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Good to see you back burnt.

Welcome back Burnt2!

Glad to see you back Burnt, by any name! Sorry you got locked out. Not the first time that's happened on AC.

So you were banned, it wasn't a glitch?

Burnt, I believe if you'd been "banned" you would have been notified by AC and you would be able to sign back in after the ban was lifted.

Did you contact Ashley to report that you couldn't log in?

This banning policy is very off putting. We're not children needing disciplines handed out by parents.

I guess this will turn off and turn away members.

There have always been people who are banned from the forum, that's nothing new, but the three strikes and you're out is. The problem from a user perspective has always been inconsistency, some people and threads have gotten pretty outrageous and nothing has been done. And people shouldn't have to be afraid of calling out an obvious t-r-oh-double-ell either (yeah, I don't want to chance to even writing the word)

Hmmmm. Burnt seems to have gone dark again. I sent an email to Ashely asking what was going on.

I think that the only thing to do if you think someone is a troll is not to respond to them.

Yes, plus report their comments and hope for the best.

Burnt is invisible to me. Can't see her posts you're replying to. Weird...
That happened a few weeks ago with Needs posts

IMO there is at least one hanging around right now trying to set off dissension. Sometimes it takes a little while before their agenda becomes obvious. Then they disappear and return under a different user name and try it again. Some people don't have much of a life apparently but that's what trolls are all about.

burnt's posts have disappear for me too - no connection to the above comments,

Well, if she was truly banned they aren't likely going to allow her back with a new account once they become aware of it. But I'm just guessing, it's hard to know why people are missing.

"I think that the only thing to do if you think someone is a troll is not to respond to them."

I don't agree. I think it's good people point it out directly. It's for the benefit of other forum members, too. You don't need to waste your time reading the thread, because someone else kindly warned you this poster is not a serious poster. I don't think it's good that we need to worry about being banned, when pointing out directly that something's very off with a post. Off, as in, someone's fooling around, trying to waste people's time.

That's where the problems have arisen hereiam, some people made it their mission to call out people as trolls when they were offended by them for any reason, some even began to search their history trying to prove they were right.... it was getting out of hand. In the end the offensive posts got a lot more views and comments than they would have if everyone had just ignored them.

Cwillie, I understand it can go either way. I am of the opinion however, that it's beneficial to call out a poster (by "poster" I mean, someone who posts a question), when it feels like the right thing to do.

In fact, I would even say it's the right thing to do even if you risk being banned. You just saved some people from wasting their precious time. Even 2 minutes spent on a non-serious-post, is 2 minutes of very precious time wasted. I applaud the people who warned others, and who risked being banned. Well done.

Oh FFS, I just saw that police in Australia tasered a frail 95 year old woman because she wouldn't put down a steak knife. I can't even imagine what those officers were thinking. 😭

American law enforcement pulls these types of stunts too. It is heartbreaking that our leo are afraid of a frail senior. Shameful!

Oh my - the taser story. AWFUL!

Why not evacuatate the area?
Surely the Police could out-run someone using a walker?

Or just wait until she needed a nap??

I've had to talk down or disarm many a dementia patient - fists, a butter knife here & there, a handbag or cane being swung around. But no experience being confronted with a sharp knife or other lethal weapon.

I imagine, the mildest tazer zap would be aimed at the wrist to drop the knife? As the very last resort.. But I wasn't there...

From news report;
"She's either one hell of an agile, fit, fast and intimidating 95-year-old woman, or there's a very poor lack of judgement [from] those police officers," PwD President Nicole Lee told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).
"She needed somebody to... handle her with compassion and time, not Tasers."

Agree. Very very sad.

OK... I understand that a web search of bleeding years after hysterectomy may turn up the multiple posts on AgingCare, but if you follow any of those links you will be able to see that time and time again our advice has been to see your doctor. I truly don't get why anyone would go to the trouble of creating an account to ask yet again.

On a lighter note, today is National Armed Forces Day. 🇺🇸
Thank you for all who served/serving our Country

Hmm, the admins thoughtfully edited out the snark from my earlier comment... just as well🤷🏻‍♀️

How considerate of them cwillie. Sarcasm intended

Went all over creation yesterday with my daughter and her friend to look for a new apartment.

