it an illusion? LOL 😆

So, all of the posts that are below did not show up as going through. Delayed response in the posting. It’s weird!

We see you NHWM!

Of course with the new form policy now when people disappear we won't know if they've been locked out accidentally or temporarily banished🤔


Yep! True 🤪

So, I posted a question in the question section. Why was it placed by administrators in the discussion section? If I would have wanted it in the discussion sections I would have posted it there!

Why? AC decides.

I find it a shame that we can’t openly, still staying respectful, talk in public posts about pasts conflicts between members. I think it should be OK to talk about it. But AC just made a rule now, that it’s not OK to post publicly about past and future conflicts.


Possibly because it ends up being an attack on a poster which isn’t always fair.

My issue is with not correcting the technical issues if that is the problem.

I feel many of us are confused about why we are getting kicked off the forum. Especially, if we aren’t being offensive to other posters.

It’s a mystery!

“Possibly because it ends up being an attack on a poster which isn’t always fair.”

I get that. But I still find it a shame, because sometimes it isn’t an attack. On the contrary, it’s an opportunity to talk things through. And that’s why I wrote, “still staying respectful”.

Getting accidentally kicked off: AC said it’s because the spam filter is over-sensitive and they’re fixing that.


I hear you and I agree with you. Sometimes, it is only a communication issue.

I feel like this will always be an issue because no one can hear the tone of our voices or see facial expressions and things can easily be misinterpreted or misunderstood.

Personally, I don’t have an issue with explaining something if it’s misunderstood, others may be offended and hit the report button. Who knows?

I think everyone deserves a chance to explain their position. We have all seen behavior that is similar to a feeding frenzy where posters become attacked by others because people seem to want to jump on the bandwagon and join in.

I hear you too.
What I mean is that, even if there has been an attack, a conflict, I find it a shame that we can’t talk about it publicly, openly, for the reasons I mentioned.


Yeah, I see what you mean. I don’t know. I suppose that the administration feels that they are preventing a blow up or something of that nature.

I don’t expect everyone to agree with me on every topic and I know that I won’t agree with everyone on certain issues.

I am aware that people are entitled to their own opinions. There are people in this world who feel like everyone is supposed to agree with them on everything. It’s a ridiculous position and who knows why someone would feel like that.

Honestly, the older I get the less I try to figure other people out. I’m not their psychiatrist and I don’t wish to be their shrink! LOL 😆

So, I don’t think I will be visiting certain Starbucks in my city. The violence is getting crazier and crazier. Employees being physically assaulted by customers!

So sick of it! It’s depressing actually. Our wonderful Jazz Fest is going on and a few miles away from the festival a young waiter is shot serving customers seated in an outdoor dining area. The gunfire went through the restaurant window and all of the customers are on the floor. I cannot count the times that I have eaten lunch and dinner there. It’s an institution in our city.

Oh, and the waiter is dead! 23 years old and dead. Disgusting how these shootings are occurring in our city.

With regard to the changes by admin, I am glad they have set some policies to deal with the "personal attacks" that were being made in public posts. There is nothing to prevent people from messaging or private messaging to discuss any conflicts they have. This forum is about supporting caregivers and we generally are given a lot of leeway. Just my two cents.

Need - that's terrible about the shooting and death of the 23 year old, and any other shootings for that matter.

Golden , how are the fires by you ? Did you have to leave your home ?
I like your new kitty pic

Way I just posted in the whine thread about the fires No, the one I was concerned about is being held now so no evacuations, but there is another one to the north of us and a little closer and out of control but quite small.

Thx re my avatar - same kitty as before but the photo was taken this year. She is 4 yo this month.


Yeah. I am pretty bummed. My oldest daughter has been assaulted on the street. She was hurt, he pushed her down pretty hard onto the pavement and the guy took her purse. She didn’t have a lot of money it it but she was scared to death. The guy towered over her threatening to kill her. Thank God that she wasn’t hurt.

I am just so sick of all of this. My husband’s job is here. So, we can’t really move to another state right now.

It breaks my heart because there are so many things that I love about New Orleans but our police department and our politicians don’t seem to be able to control the violence in our neighborhoods.

My youngest daughter is already talking about moving back to Denver because it’s really disturbing to feel like a carjacking or being victim of a crime is going to happen.

Need - I'm so sorry to hear about your dd. That must have been very scary for her. I understand you and dds being uncomfortable with the amount of violence. And your older dd has had her purse taken and I suppose with it all of her id. To me the money is less important. but her sense of being safe is important and her personal stuff.


Yes, it’s a pain to have to deal with cancellations of cards, getting a new license and all that stuff.

Not to mention that a lunatic now knows where you live. She had her keys in her pocket so he didn’t get her keys.


My grandfather was an artist for the print ads in the newspaper in NYC before they had computers to do that stuff. He always worked evening shift so he rode the subway 2 am to Penn station , then he took the next train back to Long Island to get home . Back in the 1970’s NYC was having bad crime , My grandfather was near retirement when he kept getting mugged . He retired at 70 years old . He got mugged a bunch of times waiting for the train in the subway platform . He always carried at least $100 in cash because if the mugger looked in the wallet and it was less they would punch him. If there was at least $100. They left with the cash and didn’t hit him .

NHWM - OMG, that was so scary for your daughter. I am so sorry to hear. It makes me angry when innocent people get hurt and the police can't or won't do anything. Here where I am, crimes are rampant, and police's hands are tied because the DAs will not prosecute, and criminals are given more rights than the victims. Makes me sick.


Isn’t it sad? I wish that your grandfather would have been able to feel safe when traveling home from his job. It’s so stressful to live in a city where there is a high volume of crime.

It’s so bad here now, if a woman is attacked the police have said that it won’t be a priority. My Lord, I can’t make sense of this situation anymore.


You and me both! It is truly sickening. Our politicians have always been colorful! Hahaha, that is a polite way to put it. I’m sure that you can read between the lines and know what I mean.

Look up our mayor and you will see that she is not popular or well respected in our city. There were tons of signatures to get her removed but nothing happened. Not enough signatures were collected for the recall.

Need, what is a priority for the police there if attacking a woman or anyone in general isn’t ? Murders and nothing else I guess ? Mardi Gras would scare me .

Golden/nana, I don’t know why everyone affected doesn’t do what u did?

need, way, polar - that sort of violence and lack of police protection is terrible.

PeggySue - you mean set up a backup account? I just made my avatar the same for both accounts to be more recognizable. Really glitches get fixed pretty quickly so I don't see that I will need the backup much.

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