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@venting. Imo, The world is upside down now . Banning books . Taking rights away. But dangerous rhetoric and lies from politicians is perpetuated . This will probably be totally removed by admin .
I used the word crucified in my first sentence because the OP did in her question .This sentence was removed . But OP that states she was crucified by other forum members remains in her question .

I noticed your totally normal sentence being deleted.
By the way, it wasn't because you read the profile.

AC/admin deleted it because you mentioned the word "envy".
There is nothing wrong with saying envy.
Admin decided to leave your other sentence where you explained why OP appeared envious. But admin decided to delete your 1st sentence with "envy", I suppose because it might hurt OP's feelings.

I completely disagree with admin's decision to delete your sentence. It's not a disrespectful sentence. It's a hypothesis that maybe OP does feel envy.

Similarly, one of my sentences was deleted by AC/admin. An OP had lied, I pointed it out because it was relevant for the advice I gave OP. Admin deleted my sentence about lying.

It's censorship.

And by the way, it's a good thing I pointed out the lie, so that other forum members don't waste their time on that one detail, which was a false detail. Sometimes my advice/replies aren't just for OP, but also to warn other forum members.

I'm glad it's still allowed to write "troll". I saw that comment of mine wasn't deleted, regarding another OP.

Our freedom of expression and opinion, is being limited, also for normal/respectful sentences.

Ahhh....a new 4-letter word: envy. You might be right, ventingisback.

If admin is going to edit … the least they can do is fix my punctuating and crimes of grammar . That I would not mind. 😄

And changing questions that are clearly posted as questions should remain that way. Otherwise, all of the responses to posters are out of order and don’t make sense.

Thanks, Burnt.

I appreciate your feedback.


I agree with you on changing words.

If words are changed or deleted it can change the context of the message.

As you say, these aren’t words that are derogatory or offensive, so why should they be censored?

I am wondering if some of ADMIN functions are now run by bots.


It’s certainly possible. Would be interesting to know if that is the case.

After the solar storms and CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections) from Weds. and Thurs. this week, my YouTube will not play for more than 3 minutes today, before bouncing off to the main menu.

That is not the AC Admins fault, I am sure. 🤣

Today is Saturday, Mother's Day weekend. I am not sure if any AC Admin staff working. So, perhaps the deletions are done by bots. Just my guess.

Need: Prayers sent for your DH.


This site takes down whole paragraphs. I've had everything I've written on a thread removed bt the admins with no explanation whatsoever.
I can only speculate why. The people running the place may find plain language and being truthful "offensive". Who knows?

It becomes absurd, because then the only permissible things to write on the forum, are like:
"poor, poor you"
"you're so great OP"
"you're such a victim in all of this"
"you're doing all the right things OP"
"there isn't a single thing you're doing wrong"


Regarding editing …I wrote a letter to the editor of our local newspaper one time in response to an editorial. The editorial was reflecting one side of a local issue that was causing a divide in our local community .
I wanted to point out a false statement that was in the editorial as well as how past articles in this newspaper were very slanted towards one side of the issue and would cherry pick certain aspects of the issue , thus perpetuating the divide .
By the time they butcher edited my letter they had it completely turned around that I agreed with the writer of the editorial on the issue . which I did not. They printed this awful letter with my name on it. I then wrote another letter to the editor regarding the fact that their editing totally changed the message in my letter . That letter of course was not printed . It was ignored totally .

I wonder if poop will be replaced with bowel movement. Got to be politically correct when speaking about bodily functions.

I haven't seen Alvadeer lately. Is she taking a break from AC?


You're exactly right. There's more to being supportive of people then just telling them how great they are. Or commiserating with them about how lousy and unfair their circumstances are.

While both are part of being supportive, this is not all. Being supportive also means being straight up with people for their own good.

Calling them out when they refuse to take even one tiny step forward to help themselves and improve their situation in the slightest way.

Being supportive also means telling a person when they are playing the victim or being a martyr.

In plain language I guess everything I've mentioned falls under an umbrella coverage of plainly calling people out on their BS.

If this site has a problem with honesty, then this group should make a different group.

Polar, I've been wondering about alvadeer too, as I really miss her contributions. I suspect her account may still be suspended by AC, because if you go to her profile you can't get into it. That's what lealonie's profile was like when she was in her one week suspension by AC. However, if a person voluntarily chooses to withdraw from AC, permanently or for a while, perhaps that's what their profile looks like too.

For those of you whose posts have been heavily edited, have you communicated with Ashley? If you need her email address, I have it somewhere in my AOL from back when I was getting locked out continually.

I believe Alva said she was "walking away". I hope she comes back.

Hi all. Alva says "hi". She is not blocked; she closed her account by choice. She reads here often and enjoys the comments.

I like Alva. She gave very good advice and I hope she comes back.

Thanks for the Alva update, BarbBrooklyn.

Message for Alva (if you get to read it)..

Thank you. You have given me & many others much good & sensible advice.

You see the truth & speak it. XX

Hi all, I'm back again after a week of babysitting and I was too busy to even check the forum..... it took sis, BIL and I to babysit two kids, LOL.
I've discovered another glitch - I tried scrolling older posts on my news feed and it will not load anything older than May 12, it just keeps reloading that page when I hit the see more button at the bottom of the feed 🤔

Welcome back, cwillie. Goodness,, what ages are they?

Everybody who was corrupted, locked out, and asked for help to get back on during the AC blitz, in March, might want to re-check their settings.
My Privacy settings were all undone.

People who refuse to limit the length of their posts and are new to the forum should not take it personally if I cannot take on their sorrows. Others can help them. imo.

I reset my privacy settings, all is well.

Miss you AlvaDeer.

cwillie: Wow! Good that you have some time to get back on.

Golden - The kids are 5 and 3, one in JK and the other in day care during the week but all ours on the weekend. I was pleasantly surprised that they didn't really get upset about mommy and daddy being away for so long.... but I was more than ready to get back to my quiet home!

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