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Honestly, it is getting so bad that I don’t think anything is a top priority for the police. Their morale is in the toilet at this point. There are neighborhoods that they won’t even show up at all!

Here’s the thing though, crime is happening in areas where it never happened before on a regular basis.

So, we have really beautiful neighborhoods like our garden district (uptown) but just a couple of blocks away are some really sketchy neighborhoods.

Other areas like Lakeview, another nice area of the city that didn’t normally deal with high crime levels is now seeing a lot of carjackings and robberies.

I am waiting for something to happen at our jazz festival. I have been going to the festival since the very first year. Nothing bad has ever happened but security doesn’t do a great job of searching bags. I know because I have told them before that they didn’t search my bag very well. The woman looked at me and said, “You don’t look like the type to have a weapon.”

Security does a great job at the dome for our Saints games! Now, people go to their cars after the game and see that their cars have been vandalized! It’s crazy.

Mardi Gras can get crazy. It’s sad because I have always loved going to the parades. Lots of locals go out of town for Mardi Gras. They go skiing, Disney or somewhere else.

It’s funny, one time we took a trip to the mountains when my oldest daughter was young during Mardi Gras. She had a whole week off of school. She saw kids in their school uniforms and said, “Mommy, why are they in school? It’s Mardi Gras time!” LOL 😆 She was only 6 and thought everyone had a vacation from school for Mardi Gras.

Need ,
That reminds me of another story from the 1970’s in NYC. Now I was just a kid then , but my husband was friends with a gentleman at work that was older than my husband. This gentleman was head of security where my husband works. The man is now retired but previously this man was a policeman in NYC when it was bad and morale was low . He told us about the blackout of 1977. He was assigned to a particularly bad area when the blackout of 1977 happened . It was crazy, no electricity , couldn’t see anything , people just breaking all the store windows and looting , starting fires . This policeman and his partner just decided to hide until daylight . They were so outnumbered , they figured they would have been killed . He did his 20 years for a pension and got out . I don’t know what crime is like there now , I moved to Pennsylvania 18 years ago when my husbands job transferred him .


Very sad time then for NY. It’s horrible because NY is so fabulous.

Actually, that situation sounds like New Orleans after Katrina hit. Geeeeeez, the looting was insane. I get people taking diapers, formula and baby food for their children. Even the police let that slide. But the insane looting of other stuff was just plain crazy!

My neighbor who was in the national guard and assigned to the super dome said that it was absolutely horrific inside the dome. The drug addicts were withdrawing and things got really bad In the dome.

Did anyone see the Surgeon General’s report on loneliness? So interesting! Please look it up if you missed it. He called loneliness an epidemic that kills people as much as cigarettes do.

It’s a very sad reality that so many people are suffering with being alone.

It’s not just emotional suffering, it also has a physical impact on people who have absolutely no one else in their lives.


People are being locked out either 1) as part of a multiuser tech glitch or 2) because they are suspended or banned.

If someone’s in Group 1, there’s no reason they should not just set up a transparent backup account to continue talking after they’ve submitted a support ticket.

If someone’s on discipline, however, that doesn’t apply. The whole point of a suspension is so those suspended don’t communicate with the board, so I would imagine a backup account or getting friends to post for them or whatever would infuriate the admins who initiated the restriction even more.

"The whole point of a suspension is so those suspended don’t communicate with the board, so I would imagine a backup account or getting friends to post for them or whatever would infuriate the admins who initiated the restriction even more."

No kidding! 

I imagine the same and that admins would also not appreciate people posting to say how a suspended person was so innocent, never did anything wrong and supposedly suffered from other people who did them wrong. How would anyone be able to say that without the suspended person telling people they were wronged. What if it wasn't true? Do we think Admin's would suspend without researching?  I'm just talking in general here and not about any conflict.  I'm new here and don't know or want to know abut conflicts!

Aging Care posted about needing time to research reports, look into things and decide a course of action. So if anyone is suspended I think we have to trust there was a reason for it.

Totally random comment here, but one thing that really bothers me is when people say "kid" about an adult. Like "He's a nice kid", or "He's just a kid", and they're referring to a 25-year old. He's not a kid. Kids are children. You're a child if you're under 18.

Another thing that really bothers me, is war. So I guess there are two things in this world that bother me.