My daughter is moving since she really dislikes her landlord. She also wanted to be in a totally walkable neighborhood. She walks her husky for miles everyday.

We did find a nice place in a great location for her to move into. She was able to get a six month lease. She wanted a short term lease because she is planning to move back to Colorado.

I will miss her terribly but I want her to be happy. She truly fell in love with Colorado when she lived there.

Gone are the days when family members live nearby. I raised my girls to follow their dreams and go wherever their hearts desire.

I am truly happy that they never felt like I did. I always felt like I should live close to my parents. I regret that now.

I will never make them feel guilty about their choices. My mom and dad didn’t pressure me to be near them. For some reason I just thought it was best.

Technology has changed this world. When I was young, smart phones didn’t exist! It’s remarkable that we have the ability to FaceTime with people in our lives. It is nice to see faces of our children when they call from far away. Granted it isn’t the same as them living nearby but it helps.

Concerning law enforcement and tasers: I believe tasers are overused because LEOs (and many civilians) believe they are basically "harmless" and PROCEDURES are often taught to use the taser to escalate situations in which anyone is being non-compliant. That non-compliance can be asking "why" an LEO wants you to perform some action or why you were pulled over or why LEO wants to see identification. Instead of answering the question and using courtesy and common sense to vocally interact without esculation, an inpatient LEO goes for the taser. A taser can be a deadly weapon, just as mace can be deadly. Use them on someone with a pacemaker, a heart rhythm problem, breathing issues and a few other problems and you may create a medical emergency. People with vision and hearing impairments have their actions mistaken for non-compliance and shot. Becoming a process or procedure based society - one that always follows the rules - risks a biased based society incapable of "seeing" the individual and choosing appropriate actions.

And then there are diabetics and drunk drivers. More than one person has been pulled over for erratic driving, failed a field sobriety test why claiming the have not been drinking (often irritable in their denial) and then locked up in a drunk tank or holding cell only to die of high/low blood sugar.

LEOs are faced with many challenges dealing with the public. Critical thinking is probably a MORE important skill for an LEO than many other jobs BUT our education system and society is turning out people with little "thinking" - rejecting others on a single issue.

George Washington owned slaves so he was a bad person and what he did or thought about anything else is irrelevant!

He's white so he is racist.

She got her job because she's black; probably got into that college because of it too.

She's has an accent so she is probably illegal.

He comes from a "poor" East Tennessee county so what can you expect - just a redneck.

He's got grey hair - that old slow poke (driving the speed limit) needs to stay off the roads.

Do you exercise critical thinking? Do you ask your grandchildren to consider the other side and potential downsides of political discourse? Do you tell them it's okay to push back on things they disagree in school or with their step-parent as long as they remain respectful? Do you practice respect of differing opinions in your posts here?

Disagreement and non-compliance is not disrespect.

LEOs have a tough job and sometimes make regrettable discisions; do we "judge" them on a single bad decision or on a body of work? Is a LEO allowed to have a "bad day"?

TNtechie, spot on.

i continue to be gone from the website, but again wanted to send you all lots of positive energy!! :)

Got a phone call yesterday that a very dear friend and sister in Christ has passed peacefully. She has been ill with MS for a number of years but she still carried on her ministry in the north. She and her team travelled regularly to small communities in the north and set up tent meetings there and further south. They even went to Russian jails as part of their mission. The last few years they set up a centre in the NWT for training and ministry and God blessed them richly. Despite her illness, God kept her going and useful right to the end. I know she finished her assignment here and so her Lord took her home. She will be hugely missed by many, including me. As well as being a friend and a sister in Christ, in many ways she was my pastor too.

Golden, so beautifully put. I am sorry for your loss.

Golden, what a beautiful testimony of a life lived for Christ.

I am sorry for your loss and pray that The Lord gives you peace and comfort. I know how I feel when friends get to go ahead and I truly rejoice for them, I read in your testimony of a life well lived by this precious sister you feel the same way. What a crown she has!

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