Kids doesn't bother me much but then I suppose it would depend on the context, my kids are always going to be my kids even when they're seniors themselves but I suppose calling some random young person a kid is about pointing out their inexperience and lack of consideration for yours.
What does bother me is calling young women girls, something I thought we got rid of back in the 70's. (my sis does this, it's not just men)

Yeah I don't mean when one is referring to one's children. "How are your kids doing?"...That means, how are your children doing...
No problem with me.

I mean, "calling some random young person a kid"

"is about pointing out their inexperience and lack of consideration for yours"
I know it's about that.
And it bothers me a lot. They're not kids. They're adults. Maybe terrible adults, but they're adults. "Kid" in that context, is often used as a free pass..."Oh, they're just kids"...
It's just something that really bothers me: calling a random young person a kid.

Guess a parent or whoever could refer to adult kids as offspring lol

Another totally random thought I'm having today...
Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do.

r/showerthoughts 🤣

Now if only I could apply that thought...
Story of my life.

cwillie, Those shower thoughts are sometimes fantasies . 😜

Pat Paul,

Multiple people have had problems logging in. If I were one, I’d start a backup account immediately like PeggySue2 and send a support ticket to admin to restore my access to the original.

I would imagine that admin would get right back to me saying I was suspended if there were any confusion about that.

How to put thoughts into action...
In particular, this thought:
Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do.

I've come to the conclusion today, that I need to buy a tiger. Keep the tiger in my house. That would certainly get me moving. I think I'd start getting a lot of things done, F-A-S-T. Enjoy it. And reach success quickly. There couldn't be a better plan.

What could possibly go wrong?

The women were wearing hats!
In the UK, they crown kings.
In the U.S. they crown horses.

Today is the 8th year anniversary of my beloved mom's death.

Dear Mom, I miss you so.


I bet sometimes it feels like you were with your mom only yesterday and other times it feels like she died so long ago. That’s how it feels for me.

With my dad it seems like it was forever ago because he died in 2002. Mom was 2021.

Need, actually it feels like it's been forever for me since she died. Her last couple of years of life it truly wasn't her so for me it's been even longer than 8 years.

I truly don't think about her often cause to do so would cause me too much pain so I shew her out of my mind a lot. I never thought I'd do that but for me it is easier to not think of her than to wallow in the sadness of missing her.


I understand that. In a way, we lose them before they actually die. It is best not to dwell on it.

Gershun: Hugs. I'm sorry for the loss of your mother.

Sitting on my patio drinking my coffee. Yeah, I’m addicted to it! I started drinking coffee with my grandma as a child. Of course, it was predominantly milk but I felt like a big shot having a cup of coffee with my sweet grandmother.

In the 80’s now and our low temp for tonight is 75. Oh, how I envy those of you who have cooler evenings! Pretty soon, our weather will be so very hot, even in the evenings.


I can't get by without my coffee and I too started at a young age. I am in fact just now brewing a nice little pot of Cafe du Monde right here in the office.


Ahhhhh, you’re a woman after my own heart! We are most definitely a coffee drinking town!


I couldn't believe it when I found Cafe du Monde in a grocery store here.
You know I did a little dance and everything LOL


My daughter found New Orleans coffee in a Vietnamese grocery when she was living in Denver! She was thrilled to see it too. The Vietnamese love our coffee.

There is a Vietnamese community in New Orleans that serves it all the time. They put their own unique twist on it though. They don’t serve it as cafe au lait, instead they use condensed milk instead of milk.

A very long time ago New Orleans had a Chinatown. It was along Tulane Ave. It dwindled and a few of the merchants opened up their businesses in the French Quarter.

It’s sad that our Chinatown didn’t thrive here. We are a melting pot of diversity. I love all of the different cultures and influences. We are a unique community and we certainly aren’t considered to be an ‘anywhere USA’ city. I think it would be cool to have kept Chinatown like NY and California has.

I have always wanted to visit the Greek section of Chicago. I have friends that live in Chicago and they say that they have amazing Greek restaurants there. I love Greek food and culture. Our Greek festival is coming up soon! Lots of fun and great food.


I found the Cafe du Monde at an Asian grocery store. Cool. I was glad to get it.

NH, what brand of coffee do you drink? I'm addicted to Community Coffee-coffee and chicory flavor. Tastes great w/International Delight caramel macchiato creamer.

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